I WAS getting excited about this season but...

We sure do have a few basketball scholars posting within this thread. Give me skill, discipline, and kids that wanna win over athletic premodonnas (spelling?) anyday. No. We're not gonna win the NCCAs this year. No. We're not gonna win the BIG this year. But cmon folks. Wake up and realize its NOT all about kids being rated a 4 star or whatever. For every 4 star kid that has made it....there are many more that strikeout. Ever think that just maybe a MOTIVATED 3 star kid will outshine a 4 star in the right environment? Believe it or not...it happens. Been watchin the AAU circuit for years. The "star" system? Sure, it's a decent gauge, however, it also has many, many flaws to it. Whose those 3 athletic clowns down in Miami that were suppose to win the next 4 NBA titles? How'd all that athleticism workout against the slow and old Mavs this year? Hmmmmm....


Not what they're saying. In fact, that's not exactly the argument you would want to make anyway considering two of the recruits (gessel and woody) are 4 stars. They must be prima donnas.

You are also missing the point the op is making...that Fran's style of offense thrives with athletes. Up-tempo style of play doesn't exactly work with slow players. But I don't watch aau games so I'm not qualified to speak on the matter.
....and somebody is next gonna try and tell me that Gabe, Josh, and Aaron are NOT the type of players that Fran wants / needs for his system / offense to execute effectively? Last time I checked, Gabe and Aaron are long, athletic, and run like deer up and down the court. Josh? Not quite as long, however...very skilled. If someone is trying to argue that the roster (as it was) when Fran first got here is not quite to his liking...I'll buy into that, but...cmon folks. Open your eyes. He's DEVELOPING the roster to his liking in addition to TEACHING and COACHING the existing roster to play his style. I think the operative word just might be "patience". Before we go writing this season off and throwing most of the team under the bus...let's give it 8-10 games to see exactly what we have here!

I was beginning to get cautiously optimistic about the upcoming season, but then I talked to a high school coach I know who sat in on a couple Iowa practices a week or so ago.

He told me that the team looks extremely slow and unathletic compared to other teams he has seen.

Not that this guy is some end-all/know-all, but it is depressing that we don't target better athletes for this program. I thought that it might change some with Coach Fran, but it still seems like we aren't really targeting anybody who breaks the mold of the traditional Iowa player.

5th grade girls basketball coachs do NOT count
I'll be the first person to come back on here and say I was wrong when this crew starts running people off the court, jumping out of the gym, and it wins at 8 Big Ten games. I've got no problem doing that.

Like the poster mentioned before, for Fran's style of play we need athletes, or else it looks really bad. Remember when Steven Threet was running the spread offense during Rich Rod's first year at Michigan?
I would not be that shocked to hear a coach offer this opinion.
We are transitioning from a coach who recruited to his system,which was slo-ball,to a coach whose system is fast ball. Fran inherited a team with only one senior,Cole,and so it is not like he is going to re-shape the athleticisim of the roster in one year.

To me, any player rated top 100 is a good addition,no matter how high he jumps,so that makes Gesell and Woody good additons.
Clemmons and Ingram seem pretty athletic from what vidieo is out there.
So that is an improvement.
This year? Well, Uthoff is probably more athletic than White,but we missed on him,and Oglesby is a top 125 guy,so he is a good additon. Shooters are also needed.
Gabe is clearly athletic,but lacking bb polish.

As for Chicagoland recruiting,I agree we need to get in there,as there seems to be a multitude of those quick,.6'5'' wing types that Fran flourished with at Siena.
As for the Public League...Simeon and Whitney Young are dominant,and some of the others have players,but academics can be shaky. Cliff Alexander out of Curie has visited Iowa,but will be a tough get.
I hope we are all over Chicagoland,as there are players in the South Suburbs,catholic league,ect.,as well as public league,and who are better academic risks.

Iowa this year will need to be injury-free and shoot the ball a lot better to win over 15 games.
What do you know about the recruits? That they came to Iowa and they must be great, even though no other major conference team wanted them? Iowa's record recently flies in the face of elite talent pouring into this program as a happenstance. It will be at least another year until Iowa sees progress. To think differently is just asanine.

You serious, Clown? You that big of a clown to not see an upgrade in talent? This year(Fran's 2nd year mind you) we have a top 150 player coming in, another kid who was nearly Mr. Bball of Ohio, and an athletic big man who can run the floor and play D. That definitely an upgrade from the guys Biclighter was bringing in. NO ONE said shiat about what their record was going to be, Clown. Did you read the OP's post, Clown?
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Teams often don't run balls to the walls in practice scrimmages.

They'll run if they feel like it during the actual games.
I just hope I dont come on here after they win 13 games and see people calling for Frans head...
Even though I was named after an Iowa coach I have to admit that it looks like its going to be all Cyclones this year in the state of Iowa.
I'm with 1977Hawkeye. This team was a handful of possessions from having a couple more notable wins last year, and it returns most of its roster. Add in some exciting freshmen with a spark, you could EASILY have a 15-17 win NIT season, especially if they take care of business in the non-con and go into B1G play at 10-2 instead of 7-5 like last year. If they jell right away and knock of ISU, and pull a couple surprises in conference play (not unprecedented) then you could be pushing 19-20. I don't expect 20 wins, but even ignoring the possibility for physical improvement, this team was playing well enough at the end of last year to be a 15-17 win unit. Hopefully the leadership void left by Cole's departure gets filled.
i asked for info on team stats, and got what i wanted, the biggest thing that will help improve wins and losses, that is FT shooting, Iowa had 2 players avg 80% or better, 1 that avg'd in the 70%, the rest were in the 60% or worse, also May was the best 3 pt shooter at 39.5% and other than Gatens nobody was in the 30% group; just improving enough to get one more 3 pt shooter into the 30% group and hopefully he is a starter, then get all 5 starters to get into the 70% range , that alone will lead to more wins;

the other pt of emphasis is height, we had Cole at 6'7 playing center, so most of the time we had a lineup, that looked like this:

Cartwright 6'1
Gatens 6'5
May 6'5
Basabe 6'7
Cole 6'7

not exactly the tallest lineup in the world, i am hoping that Brommer and Archie, both at 6'9 make a big leap like Jepson or Hansen did their senior year, White at 6'8 also bring something to the table Cole didn't that, the ability to shoot the 3;
Olaseni at either 6'10 or 6'11 depending which media outlet talk about him, gives us a true center

which gives this team a lineup of this
pt 6'1
sg 6'6
sf 6'8
pf 6'7
c 6'11

the matchups are more balanced, not to mention the versatility of the players

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