I like ISU


Well-Known Member
I never have understood the hate on this board for ISU. I love my state and I root for all of the state teams every chance I get. Don’t get me wrong when ISU plays Iowa I want them to die, but I guess growing up in Keokuk I really can’t think of even knowing one ISU fan. I remember when the Keokuk boys went to state about oh 8 years ago or so. All the people from Keokuk were sitting in the lobby of the Embassy suites. Everyone was watching Iowa in the Big Ten tournament. There were two ISU fans rooting against Iowa. There was probable about 70 or so people from Keokuk shaking their heads and looking at each other in amassment. Finally one of the ladies from Keokuk asked the guys what are you doing? One of them said we hate Iowa. Then the lady said aren’t you from Iowa? Then one of the guys said we go to ISU. Everyone was just shocked that someone from Iowa could be rooting against another team from Iowa. It was then I got my first taste of the hostility, and to this day I have to say, I just don’t get it. Maybe it’s just because in Keokuk there really is only one team everyone roots for so it makes it easier to look at ISU as another state school and not a rival.
If you worked with isu fans and were around them quite a bit you would understand. If Iowa beats isu in something we may let Clone fan know about it and give them a hard time for a few days and then move on to what counts and that is what Iowa does in the conference. If isu should win the game, clone fan will hold it over your head and constantly remind you for the rest of the year. Clone's can suck in the conference but as long as they beat the Hawks, its a successful season for a large portion of their fan base. On the National scene, Iowa is thought of as the school that should win against isu on a regular basis so when Iowa wins it is you were supposed to beat them. If Iowa should lose the game, the national perception is what is wrong with Iowa, they can't even beat lowly isu.
I never have understood the hate on this board for ISU. I love my state and I root for all of the state teams every chance I get. Don’t get me wrong when ISU plays Iowa I want them to die, but I guess growing up in Keokuk I really can’t think of even knowing one ISU fan. I remember when the Keokuk boys went to state about oh 8 years ago or so. All the people from Keokuk were sitting in the lobby of the Embassy suites. Everyone was watching Iowa in the Big Ten tournament. There were two ISU fans rooting against Iowa. There was probable about 70 or so people from Keokuk shaking their heads and looking at each other in amassment. Finally one of the ladies from Keokuk asked the guys what are you doing? One of them said we hate Iowa. Then the lady said aren’t you from Iowa? Then one of the guys said we go to ISU. Everyone was just shocked that someone from Iowa could be rooting against another team from Iowa. It was then I got my first taste of the hostility, and to this day I have to say, I just don’t get it. Maybe it’s just because in Keokuk there really is only one team everyone roots for so it makes it easier to look at ISU as another state school and not a rival.

You need to live outside of Keokuk for awhile to appreciate the myriad of reasons one can dislike the clowns for.
When you are a rival that is what happens. Do you think Red Sox fans who live in New York route for the Yankees?
If you don't understand the dislike then you haven't met any/many clown fans if you still like them or their school. It is really quite simple actually. It is not complicated at all... I suggest you move to Lames and begin wearing Iowa clothes around town for awhile. You will understand...Of course, you will see ISU playboys with a sheep under each arm running around town with big smiles on their face. Then you will truly understand...
I, as an Iowa State fan, agree with the OP.

There are idiots on both sides, and I am probably one of them on two dates of any given year. I really hope my personal ineptitude doesn't happen only once a year. I would hate to see the football matchup die, because win or lose, I have a good time with it, and so do my Hawkeye friends.
I know plenty of Hawks that root against ISU as well. No biggie. Do Auburn fans root for Alabama just because they all live in Alabama? I have no problem with those that like both teams either.
good one Hawke. Keokuk1 if you lived in Des Moines you wouldn't have any problem hating on little brother.
If you don't understand the dislike then you haven't met any/many clown fans if you still like them or their school. It is really quite simple actually. It is not complicated at all... I suggest you move to Lames and begin wearing Iowa clothes around town for awhile. You will understand...Of course, you will see ISU playboys with a sheep under each arm running around town with big smiles on their face. Then you will truly understand...

I have lived in Ames for over eight years. There is NO problem wearing Iowa stuff around town, or even on campus. I was very surprised when I first moved to Ames, and I am still a bit surprised today, about how many Hawkeye fans there are in Ames. If anyone doubts that Iowa is the Hawkeye state, just come to the heart of Cyclone territory and see how many Hawkeye fans openly roam around town totally unchallenged and unbothered. Despite their occasional annoying chatter, Cyclones know their place in this state.
I never have understood the hate on this board for ISU. I love my state and I root for all of the state teams every chance I get. Don’t get me wrong when ISU plays Iowa I want them to die, but I guess growing up in Keokuk I really can’t think of even knowing one ISU fan. I remember when the Keokuk boys went to state about oh 8 years ago or so. All the people from Keokuk were sitting in the lobby of the Embassy suites. Everyone was watching Iowa in the Big Ten tournament. There were two ISU fans rooting against Iowa. There was probable about 70 or so people from Keokuk shaking their heads and looking at each other in amassment. Finally one of the ladies from Keokuk asked the guys what are you doing? One of them said we hate Iowa. Then the lady said aren’t you from Iowa? Then one of the guys said we go to ISU. Everyone was just shocked that someone from Iowa could be rooting against another team from Iowa. It was then I got my first taste of the hostility, and to this day I have to say, I just don’t get it. Maybe it’s just because in Keokuk there really is only one team everyone roots for so it makes it easier to look at ISU as another state school and not a rival.

As you stated yourself, you have no ISU fans around you. You absolutely have to live amongst ISU fans in order to truly appreciate the rivalry. If Iowa loses to ISU and there are no ISU fans around to give you crap about it the next day, week, month and year, then you do not have nearly as much invested in the rivalry or as much face to lose. Believe me, living in Ames, when the Clones manage to beat the Hawks, it directly effects my life in a very close and personal way. To someone who does not live around any Clone fans, the loss sucks as much as any other, but it doesn't have nearly the effect on your daily life.

Almost unfailingly, note I said almost, the people who do not "get" the hatred for the Cyclones on this board do not live around any Cyclone fans. Get out of the 319 or 563 and into the 515 and you will be enlightened.
First of all, I dont understand why we have one of these posts every damn week. We dont care that you think we should all get along and love each others teams. I can guarantee you Florida State Fans USF and Miami Fans all HATE UF, HATE Urban Meyer and HATED Tim Tebow. This is what happens when people are passionate about sports.
First of all, I dont understand why we have one of these posts every damn week. We dont care that you think we should all get along and love each others teams. I can guarantee you Florida State Fans USF and Miami Fans all HATE UF, HATE Urban Meyer and HATED Tim Tebow. This is what happens when people are passionate about sports.

This. I will admit last year I was pulling for CPR a little because he's such a nice guy. But that was last year. It's on now as far as I am concerned. Like I said in the other thread, nothing would pleasure me more than seeing the clones go 0-12. Too bad that won't happen but I would still love to see a four win season on their side of the state.
First of all, I dont understand why we have one of these posts every damn week. We dont care that you think we should all get along and love each others teams. I can guarantee you Florida State Fans USF and Miami Fans all HATE UF, HATE Urban Meyer and HATED Tim Tebow. This is what happens when people are passionate about sports.

I have lived in Ames for over eight years. There is NO problem wearing Iowa stuff around town, or even on campus. I was very surprised when I first moved to Ames, and I am still a bit surprised today, about how many Hawkeye fans there are in Ames. If anyone doubts that Iowa is the Hawkeye state, just come to the heart of Cyclone territory and see how many Hawkeye fans openly roam around town totally unchallenged and unbothered. Despite their occasional annoying chatter, Cyclones know their place in this state.

or they actually have some respect? maybe enough dignity not to feel the need to commetn on the logo on ones shirt regardless of where they are? I think what you are referring to as "knowing their place" is actually known as class. I live in Iowa City and am an ISU grad. I wear ISU gear all the time. there have been numerous occasions of individuals blurting out pretty hateful and disgusting things, say in the gorcery store or at the gas station. pretty embarrassing if you ask me. I would never consider doing that to anyone, especially over something like an athletic rivalry
Here's the thing. To actually love your own team and yet root for the other...requires you to have maturity.

Many have it...others do not. That fact is rather plain to see...along with this truth is what someone earlier in the thread mentioned. That is, that there really IS no difference between ISU and Iowa fans...other than who we root for, we are one and the same.
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