I like ISU

shocking as it may be, we do not all strive to be like mesaclone, spending 99% of our time on Earth posting on our second favorite teams message board, a team that also happens to be our instate rival. Look around the world of sports and find me one rivalry where the fans of the teams are interchangeable. To me this way of thinking shows you are not a very passionate fan
But cant say that I blame you clowns wanting to get in on some of the Hawks success
My advice is to leave Keokuk...and never go back...ever
I also don’t get posts like this. How does insulting where I’m from make what I say stupid or wrong? If you must know I don’t live in Keokuk anymore but I love where I’m from and even though I no longer live there I’m very proud to call Keokuk my home town.
First of all, I dont understand why we have one of these posts every damn week. We dont care that you think we should all get along and love each others teams. I can guarantee you Florida State Fans USF and Miami Fans all HATE UF, HATE Urban Meyer and HATED Tim Tebow. This is what happens when people are passionate about sports.
I didn't say you "have" to like anyone I just said I didn't understand it thats all. And as far as being passionate that doesn't mean you have to hate your apponate.
I never have understood the hate on this board for ISU. I love my state and I root for all of the state teams every chance I get. Don’t get me wrong when ISU plays Iowa I want them to die, but I guess growing up in Keokuk I really can’t think of even knowing one ISU fan. I remember when the Keokuk boys went to state about oh 8 years ago or so. All the people from Keokuk were sitting in the lobby of the Embassy suites. Everyone was watching Iowa in the Big Ten tournament. There were two ISU fans rooting against Iowa. There was probable about 70 or so people from Keokuk shaking their heads and looking at each other in amassment. Finally one of the ladies from Keokuk asked the guys what are you doing? One of them said we hate Iowa. Then the lady said aren’t you from Iowa? Then one of the guys said we go to ISU. Everyone was just shocked that someone from Iowa could be rooting against another team from Iowa. It was then I got my first taste of the hostility, and to this day I have to say, I just don’t get it. Maybe it’s just because in Keokuk there really is only one team everyone roots for so it makes it easier to look at ISU as another state school and not a rival.
I grew up in north cental Iowa 40 min fro
Ames there is hordes of clone fans there. They hated and still hate Iowa. You live in keokuk which I am certain is far removed from real clone fans.
They have a travel agent that takes care of that.

Hey, I see what you did there. :D

I hate ISU(ck). It started years ago with inter-family rivalry and then was solidified for me with the "BEAT IOWA" jerseys. You youngsters should look those up. I root against ISU(ck) in everything, unless it directly benefits the Hawks. Sometimes at the tournament, I end up rooting for an Ames College wrestler for that reason, but only for that reason.
I grew up in central Iowa, and in my formative years I guess I could say I hated Iowa State. Now, I'm much older and I don't hate them at all. This could be related to the fact that I've lived in Chicago and Madison for a number of years now, and ISU seems really irrelevant except for one Saturday per year. On the other hand, I really hate Wisconsin now! They seem to be a much more important and serious rival to me (same conference, both bowl teams, series nearly dead even after all these years).

If you want to be hatin' on some team, I would lobby for Wisconsin. They certainly don't like us!
Because they are an in-state rival. They try to recruit our in-state athletes (albeit not very successfully). Does UNC like Duke, Does Louisville like Duke, does Florida, Florida State, Miami like each other, does Texas like Texas A&M.....NO.
I grew up in central Iowa, and in my formative years I guess I could say I hated Iowa State. Now, I'm much older and I don't hate them at all. This could be related to the fact that I've lived in Chicago and Madison for a number of years now, and ISU seems really irrelevant except for one Saturday per year. On the other hand, I really hate Wisconsin now! They seem to be a much more important and serious rival to me (same conference, both bowl teams, series nearly dead even after all these years).

If you want to be hatin' on some team, I would lobby for Wisconsin. They certainly don't like us!

This. Wisconsin is a hate-deserving, as is Northwestern and MSU. Nebraska will be a great team to hate soon enough.

ISU is annoying, but I don't hate them.
Hey, I see what you did there. :D

I hate ISU(ck). It started years ago with inter-family rivalry and then was solidified for me with the "BEAT IOWA" jerseys. You youngsters should look those up. I root against ISU(ck) in everything, unless it directly benefits the Hawks. Sometimes at the tournament, I end up rooting for an Ames College wrestler for that reason, but only for that reason.
My Harley riding friend...here they are and it backfired!!!!!
I also don’t get posts like this. How does insulting where I’m from make what I say stupid or wrong? If you must know I don’t live in Keokuk anymore but I love where I’m from and even though I no longer live there I’m very proud to call Keokuk my home town.

In your defense, you were smart enough to leave. Just try not to go back.
Actually, visit the Okie State and Oklahoma boards. They have a very reasonable rivalry going on. They root like maniacs against each other when they play...and yet seem to be pretty positive about each other the rest of the year.

Here's the difference between Iowa and ISU fans:
I never have understood the hate on this board for ISU. I love my state and I root for all of the state teams every chance I get. Don’t get me wrong when ISU plays Iowa I want them to die, but I guess growing up in Keokuk I really can’t think of even knowing one ISU fan. I remember when the Keokuk boys went to state about oh 8 years ago or so. All the people from Keokuk were sitting in the lobby of the Embassy suites. Everyone was watching Iowa in the Big Ten tournament. There were two ISU fans rooting against Iowa. There was probable about 70 or so people from Keokuk shaking their heads and looking at each other in amassment. Finally one of the ladies from Keokuk asked the guys what are you doing? One of them said we hate Iowa. Then the lady said aren’t you from Iowa? Then one of the guys said we go to ISU. Everyone was just shocked that someone from Iowa could be rooting against another team from Iowa. It was then I got my first taste of the hostility, and to this day I have to say, I just don’t get it. Maybe it’s just because in Keokuk there really is only one team everyone roots for so it makes it easier to look at ISU as another state school and not a rival.

When Iowa was having down times in the past the Iowa State fans I know in my area were bit JERKS with more than a capital J. They were mouthy, nasty, arrogant blow hards. So it comes easy for me to cheer against them in every game they ever play. The best day is sports is when ISU loses and Iowa wins. The worst day in sports is when ISU wins and Iowa loses. You'd get it if you had the experience with these fans that a lot of Hawkeye fans have had over the years. I bleed black and gold and could never root for Iowa State.
"They were mouthy, nasty, arrogant blow hards."
First you put it down.

"The best day in sports is when ISU loses and Iowa wins."
Than you emulate it.

That just bleeds irony.

And if you want further proofs of Iowa fans being "blowhards"...simply read some of busabus's postings. Iowa fans are no different than ISU fans...some are blowhards, some are mature adults.
I know plenty of Hawks that root against ISU as well. No biggie. Do Auburn fans root for Alabama just because they all live in Alabama? I have no problem with those that like both teams either.

Are you really comparing Iowa / ISU to Auburn / Alabama? More like Colorado / CSU, or Texas / Baylor.
I personally would have liked to see ISU go down in a conference...just because selfishly it would have helped Iowa even more...I used to root for ISU...now I hope they go winless every year.
This game should be compared with other intra-conference BCS team matchups. Colorado v CSU does not meet that criteria. Auburn v Alabama does...Texas v Baylor does not. Perhaps a better comparison would be Pittsburgh vs Penn State.
My Harley riding friend...here they are and it backfired!!!!!
THIS! If this doesn't scream "the Iowa game is our Superbowl" nothing does. I've never seen a Beat Nebraska, or Beat Texas, or Beat Oklahoma jersey. Not to mention all the F**K Iowa t-shirts the clown fans wear. And don't even get me started on that stupid a$$ billboard! While you may see bad fans on both sides, you would never see Gary Barta put up a billboard in Ames calling this a Hawkeye State, or KF allow players to wear Beat Iowa State on their jerseys.
I don't......

I have a hard time trusting anyone who claims to be a Hawkeye fan and goes to college at ISU.

I avoid driving past Ames at all costs, but when I do I look to the east the whole time I drive through.

I've never met an ISU fan I like. In fact talking to them makes me feel dirty.

I could care less how many games a year they lose.

I wasn't going to reply to this thread, but I just read an article from some schmuckhole clown blogger about how he's ticked that Iowa licensed the ANF mark as an official trademark. He thinks it's a joke because only an AG school would understand what "America Needs Farmers" is really all about. It was quite pathetic.