I don't really get it.

I dont disagree. Trust me. We have some seriously competitive kids who are NOT giving up and understand they are "that close" to winning. The second half is gonna be a totally different story. Zero doubt in my mind.

I don't disagree. But 9-9, or even 10-8, isn't going to feel like how I expected it to. Before the season, I expected Iowa to be beaten handily by Michigan, Indiana, and at Minnesota. Only in one of those games was that the case. The team has demonstrated it's capable of more than that, and people will have a hard time thinking anything but "what if," regardless of the final record.
If you would have told me that at this time we'd be sitting at 87th in the RPI I would not have been happy. Can't blame it on the schedule either. Our SOS to date is 98th and the hard part of our schedule is over. Every team has games they could have won not just us

UNI is 93rd, not 87th in RPI.
Great post Spank. Problem is there are a ton of posters who a.) have no patience and b.) cannot see past their nose as to what truly is going on with Iowa Basketball and how that projects for our not so distant future. I can't wait to see people jump back on the bandwagon after we run off 2-3 wins in a row. It's comical as well as frustrating when you think about it.

Yeah your right, I should have expected the loss Sunday because I a) Have no patience b) cannot see past my nose to truly know what is going on with Iowa Basketball. Whatever!!

The word bandwagon is one of the most overrated words ever.. Give me a break. I've been watching Iowa basketball for 43 years and even during the LICKLITER years still watch the damn games and probably everyone else here did too.. IMO Bandwagon is like calling a women the you know what word.
I don't disagree. But 9-9, or even 10-8, isn't going to feel like how I expected it to. Before the season, I expected Iowa to be beaten handily by Michigan, Indiana, and at Minnesota. Only in one of those games was that the case. The team has demonstrated it's capable of more than that, and people will have a hard time thinking anything but "what if," regardless of the final record.

Nobody in their right mind was thinking anything better than 10-8 at the beginning of Conference play. Starting 3 freshman and a sophomore? Cmon Tm. We finish 9-9 / 10-8 at this point and it's gonna feel like we just won the National Championship given how many fans(?) feel right now and given the fact we would be heading into the BIG Tournament with some serious confidence and on somewhat of a roll.

Yeah your right, I should have expected the loss Sunday because I a) Have no patience b) cannot see past my nose to truly know what is going on with Iowa Basketball. Whatever!!

The word bandwagon is one of the most overrated words ever.. Give me a break. I've been watching Iowa basketball for 43 years and even during the LICKLITER years still watch the damn games and probably everyone else here did too.. IMO Bandwagon is like calling a women the you know what word.

what word?
UNI is 93rd, not 87th in RPI.

for the 307th time...Ive never watched a UNI game when they didn't play Iowa.

Lots of people on here are saying " Oh I had us at 3-6 and that's what we're at so you can't get mad." Our SOS is bad and is only getting worse. The what if games are what's separating us from above avg teams...unfortunately we're not one. Good teams find a way to win.
Nobody in their right mind was thinking anything better than 10-8 at the beginning of Conference play. Starting 3 freshman and a sophomore? Cmon Tm. We finish 9-9 / 10-8 at this point and it's gonna feel like we just won the National Championship given how many fans(?) feel right now and given the fact we would be heading into the BIG Tournament with some serious confidence and on somewhat of a roll.

I expected 9-9, maybe 10-8. I never said anyone expected more. That doesn't mean people are out of line for thinking maybe they'd underestimated what this team is capable of. I expected 10-8 with a few losses where we had no chance of winning. Several of the games I had circled for that have already come and gone, and only one was a game Iowa could not have won. And I hardly think I'm alone in that boat. People adjusted their expectations after seeing Iowa was/is capable of knocking off the top teams, and the team is falling short of those new expectations.

I'd be a lot more satisfied with losing handily to the top of the conference than continually seeing Iowa shoot itself in the foot with the same things.
Yes the future is bright and Fran is on the right track. However I agree with TM, nothing wrong with wanting more, especially when we all know we COULD and SHOULD be sitting much better than we are.
I expected 9-9, maybe 10-8. I never said anyone expected more. That doesn't mean people are out of line for thinking maybe they'd underestimated what this team is capable of. I expected 10-8 with a few losses where we had no chance of winning. Several of the games I had circled for that have already come and gone, and only one was a game Iowa could not have won. And I hardly think I'm alone in that boat. People adjusted their expectations after seeing Iowa was/is capable of knocking off the top teams, and the team is falling short of those new expectations.

I'd be a lot more satisfied with losing handily to the top of the conference than continually seeing Iowa shoot itself in the foot with the same things.

This makes no sense.
This makes no sense.

I should rephrase. I'd be more satisfied with a 9-9/10-8 record if the games against the top teams went as I expected them to. Instead, I'm getting teased into believing the team can do more than I expected.
I should rephrase. I'd be more satisfied with a 9-9/10-8 record if the games against the top teams went as I expected them to. Instead, I'm getting teased into believing the team can do more than I expected.

Don't disagree Tm. You are exactly right.
I should rephrase. I'd be more satisfied with a 9-9/10-8 record if the games against the top teams went as I expected them to. Instead, I'm getting teased into believing the team can do more than I expected.

So you're looking at it strictly from a single season point of view rather than looking at the program as a whole?
So you're looking at it strictly from a single season point of view rather than looking at the program as a whole?

Definitely. I'm not worried at all about the overall direction of the program. I think Fran is the right guy and will bring the program all the way back from the bottomless pit that was the Lickliter Era. This season has just been so incredibly frustrating to watch.
Definitely. I'm not worried at all about the overall direction of the program. I think Fran is the right guy and will bring the program all the way back from the bottomless pit that was the Lickliter Era. This season has just been so incredibly frustrating to watch.

So you're looking at it strictly from a single season point of view rather than looking at the program as a whole?

Fran has got the program going in the right direction and that is good to see.

I would think that most fans live in the moment (single season) of each year. When the season ends we look at expectations for the next year.
Iowa has basically won the games it was expected to win and lost the games it was expected to lose. If they continue to do so for the rest of the season they will be pretty much right where everyone expected them to be going into the B10 Tournament.

It seemed the consensus was that they were going to have to win a couple of games in the B10 Tournament to get into the dance. Well, to do so, they will have to beat one of these teams they were not expected to beat, which will give them that marquee victory right after a nice final run at the end of the conference season.

I just don't quite understand how things are different now than what was expected before the season.

Maybe because many fans are a bunch of whiners?

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