How to respond to tailgating crackdown.

Maybe it's quite a leap because one is "your property" being your home and the other is NOT your property. Again, not, not, not, not, not your property. I guess I don't understand why some don't get that. It's not yours, it's the universities and these cops are only enacting the laws that they were sworn to uphold. The UNIVERSITY is asking these POLICE to uphold these policies, which they are now doing. ON THE UNIVERSITIES PROPERTY! Not your home, your yard or your drive way. If you want to continue to tailgate with the old status quo, then sit at home in your driveway. I'm sure the Iowa City PD will leave you alone.

Look pal, I know you want to usher in an even more totalitarian regime than what America already has, but who really owns the University's property? It ain't GarBar or Sally Mason or the feminists, big government liberals or bible thumpers who are pushing these changes, it is the fine people of the State of Iowa. The problem with communism (the U is effectively a communistic regime) is that when everyone owns something, no one owns it and you get a bunch of unelected 80 year old crotchety deans and unshaven feminists pushing their social engineering agendas on everyone.

There are maybe a few hundred people who get too drunk on game days, but given this modern regime of "let's punish everyone for the sins of a few" you're going to see these idiots ratchet the regulations and enforcement too far and they will end up killing the goose that lays the University's golden egg. My buddy who upped his donation level to get a KC pass (he bought the pass prior to the jackbooted thugs coming down on everyone) was more than a little upset when the knuckledraggers told him to shut it down after the game while he was finishing up some grilling. The University's problem is always that they treat everyone they do business with like a freaking criminal instead of a customer or a client. Then they wonder why donations have dried up for everything but the football program and soon, they'll wonder why those dried up, too.
Look pal, I know you want to usher in an even more totalitarian regime than what America already has, but who really owns the University's property? It ain't GarBar or Sally Mason or the feminists, big government liberals or bible thumpers who are pushing these changes, it is the fine people of the State of Iowa. The problem with communism (the U is effectively a communistic regime) is that when everyone owns something, no one owns it and you get a bunch of unelected 80 year old crotchety deans and unshaven feminists pushing their social engineering agendas on everyone.

There are maybe a few hundred people who get too drunk on game days, but given this modern regime of "let's punish everyone for the sins of a few" you're going to see these idiots ratchet the regulations and enforcement too far and they will end up killing the goose that lays the University's golden egg. My buddy who upped his donation level to get a KC pass (he bought the pass prior to the jackbooted thugs coming down on everyone) was more than a little upset when the knuckledraggers told him to shut it down after the game while he was finishing up some grilling. The University's problem is always that they treat everyone they do business with like a freaking criminal instead of a customer or a client. Then they wonder why donations have dried up for everything but the football program and soon, they'll wonder why those dried up, too.

Mr. O'Keefe...your arguments make too much sense...don't you know it's not proper to question the University's responsibility to tell you how to live your life...even you law abiding citizens who like a screw driver in the morning of game day. And turn your music down because it may or may not be bothering someone. "We're changing our enforcement policies for the kids...we have to protect the kids." Next week the same people who can't control their drinking, will be arrested, regardless of the steps that have been taken. The University in their infinite wisdom, will then decide, well, you know what, we can't have alcohol on premises during game day to protect our patrons.

I'll not be donating anything to my alma mater this year.
We're all happy for you.

Don't you have a Hitler Youth Meeting to go to today? Wait, it's labor day/labor party, maybe you do still have your meeting.

Can you recite one more time how open containers on public street is illegal? I'm not sure if I understand your black and white view of the world.
There's a difference between having one's home taken through eminent domain and feeling entitled to walk down the street drinking beer when it's against the law.


As for the government "taking" your house thru eminent domain....they don't "take" your house. I suppose in a way they do, but you get paid fair market value. Sure...I might not be too happy about that...but I know it is something that could happen. A tornado could hit my house too.

It is not the same as walking down Melrose with an open KNOW it is wrong and choose to ignore the law. You should not be surprised or upset when you get ticketed.
Don't you have a Hitler Youth Meeting to go to today? Wait, it's labor day/labor party, maybe you do still have your meeting.

Can you recite one more time how open containers on public street is illegal? I'm not sure if I understand your black and white view of the world.

Hey! More nazi talk. That's great. I can't wait until the university fires up those gas chambers over in the new Carver-Hawkeye expansion.
Don't you have a Hitler Youth Meeting to go to today? Wait, it's labor day/labor party, maybe you do still have your meeting.

Can you recite one more time how open containers on public street is illegal? I'm not sure if I understand your black and white view of the world.

Classy. So much for not making things personal, right?
It is not the same as walking down Melrose with an open KNOW it is wrong and choose to ignore the law.

This is great authoritarian brain washing. I hope you are a tavern Hawk and not a grad of the U of I, if you are a grad, the liberal indoctrination they are cramming down the kids' throats is certainly working.

I think something is "wrong" if it hurts or has a reasonable likelihood of hurting another human being or their property rights. Mere legality doesn't make something right or wrong. Slavery was legal, that didn't make it right. Gassing undesirable in Nazi Germany was legal, that didn't make it right. Walking 200 yards down a street with an open beer is not wrong. That mere act on its own does not harm anyone or anyone's property rights. Neither does some stoner sitting in his basement ripping bongers. Neither does two consenting adults exchanging "services" for pay. The problem is that it only takes a few jackbooted knucledraggers to decide that they don't like something and then outlaw it without regard to whether or not such behavior actually causes any externalities to another person or to property rights. Then they have a willing set of brainwashed freedom loathing cheerleader cronies who support them.
Trying to tie any political party to either side of these regulations is stupid. Im sure there are hardcore Libs and Conservs on both sides.
This is great authoritarian brain washing. I hope you are a tavern Hawk and not a grad of the U of I, if you are a grad, the liberal indoctrination they are cramming down the kids' throats is certainly working.

I think something is "wrong" if it hurts or has a reasonable likelihood of hurting another human being or their property rights. Mere legality doesn't make something right or wrong. Slavery was legal, that didn't make it right. Gassing undesirable in Nazi Germany was legal, that didn't make it right. Walking 200 yards down a street with an open beer is not wrong. That mere act on its own does not harm anyone or anyone's property rights. Neither does some stoner sitting in his basement ripping bongers. Neither does two consenting adults exchanging "services" for pay. The problem is that it only takes a few jackbooted knucledraggers to decide that they don't like something and then outlaw it without regard to whether or not such behavior actually causes any externalities to another person or to property rights. Then they have a willing set of brainwashed freedom loathing cheerleader cronies who support them.

Who are YOU to decide what is right and what is wrong? Who are YOU to decide which laws are to be obeyed and which ones ignored? So let me get this straight...anyone who obeys a law that YOU don't agree with is "brainwashed"?? And any law that YOU don't like is one that was come up with by jackbooted knuckle draggers?

And people wonder why this country is going down the toilet.
This is great authoritarian brain washing. I hope you are a tavern Hawk and not a grad of the U of I, if you are a grad, the liberal indoctrination they are cramming down the kids' throats is certainly working.

Actually, it's the law. Just like the other 368 days of the year. Whether or not you agree with it doesn't matter.
Who are YOU to decide what is right and what is wrong? Who are YOU to decide which laws are to be obeyed and which ones ignored? So let me get this straight...anyone who obeys a law that YOU don't agree with is "brainwashed"?? And any law that YOU don't like is one that was come up with by jackbooted knuckle draggers?

And people wonder why this country is going down the toilet.

Look tavern Hawk, you are brainwashed because you think that just because something is illegal it is wrong. That is a decidedly big government, authoritative stance. I'm someone who believes in things like freedom and economic self-determination, the principles upon which our nation was founded. Jackbooted knuckledraggers are people who come up with laws that don't address a wrong. I have no problem regulating behavior that causes injury to a person or property rights. I have asked multiple times in threads like this what "wrong" is being addressed by open container laws. No one ever answers. No one. Because there is no wrong, it's just that a group of crotchety old jackbooted legislators at one point decided they didn't like it so they banned it and now it is nothing but a giant revenue source for Iowa City. The only answer I ever get is "it is that way because we love big government and are too intellectually bankrupt to think about whether there should really be a law of that nature." Tavernhawk sheeple like you have no critical thinking skills.
Look tavern Hawk, you are brainwashed because you think that just because something is illegal it is wrong. That is a decidedly big government, authoritative stance. I'm someone who believes in things like freedom and economic self-determination, the principles upon which our nation was founded. Jackbooted knuckledraggers are people who come up with laws that don't address a wrong. I have no problem regulating behavior that causes injury to a person or property rights. I have asked multiple times in threads like this what "wrong" is being addressed by open container laws. No one ever answers. No one. Because there is no wrong, it's just that a group of crotchety old jackbooted legislators at one point decided they didn't like it so they banned it and now it is nothing but a giant revenue source for Iowa City. The only answer I ever get is "it is that way because we love big government and are too intellectually bankrupt to think about whether there should really be a law of that nature." Tavernhawk sheeple like you have no critical thinking skills.

Tavernhawk? Nice fail there, Jethro.

Show me any post I've made since Saturday that said anything about "if something is illegal it must be wrong". You can't. And that isn't the point.

The point is....if something is illegal....DON'T DO IT. You can whine your little girl whine but...if walking down the street with an open container is illegal....again....DON'T DO IT. The citizenry do not have the right to obey only the laws they agree with. There happen to be all sorts of laws I don't like and I think are stupid...but I don't have the right to just ignore them.

You don't like the law? Then get off your fat behind and work to get it changed. Crying crocodile tears on an internet message board isn't going to get it done.

Internet tough guys such as yourself are all talk. Why don't you actually try and do something about some of these laws that have your panties in a bunch? Oh I about an indignant email to Sally Mason? That should do it.
OK4P appears to be angling with about 8 Lb test line today. I think he has been favoring the lighter tackle lately. It's more sporting for him, when he hooks a Duncefish.
I think Okeefe subsribes to Ayn Rand's view of objectivism.

Look, I've been spending my Saturdays in Iowa City for 10 years now. I did not have any encounters with the police last Saturday. Neither did anyone with my group. However, it felt the entire day like we were being watched by big brother. Cops were looking in people's car windows and coolers. There didn't seem to be any reasonable suspicion....just random searches. I don't think that's the intent of the new rules.

Mark my words....if this is how tailgating is going to be regulated in Iowa City, there will be a backlash that will negatively impact Iowa City, the U of I, and the Hawkeye Football program.

I've read too many stories where people had similar experiences/observations as I had on Saturday. There is a big difference between punishing people who are breaking the law and seeking out people to punish. Trust me...the enforcement personnel last Saturday were seeking out tickets to write and people to punish.

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