Howe: It’s Brian Ferentz’s Time to Be Iowa’s Offensive Coordinator

It isn't rational. Look at how Iowa has performed in comparison to other Big Ten teams during KF's tenure, as a whole. He doesn't "consistently" underperform. And the view of the performance is based on each individual's expectations. I had Iowa going 9-3 during the regular season. Others expected at least 10-2. Say they beat NDSU and NW but lose to Michigan, they'd have been 9-3.

But it's up to you to decide what is acceptable to you and what's not. And yes, I say "vocal group" because you're not the majority. You're the same group of people on here championing the same cause. It really isn't as large as you think it is. You're screaming from the top of the mountain after the PSU loss then silent during the three-game winning streak then back after the bowl loss. The tenor of this board is completely predictable.

If you were the majority, the stands would not be full and the money wouldn't keep rolling into a program that is among the healthiest in the country. But I know KF has nothing to do with that.

Great post and spot on. It is predictable as the day is long.....It is funny that the same 20-30 posters on here that are super negative on everything Iowa, everything KF actually think that they are the majority. They think the 65,000-70,000 fans sitting in Kinnick are just a pissed off as them about everything Iowa.

It is pretty funny, and completely predictable as you say. The crazy thing is people that they see as "apologist" or "KF Lovers" like me are actually the vast majority of fans. We understand that Iowa isn't going 12-2 every season, we get very pissed off when Iowa loses, we scream, and nash our teeth.......but when the game is over we go on with our life and don't think the whole thing needs burned down after seasons of 8, 7, 12, and 8 wins. That to them is unacceptable, and makes you an "apologist".....The majority of fans realize that is what the Iowa program is under Fry and Ferentz.....a 8 win a year team. In a 13 game season (bowl game) if you win 8 games that makes you a 61% winning % team. That is pretty much was Hayden was, and pretty much what Kirk has been for the last 15 years. I HATE seasons with fewer than 8 wins, and I really enjoy the seasons of more than 8 wins.
Great post and spot on. It is predictable as the day is long.....It is funny that the same 20-30 posters on here that are super negative on everything Iowa, everything KF actually think that they are the majority. They think the 65,000-70,000 fans sitting in Kinnick are just a pissed off as them about everything Iowa.

It is pretty funny, and completely predictable as you say. The crazy thing is people that they see as "apologist" or "KF Lovers" like me are actually the vast majority of fans. We understand that Iowa isn't going 12-2 every season, we get very pissed off when Iowa loses, we scream, and nash our teeth.......but when the game is over we go on with our life and don't think the whole thing needs burned down after seasons of 8, 7, 12, and 8 wins. That to them is unacceptable, and makes you an "apologist".....The majority of fans realize that is what the Iowa program is under Fry and Ferentz.....a 8 win a year team. In a 13 game season (bowl game) if you win 8 games that makes you a 61% winning % team. That is pretty much was Hayden was, and pretty much what Kirk has been for the last 15 years. I HATE seasons with fewer than 8 wins, and I really enjoy the seasons of more than 8 wins.

I am a season ticket holder with 3 seats in premium seating area. I like Kirk Ferentz and will renew my seats. I am happy Davis is gone. I hope it is Brian that gets the OC spot. Some on here are just professional whiners. I bet they do the same where they work too. We all know people like that.
Greg Davis was a horrible hire. Absolutely awful. The fact that KF doesn't have to answer for that hire is ridiculous in itself. It just furthers the evidence that our AD is useless as tits on a bull. Any AD with half a brain wouldn't have approved that hire. Barta could have placed one call to Bob Stoops and learned what type of OC GD was and what kind of talent his system needed to thrive. Talent KF doesn't get at Iowa.
I'm not hiring a 1 legged man to dig ditches for me. I'm not hiring GD to run my offense that lacks elite speed. GD's offense needs elite speed to function at it's highest level. Get your skill position players with elite speed in space and get them the ball.

Coordinators get tossed all the time. And most coaches never win a national title (well over the 90% level), so should they all get fired too?
You are delusional. 1980s ISU versus 2000s ISU. The 2000s ISU whips the 80s ass every time.

Yep, ISU won 7 games or more 5 of 6 years in the 00's. They didn't win 7 games EVER in the entire 20 years Hayden coached against them
Seems like Kirk has put himself in an awkward position that he probably likes. If he doesn't promote Brian, then he has to deal with tension within the offensive coaches. If he hires someone else, will the new OC really be able to be his own man? I would not like a job where I have to hold my position coaches responsible and one of them is the head coach's son. Kirk has cleverly positioned this so that Brian is the logical choice and made it so that other top prospects will be less interested. Kirk doesn't seem to mind the awkwardness of family hiring.
Seems like Kirk has put himself in an awkward position that he probably likes. If he doesn't promote Brian, then he has to deal with tension within the offensive coaches. If he hires someone else, will the new OC really be able to be his own man? I would not like a job where I have to hold my position coaches responsible and one of them is the head coach's son. Kirk has cleverly positioned this so that Brian is the logical choice and made it so that other top prospects will be less interested. Kirk doesn't seem to mind the awkwardness of family hiring.

Also look at it this way. Brian gets in 5 years at OC and things not going so well, Kirk and Brian probably depart together as can you imagine having to fire your son? I am sure there are parents on here that maybe had to do that before but that would be right up there with a list of things I would never want to have to do. Otherwise if things humming in good direction, Kirk remains and transitions to Brian. And recruits would basically know who will take over when time comes unless change in University leadership indicates otherwise.
If Kirk hires anyone other than Brian, does Brian need to go somewhere else? I would hate to be in a position where I had to supervise the boss's son, especially if he had been a candidate for my job.
Also look at it this way. Brian gets in 5 years at OC and things not going so well, Kirk and Brian probably depart together as can you imagine having to fire your son? I am sure there are parents on here that maybe had to do that before but that would be right up there with a list of things I would never want to have to do. Otherwise if things humming in good direction, Kirk remains and transitions to Brian. And recruits would basically know who will take over when time comes unless change in University leadership indicates otherwise.

This certainly seems like the most likely scenario. What does Kirk have to lose? Another bowl game? Too soon?
Yep, ISU won 7 games or more 5 of 6 years in the 00's. They didn't win 7 games EVER in the entire 20 years Hayden coached against them

ISU sucks regardless of era, you're comparing piles of dung. One is just a little bit bigger.(41% vs 32% winning percentage during KFz and Hayden tenures. That "7th win" came against the additional non-con opponent cupcake that came with a 12 game schedule in many cases) Also keep in mind when Hayden was hired ISU was the better program (in terms of Ws and Ls) He had plenty to do with their decline at the same time Iowa rose up.

Spin it anyway you want there's still no excuse for Kirks lousy performance against the clowns. It's the undeniable, perhaps defining, stain on his resume.
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Coordinators get tossed all the time. And most coaches never win a national title (well over the 90% level), so should they all get fired too?
I'm not sure what your point is. You say coordinators get tossed all the time and then you want to know if coaches that down win a National Title should get fired too? That's a big leap. I'm not saying KF should get fired for hiring GD. I'm saying our spineless AD never should have approved the hire in the first place. He should have looked KF square in the face and said, "do better".
I'm not sure what your point is. You say coordinators get tossed all the time and then you want to know if coaches that down win a National Title should get fired too? That's a big leap. I'm not saying KF should get fired for hiring GD. I'm saying our spineless AD never should have approved the hire in the first place. He should have looked KF square in the face and said, "do better".

Good God, Barta is incompetent enough, we don't need him hiring/firing/approving assistants. If he did those thing. we would be buried under Greg Davis 10 year contract right now.
The hiring of Brian would strike me as possible nepotism. It concerns me that if things go south the hate towards the Ferentzes could get ugly.

But I've come around to him probably being the best choice for the OC. Having youth at that position can't hurt for one thing.
Given the way the offensive line looked at the beginning of the year, I am not impressed with the idea of Brian becoming the offensive coordinator.

However, having said that, I think it is going to be hard to get a multiple WR set with 4 or more receivers until the offensive line can pass block for more than 3 seconds. But something needs to be done. And this year is a great year to do it. Experienced offensive line returning, Wadley returning. WR's maturing (we hope) TE's maturing. Looking like Stanley can be an effective QB. The pieces are all there for someone to succeed as OC.
Given the way the offensive line looked at the beginning of the year, I am not impressed with the idea of Brian becoming the offensive coordinator.

However, having said that, I think it is going to be hard to get a multiple WR set with 4 or more receivers until the offensive line can pass block for more than 3 seconds. But something needs to be done. And this year is a great year to do it. Experienced offensive line returning, Wadley returning. WR's maturing (we hope) TE's maturing. Looking like Stanley can be an effective QB. The pieces are all there for someone to succeed as OC.

I agree with the general thrust of this post. But we don't have an adequate sample size to judge Stanleys efficacy. Though I will say on paper we have a nice stable of QBs (which include Stanley). Weigers; Stanley and Cook all got 4 stars from at least one service. So potential is there and optimism is fair (that's right I know how to rhyme), for the QB position.
ISU sucks regardless of era, you're comparing piles of dung. One is just a little bit bigger.(41% vs 32% winning percentage during KFz and Hayden tenures. That "7th win" came against the additional non-con opponent cupcake that came with a 12 game schedule in many cases) Also keep in mind when Hayden was hired ISU was the better program (in terms of Ws and Ls) He had plenty to do with their decline at the same time Iowa rose up.

Spin it anyway you want there's still no excuse for Kirks lousy performance against the clowns. It's the undeniable, perhaps defining, stain on his resume.

You missed the 8-3 Earl years and I think Duncan followed with 7-4. The scary part is....why do I know that?
OK, once upon a time an inexperienced coach moved to Iowa....did OK but not exceptional and retired with millions with one of the best coaching contracts ever. He did nothing wrong and was amply rewarded for his stellar efforts and got his son hired and it was all above board and everyone lived happily ever after. The end.

The Ostrich.
Glad to see that you came around to my way of thinking!

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