How to respond to tailgating crackdown.

Nothing against you, brah, just the defeatist attitude that my fellow countrymen seem to have become accustomed to. It ain't like that section of the Iowa Code was walked down Mount Sinai by Moses or anything. Jaywalkers pose a bigger threat to public safety than someone carrying an open beer, go after them. It doesn't matter to me, me and HappyChef landed KC passes so I won't have to wander out into prole hinterlands anyway.

Hardly defeatist, I just happen to to have bigger things to worry/complain about than not being able to drink a beer while I'm walking down Melrose.

"Rocklin explains the scope of the problem by noting that nearly a quarter of UI undergraduates report having suffered physical injury as a result of alcohol use within the past year. That’s one and a half times the national average."

First of all this research alarms me. Were the interviews conducted in Burge Hall at 3:00am? Where did they report it to? "Hello Sally, I've just burned my penis in my panini maker...well, yes...I've been drinking....ok, add me to your report." Please tell me they didn't count the bruised pubic bone as a physical injury...that's just good aggressive sex for christ's sake.

Either the the average UI student has gotten seriously more ignorant...or they actually need to drink more to build up some tolerance. I have to think this is flawed research and the data is being used to support their neo nazi views.

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