I got busted today, just got home from jail

I don't know the name of the bar, all I know is that it's in the same block as the old Tuck's Place.

Bar lets kids come in, doesn't check ID's. Lets the group ringleader (my kid) run up a tab buying beers for all the bro's. A TAB i'm telling you! Then, when it's time to pay up my kid runs out the back door. For some dumb reason, the bartender gave Ed an unopened can of beer before asking that the tab be closed out. Cops grab my kid, find the beer on him and slap down a $735 minor in posesion, then after Ed fesses up where he got the beer, the cops talk to the bar owners. Claims of some 1880's antique law called defrauding an innkeeper BS.

All I know is that I'll end up paying for this crap. Iowa City is a police state, DONT GO THERE

Oh, the good ol days when an innkeeper would let you run up a tab without checking an id or taking a credit or debit card.
You are an idiot. You could have been minding your business blowing lines off the railroad bridge railing on melrose, doesn't make it anyless illegal than having an open container, twice!

If this is real, I don't feel sorry for you one bit. You are ignorant if you can't read the newspaper to understand that the UI is finally enforcing the law. You are ignorant, if you had a warrant out for your arrest, and were breaking the law. You are ignorant, if you had a warrant out for your arrest, got off easy for breaking the law, and then proceeded to break the law a second time right in front of the cops.

My advice to you, is to stop buying season tickets, making the donations, and lay off the juice. Take all that extra cash, and take care of that child support. Make the first adult decision of your life. You'll be a much better man for it.
not only are you one of the reasons these rule changes are being enforced.. But then threatening a law suit on the university... YOU my friend, are what is wrong with America.

Good luck on this law suit, especially since you have chosen to take to a public message board on how you were told not to do it, and then did it. Plus it sounds like your history won't work in your favor.
More bad news.
Geez, can this day get any worse?

Man, I hate to tell you this cause you are such a cool guy and all. but that Czech boss Ted Something (can't spell his last name) just put out a contract on Paco because of him selling that bad weed and then having the gall to brag about it. Teddy is really ****** and if you see Paco you better tell him to make it right with Teddy or he's gonna rue the day he snuck into this country. Just a head's up, Bro.
I don't know the name of the bar, all I know is that it's in the same block as the old Tuck's Place.

Bar lets kids come in, doesn't check ID's. Lets the group ringleader (my kid) run up a tab buying beers for all the bro's. A TAB i'm telling you! Then, when it's time to pay up my kid runs out the back door. For some dumb reason, the bartender gave Ed an unopened can of beer before asking that the tab be closed out. Cops grab my kid, find the beer on him and slap down a $735 minor in posesion, then after Ed fesses up where he got the beer, the cops talk to the bar owners. Claims of some 1880's antique law called defrauding an innkeeper BS.

All I know is that I'll end up paying for this crap. Iowa City is a police state, DONT GO THERE

That's really awful. I just feel terrible for that poor kid.
Let's see. Where did you go wrong.

1) You were warned well in advance thru the media what was going to be allowed & not allowed.
2) You were given a 2nd warning face to face with the cop on your 1st encounter.
3) You then proceeded to crack another beer. Nothing pizzes the police off more than being disrespected. The cop was respectful to you the first time by giving you the warning. You should have said thank you maam & proceed dry, but you didn't.

Now you think you are going to sue the UofI, right! The law is on the police's side & they were just enforcing a law that has been looked over in the past. You were on a public street with an open container, allegedly. That can legally be enforced so your lawsuit wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Good luck with that!
In one of your earlier post you said the kid wasn't yours but you had to pay the child support. now you say your ex called and gave you the news adn you are claiming him as your son Ed.

How many ex's and ilegitimate children do you have out there? Should we be worried about the future of America?

This is a great thread btw. Perfect for a quiet Sunday morning.
This thread is like a car wreck I can't take my eyes off of. I have to keep reading to find out what happened to Paco. Will this be a joint lawsuit? Will there be any cousins that come out telling tales of police brutality? Good stuff; please keep it coming!

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