How to respond to tailgating crackdown.

Watching people whine and complain because they feel entitled to do whatever they want whether it's legal or not is a little entertaining. It's unfortunate that so many people feel this entitlement. I guess in these days of helicopter parents and allowing children to do whatever they want, it's not surprising that so many people feel they should be able to do whatever they want if they want it bad enough.

Wow...You may be the biggest tool I've ever seen on this board. I'd love to get some parental advice from you. I don't even want to imagine how you take this issue and equate it to how one of us may or may not raise our children. I think someone should take your guns away from you. I picture you with a buzz cut, beer gut with coaches shorts, white socks pulled up to the knees, and Chuck Taylor high tops.

You're god damn American, right. We want you on that wall, we need you on that wall.

Go get em, Duwayne.
It is never perfectly legal to walk in public with an open container the cops choose to look the other way. Using your logic it would be perfectly legal to rob a bank when you are running low on funds right?

How do you compare robbing a bank with alcohol consumption? Yes, I think you should be able to rob a bank if public robbery is allowed in the area surrounding the bank.

Yes it is perfectly legal to walk down the street/sidewalk in public with open container during certain events.
How do you compare robbing a bank with alcohol consumption? Yes, I think you should be able to rob a bank if public robbery is allowed in the area surrounding the bank.

Yes it is perfectly legal to walk down the street/sidewalk in public with open container during certain events.

All good the fact that this isn't a normal residential or commercial environment completely lost on these guys. It's an event including the surrounding area.
I can drink my beer in the lots but I can't smoke my cigarettes. I can smoke my cigarettes on streets/sidewalks but I can't drink my beer. So if I have one foot on each side can I do both?
Wow...You may be the biggest tool I've ever seen on this board. I'd love to get some parental advice from you. I don't even want to imagine how you take this issue and equate it to how one of us may or may not raise our children. I think someone should take your guns away from you. I picture you with a buzz cut, beer gut with coaches shorts, white socks pulled up to the knees, and Chuck Taylor high tops.

You're god damn American, right. We want you on that wall, we need you on that wall.

Go get em, Duwayne (sic).

LOL. You're way off on that.
Let's not forget the fact we can't drink vodka and OJ(great morning drink) on private property or play drinking games on private property. How is this government even allowed to determine this?!!? Shouldn't Finkbine be in charge of that if I'm in their lot?

What right does the government have to be able to tell me what I can and can't drink? Overreaching.

Every year they keep taking a little freedom for us. It adds up.
Iowa has a MASSIVE problem on campus with student drinking, and party culture. And that needs to be corrected swiftly...I have NO problem with the university and city police cracking down on student parties and such, as minors are obtaining alcohol through these parties. And as freshman they learn that the only thing that matters at Iowa is partying.

HOWEVER when they start to crack down on people that are over 21 and really doing nothing wrong, then I get slightly ticked. Driving down Melrose between the 5-10 police officers on each side all peering into your car...felt like something out of a Nazi Germany check point. They are getting out of hand, University Heights has it right, find the underage drinkers and punish them...but use common sense when dealing with the rest.

And I'm not even 21 so it's not like I'm "ticked at them ruining my drinking" this is about principles for me, this is still America.
Iowa has a MASSIVE problem on campus with student drinking, and party culture. And that needs to be corrected swiftly...I have NO problem with the university and city police cracking down on student parties and such, as minors are obtaining alcohol through these parties. And as freshman they learn that the only thing that matters at Iowa is partying.

HOWEVER when they start to crack down on people that are over 21 and really doing nothing wrong, then I get slightly ticked. Driving down Melrose between the 5-10 police officers on each side all peering into your car...felt like something out of a Nazi Germany check point. They are getting out of hand, University Heights has it right, find the underage drinkers and punish them...but use common sense when dealing with the rest.

And I'm not even 21 so it's not like I'm "ticked at them ruining my drinking" this is about principles for me, this is still America.

Open containers on streets and sidewalks are illegal.
Im old enough to know a problem when i see it, and by the responses of dozens of people on these boards, it is widespread.

But you aren't old enough to understand what breaking the law means.

I know you won't believe this h8 but the number of people that go to the game on saturdays worried about how much alcohol they are going to consume are far and away outnumbered by those that aren't. It's not a widespread problem, as you have pointed out by the dozens of people on this board that are obsessed with their alcohol consumption.

I have a bottle of alcohol dehydrogenase @ work, I'll weigh you out a few mg's this week & find a local AA chapter for you to join.
Let's not forget the fact we can't drink vodka and OJ(great morning drink) on private property or play drinking games on private property. How is this government even allowed to determine this?!!? Shouldn't Finkbine be in charge of that if I'm in their lot?

What right does the government have to be able to tell me what I can and can't drink? Overreaching.

The government ISN'T telling you where you can and can't drink; the UNIVERSITY is telling you you can't do these things on their property...that's why as some have pointed out, you can do whatever the **** you want in University Heights because it ain't under the Universities jurisdiction.

F&%k, I just wish a lot of you would get with the god-damn program and understand that this is the Universities reaction to the 21-ordinance in IC. Yes, they are hypocrites if they support the ordinance & at the same time allow a lot of things to go on during football weekends during this past.

This is not, and never was an Iowa City "problem", re: tailgating; these rules only apply to University property, hence the fact that people were getting busted the second they moved from University Heights, to Kinnick on Melrose.
How's this...if the cops tell you to do something, you do it.

If the University tells you that you can't drink or smoke in a certain place, or walk around with an open container...all you need to do is comply.

You, of course, have the option of staying home or doing something else...once there, just follow all the rules and don't talk crap to the cops. Do that, and you'll be good to go. Cops don't harass people for fun (Ok...perhaps .001% of them do), nor do they make the rules...they just enforce them.
Question, who's the db who knocked my rep over this topic. Whoever did so, in such a rude fashion, has the maturity level of about a 6 year old. What an idiot. The only remaining question is if they have the stones to admit to their stupidity.
How's this...if the cops tell you to do something, you do it.

If the University tells you that you can't drink or smoke in a certain place, or walk around with an open container...all you need to do is comply.

You, of course, have the option of staying home or doing something else...once there, just follow all the rules and don't talk crap to the cops. Do that, and you'll be good to go. Cops don't harass people for fun (Ok...perhaps .001% of them do), nor do they make the rules...they just enforce them.

Hmmm...supporting "Big Gov't" today, I see. :D
You're right, H8IAST8.

And by all means I think those responsible should be held accountable!!!

Back in the day, the Chuck Long years, they used to allow botas into the game and you could have kegs where you tailgated, even on University property. Then they changed the rules.

Guess what happened? We adapted to it. No more kegs, big deal. As you have seen until now, it hasn't really mattered much. There are plenty of people that probably adapted to it Saturday.

You can be one of the whiners that doesn't or you can just deal with it like an adult, or at least a responsible college kid. Figure out a way to drink and enjoy the game. When you get out in the real world you will probably get chastised for coming to a boss with a complaint that you haven't figured out a solution for. I guarantee you there are plenty of people that are still drinking before the game and not having problems.

Figure it out and move on.
Re: You're right, H8IAST8.

And by all means I think those responsible should be held accountable!!!

Back in the day, the Chuck Long years, they used to allow botas into the game and you could have kegs where you tailgated, even on University property. Then they changed the rules.

Guess what happened? We adapted to it. No more kegs, big deal. As you have seen until now, it hasn't really mattered much. There are plenty of people that probably adapted to it Saturday.

You can be one of the whiners that doesn't or you can just deal with it like an adult, or at least a responsible college kid. Figure out a way to drink and enjoy the game. When you get out in the real world you will probably get chastised for coming to a boss with a complaint that you haven't figured out a solution for. I guarantee you there are plenty of people that are still drinking before the game and not having problems.

Figure it out and move on.

back in the day - like 1973 when the team didn't score a point at any home game - you could bring coolers full of beer or/and anything else into the stadium - speaking of back in the they inspect your water bottles......
here's my question...and maybe I'm way off base, but if they had not announced changes to the public, and the police simply enforced the laws to a greater degree, would you people be so worked up about it or would you simply accept the fact that the police arent playin games anymore. Regardless of how they enforce it or to whom the law is enforced its still the law and the police represent that law. Seems to me that some of you are getting a little edgy for no reason. I'm 25 yrs old guys and honestly I dont go to Iowa games to get hammered...i go to watch my beloved hawkeyes kick some ***. Dont like the rules??? Then there are many a hawkeye pub all over the state. Pretty simple really. Same with the whole music even admitted you knew that rules, so some cops may give you a break and some might not...depends on the person and maybe even how there day has gone to that point. If they have been dealing with whiny people all day they prolly dont wanna hear you whine either.
you guys need to quit drinking! You should also give up sex--do you realize how you are cheating your boss of productivity by thinking about sex every couple of seconds? God really messed up--he should have given us a sex drive once or twice a month instead of 24/7!!! Go get castrated and see the improvement in your life!!!

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