ISU is to football as to what Perez Hilton is to manhood
As I read these responses a few things came to mind. The first one is that make fun of Keokuk all you want but while people in the north and even central part of the state are still buried in snow people in Keokuk are enjoying spring for about 2 to 3 weeks longer so think about that the next time your freezing your butt off shoveling snow. Second is I guess I get why in some ways people in the central apart of the state hate ISU. It’s a lot like why I hate the Chicago Cubs. There fans can’t handle success. One of the few times they were successful was in the early 80,s. I would go to school and have to listen to two cub fans in my home room go on and on about how the Cardinals sucked and the Cubs ruled “ and I’m not even going to touch that form of delusional thinking because that’s like a ISU fan saying Texas sucks compared to ISU†anyway I digress. The only difference in the comparison is if the Cubs fall apart and go away that doesn’t hurt my state. Wishing ISU ill is like wishing your state ill and as much as Iowa fans hate to admit it that is not good for Iowa either.
LOL sorry my computer does that for some reason. I'll try to change it.Please cut out the HUGE font. My wife yelling at me is enough. Make your point without screaming at me.