I Like Tim Tebow

Duff, you really think God cares who wins in any sporting event?

Of course not, I just don't have a problem with an athlete thanking God for the athletic gifts he/she received and what they allowed him/her to accomplish.

If you think Tebow is praying "thank you God for letting me win" you are sorely mistaken.
Duff, you really think God cares who wins in any sporting event?

Or how about political campaigns?? At least three (count 'em, 3) of the republican candidates have stated repeatedly that "God called on them to run for POTUS!!"
So which one did "god" really tap?? Perry? Bachman? Cain?
Hey Duff, you have a personal relationship with "GOD", can you tell us why "he" anointed tebow and only tebow to win football games, and also tell us with of the (R)s is telling the truth??
Vintage don't get me started on mixing church with state. :D

BTW Jon, good show. I still do not agree with your stance on Tebow but it was still a good listen.
It's a religion/politics thing. Like, with some of Iowa's athletic programs.

You like Tebow's religion/politics, you like Tebow.
You don't like Tebow's religion/politics, you don't like Tebow.

You like Parker's religion/politics, you like Parker.
You don't like Parker's religion/politics, you don't like Parker?

You like Ferentz's religion/politics, you like Ferentz.
You don't like Ferentz's religion/politics, you don't like Ferentz?

What was the name of that Iowa BB basketball coach in the late 1970's who was a great recruiter and won lots of games for Iowa but was chased out after only a few years? Before Davis? You get my thoughts, here.

Too bad people can't always judge athletic figures solely on their athletic ability.
EDIT:Or, it's really too bad people can't judge athletic figures on at least 50 percent of their athletic ability.
Now that Tebow has proven he can win in the NFL, it may be time to start to put aside prejudices... The religion/politics haters and the windup/throwing motion haters.
Now that some athletic figures have become 'less effective' maybe it's time to also judge their athletic ability accordingly.
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Or how about political campaigns?? At least three (count 'em, 3) of the republican candidates have stated repeatedly that "God called on them to run for POTUS!!"
So which one did "god" really tap?? Perry? Bachman? Cain?
Hey Duff, you have a personal relationship with "GOD", can you tell us why "he" anointed tebow and only tebow to win football games, and also tell us with of the (R)s is telling the truth??

Vincent, in all sincerity if I thought you were the least bit interesting in having an honest discussion about these things I'd respond, but I really don't think that's the case.

I enjoy a lot of what you post, but when it comes to the topic of religion I have a very hard time not feeling a little sorry for you.
Or how about political campaigns?? At least three (count 'em, 3) of the republican candidates have stated repeatedly that "God called on them to run for POTUS!!"
So which one did "god" really tap?? Perry? Bachman? Cain?
Hey Duff, you have a personal relationship with "GOD", can you tell us why "he" anointed tebow and only tebow to win football games, and also tell us with of the (R)s is telling the truth??

He also anointed Kurt Warner and Troy Palamalou.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden are Christians.
Vincent, in all sincerity if I thought you were the least bit interesting in having an honest discussion about these things I'd respond, but I really don't think that's the case.

I enjoy a lot of what you post, but when it comes to the topic of religion I have a very hard time not feeling a little sorry for you.

I'm not looking for sympathy, Duff; I'm looking for answers. Got any?
C'mon guys, you can do better. None of those people were even remotely in situations like tebow, nor did/do they behave like him.tebow is the pin-up for the religious right whiteys in this country, and "by god" they're going to see to it that he remains front & center.

Your the exact type I have a problem with. The minute a guy that comes along and preaches God, what this great country was founded on, you turn into this type of whack job that needs to try to put down a man expressing his Christian views. Then you try to act like its all show. Trust me, its not. Just because a guy has such strong conviction and backbone to show it doesn't make him some self-promoter. He's promoting a message you don't like, so you question him? That makes total sense. No wonder this country has spiraled down the drain. Sorry for the rant.
Its crazy to think God had anything to do with the daily life of Tebow or any Human.

Gods quite the prankster, helps Tebow win while an infant has terminal cancer.
I'm not looking for sympathy, Duff; I'm looking for answers. Got any?

If you want answers I'd start by asking better questions.

Multiple people in the presidential race claim god called on them to run for president. If their faith is genuine (and I'm not making the argument that it is or isn't) then that's hardly contradictory. Many people are called to serve their fellow man through by impacting policy or governing. It only makes sense that the most talented would all seek the position of the most powerful political office in the land.

I don't think God anointed Tebow alone to win football games. I think God blessed Tebow with many physical and mental tools and abilities. Through his hard work and dedication he has used those tools to become the starting QB for the Denver Broncos and when he does something noteworthy on the playing field he feels compelled to give thanks to the one who made all that possible for him.
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Your the exact type I have a problem with. The minute a guy that comes along and preaches God, what this great country was founded on, you turn into this type of whack job that needs to try to put down a man expressing his Christian views. Then you try to act like its all show. Trust me, its not. Just because a guy has such strong conviction and backbone to show it doesn't make him some self-promoter. He's promoting a message you don't like, so you question him? That makes total sense. No wonder this country has spiraled down the drain. Sorry for the rant.

What if tebow was a Muslim or a Jew, Patrick? Pls answer honestly.
He chose me to convert you. How am I doing?

Convert me to what?!?
I understand now why you won't tailgate with me. You're afraid I'll drink all the wine you created from water.
Vintage, ideology is all around us and we all use it. Don't try to remove the 'speck' from your neighbor's eye when you have a mote there yourself - my interpretation from the Bible. To no injure your sensibilities, I'm sure this type of message is found in many religions.

Vintage, one of your ideologies or organized 'religions' is the environment.
I tell you what. You promise to stop posting about the environment and others may promise to stop posting about men being annointed by God.
If you want answers I'd start by asking better questions.

Is that why you keep sidestepping me? Because you think my questions are "no good"?
Weak sauce.
Do you attend the same church as GravyJones and all his kids?
Vintage, ideology is all around us and we all use it. Don't try to remove the 'speck' from your neighbor's eye when you have a mote there yourself - my interpretation from the Bible. To no injure your sensibilities, I'm sure this type of message is found in many religions.

Vintage, one of your ideologies or organized 'religions' is the environment.
I tell you what. You promise to stop posting about the environment and others may promise to stop posting about men being annointed by God.

Umm...ok...wait. What??
It's going to be hilarious when this all goes south and the desperate Broncos fans run Tebow out of town.

The last several QB's they've had (and a QB on the roster, who actually started the year as the 2nd string but was never even given a chance after Orton was pulled) were all better than anything Tebow will ever be.

Orton is a winner... but apparently not a religious-backed winner, so that's not good enough for some bizarre reason.
Culter has been a winner with the Bears, where he actually has a competent defense and has won a playoff game. But then, he made the Pro Bowl with the Broncos just before he traded him; go figure.

More and more I believe the rumors are true: Broncos owner Bowlen has some kind of dementia. Think Al Davis, but thankfully he never puts himself in front of a camera.