How long do you give a coach??

You must be young..Between 1980 and 1999, Iowa was in the Final 4, Elite 8, Sweet 16, 4 times and reached the 2nd round 10 times. That is hardly "just making" the NCAA tourney here and there. Iowa has turned into such a crap hole for basketball that fans are now settling for total mediocrity

But but but but we don't have oceans . . . and little local talent . . . and <insert lame excuse from mediocrity-loving apologist>
Ding, ding, ding, ding....... we have a winner!!!! Absolutely nothing wrong with that standard AS A GOAL.

What is the standard now? Play no name basketball and football programs to juice up your winning percentage and then TRY to win half of your conference games and then play and LOSE in post season. This mind set SUCKS.

Then don't fucking watch? Find a new team? Duke would love to have you.
Then don't fucking watch? Find a new team? Duke would love to have you.

Don’t like to hear the truth do you? Yes Duke, North Carolina, Kansas, and Wisconsin would love to have me because I have high expectations unlike you. Your probably one of those idiots that was still supporting Lickliter.
Don’t like to hear the truth do you? Yes Duke, North Carolina, Kansas, and Wisconsin would love to have me because I have high expectations unlike you. Your probably one of those idiots that was still supporting Lickliter.

There's a big difference between realistic expectations and delusional expectations

How many programs win a national title every 5 years?

Ucla has 0 in the last 20 years
Duke has 3 in the last 20 years
UNC has 3 in the last 20 years
Kentucky has 1 in the last 20 years
Kansas has 1 in the last 20 years
Louisville has 1 in the last 20 years
Indiana has 0 in the last 20 years

So in the last 20 years none of those schools have won 1 national title every 5 years but you expect Iowa to? That's called delusional
There's a big difference between realistic expectations and delusional expectations

How many programs win a national title every 5 years?

Ucla has 0 in the last 20 years
Duke has 3 in the last 20 years
UNC has 3 in the last 20 years
Kentucky has 1 in the last 20 years
Kansas has 1 in the last 20 years
Louisville has 1 in the last 20 years
Indiana has 0 in the last 20 years

So in the last 20 years none of those schools have won 1 national title every 5 years but you expect Iowa to? That's called delusional

I said as a Goal because it would be unrealistic to expect that. However, losing in the first round of the BTT is not meeting anyone’s expectations and after nine years of recruiting in a power five conference fans have a right to be upset and dissatisfied losing to weaker teams in a weaker conference ESPECIALLY when your non-conference schedule has already been heavily scrutinized by many media professionals as very weak. Losing to these two teams really hurt us. I’ve already said that I am hoping that Fran can correct things and that the season is still young. It’s going to be very difficult but not impossible.

I’ve also said before the season began that Fran has earned another year or two because of the graveyard he dug this program out of. However, if at the end of next year we are still losing in the first round of the BTT and only winning one game in the NCAA then it’s POSSIBLE Fran has taken this program as far as he can. I think that is being totally fair to him. The reason some of us are so upset is because it means a lot to us. The people that don’t care NEVER WERE TRUE FANS.
mophead isn't a true fan
he's a true moron who never played any sport other than hopscotch, and after slamming his face into the pavement for the 50th time he had to give that up
I said as a Goal because it would be unrealistic to expect that. However, losing in the first round of the BTT is not meeting anyone’s expectations and after nine years of recruiting in a power five conference fans have a right to be upset and dissatisfied losing to weaker teams in a weaker conference ESPECIALLY when your non-conference schedule has already been heavily scrutinized by many media professionals as very weak. Losing to these two teams really hurt us. I’ve already said that I am hoping that Fran can correct things and that the season is still young. It’s going to be very difficult but not impossible.

I’ve also said before the season began that Fran has earned another year or two because of the graveyard he dug this program out of. However, if at the end of next year we are still losing in the first round of the BTT and only winning one game in the NCAA then it’s POSSIBLE Fran has taken this program as far as he can. I think that is being totally fair to him. The reason some of us are so upset is because it means a lot to us. The people that don’t care NEVER WERE TRUE FANS.

I actually agree with all of that.

Im just as upset about the losses. I had high hopes for this season and 6 games in its not looking good to say the least.

I think anyone would consider me a true and hardcore fan. I watch every game, i paid to watch all the exhibition games, i went to the battle 4 Atlantis tournament in the bahamas a few years back (amazing experience btw), went to almost every home game when i was in college, etc.

I just have tempered expectations this year. The team is still very young. If they don't make the tournament this year it's a huge disappointment. However I think Fran has earned the right to see Cook, moss and Bohannon thru the program. If they aren't doing anything at that point I think it's probably time to thank Fran and move on.
How did this feud between Josh & Mopkins begin? Curious

I remember one time he told me I was obsessed with him but I honestly had no idea who he was. I must have said something that struck a nerve which is hilarious. Then he started a thread about shimonek and willies and I started mocking it and included oliver martins stats and he apparently took it personal. That's all I got.

Eventually he started calling me a non athletic poor person on welfare?

PS - my wife is due with our second child on March 24th and I still booked my annual March Madness trip to Vegas March 15th-18th in spite of that fact. It's very dumb and might lead to divorce but nothing ruins March madness weekend.

So if someone wants to question my college basketball fandom...dont bother. I bet, watch and track games nightly and the only team I actually care about is Iowa.
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There is no correlation between expectations and how big of a fan you are. Expectations have more to do with how much grasp you have on the reality of how hard it is to win consistently in sports.

In basketball, I hope to win more, I don't expect to. I do however expect to play at least competent defense. If football, I don't expect to win more, but I expect to at least enjoy watching the games.
I actually agree with all of that.

Im just as upset about the losses. I had high hopes for this season and 6 games in its not looking good to say the least.

I think anyone would consider me a true and hardcore fan. I watch every game, i paid to watch all the exhibition games, i went to the battle 4 Atlantis tournament in the bahamas a few years back (amazing experience btw), went to almost every home game when i was in college, etc.

I just have tempered expectations this year. The team is still very young. If they don't make the tournament this year it's a huge disappointment. However I think Fran has earned the right to see Cook, moss and Bohannon thru the program. If they aren't doing anything at that point I think it's probably time to thank Fran and move on.

By the way congrats on expecting your second child. The second one for us made the work load seem like it tripled instead of just doubling. Then when number three came along for us it didn’t seem like it changed much. Lol, people are probably wondering what I am talking about that weren’t reading along yesterday. I see you edited that part out. I’ve done my share of editing over the years on here.

I thought about editing out that part about people supporting Lickliter being idiots. He was so ineffective offensively (defense wasn't bad) so I just couldn’t bring myself to edit that part, and yes just a game before Todd was fired there were some on forums (hawk forum and maybe over here too) who were calling for him to be given at least two more years to establish himself at Iowa. Fran’s recruiting seems to have picked up a notch that’s why I am ok with giving him more time UNLESS the wheels totally come off.
I said as a Goal because it would be unrealistic to expect that. However, losing in the first round of the BTT is not meeting anyone’s expectations and after nine years of recruiting in a power five conference fans have a right to be upset and dissatisfied losing to weaker teams in a weaker conference ESPECIALLY when your non-conference schedule has already been heavily scrutinized by many media professionals as very weak. Losing to these two teams really hurt us. I’ve already said that I am hoping that Fran can correct things and that the season is still young. It’s going to be very difficult but not impossible.

I’ve also said before the season began that Fran has earned another year or two because of the graveyard he dug this program out of. However, if at the end of next year we are still losing in the first round of the BTT and only winning one game in the NCAA then it’s POSSIBLE Fran has taken this program as far as he can. I think that is being totally fair to him. The reason some of us are so upset is because it means a lot to us. The people that don’t care NEVER WERE TRUE FANS.

I've felt for awhile that Fran hasn't really accomplished that much at Iowa since turning around the program early on and nothing has changed my opinion about that. We could have made the NCAA tournament last season with but one win in the BTT and not only did we lose to Indiana we didn't show up and played as lazy of defense as I've seen for awhile. That kind of stuff shouldn't happen at this point in his tenure just like the two early losses this season if you want to get the program to the next level. Your point about expectations seems spot on no matter how far you think Iowa can go as a program.
By the way congrats on expecting your second child. The second one for us made the work load seem like it tripled instead of just doubling. Then when number three came along for us it didn’t seem like it changed much. Lol, people are probably wondering what I am talking about that weren’t reading along yesterday. I see you edited that part out. I’ve done my share of editing over the years on here.

I thought about editing out that part about people supporting Lickliter being idiots. He was so ineffective offensively (defense wasn't bad) so I just couldn’t bring myself to edit that part, and yes just a game before Todd was fired there were some on forums (hawk forum and maybe over here too) who were calling for him to be given at least two more years to establish himself at Iowa. Fran’s recruiting seems to have picked up a notch that’s why I am ok with giving him more time UNLESS the wheels totally come off.

Haha it's there I think I put it in a second post. I was slightly drunk last night but hanging out with family for 4 days will do that

And thanks. First one will be 2 years old when the second one is born. So I'm expecting a handful. For some reason my work gives me, the father, 15 weeks of vacation upon birth of the child. The 15 weeks can be taken at any time up to a year after the baby is born. It makes zero sense but I guess I shouldn't complain. :D
There is no correlation between expectations and how big of a fan you are. Expectations have more to do with how much grasp you have on the reality of how hard it is to win consistently in sports.

In basketball, I hope to win more, I don't expect to. I do however expect to play at least competent defense. If football, I don't expect to win more, but I expect to at least enjoy watching the games.

I agree with this 100%.
There is no correlation between expectations and how big of a fan you are. Expectations have more to do with how much grasp you have on the reality of how hard it is to win consistently in sports.

In basketball, I hope to win more, I don't expect to. I do however expect to play at least competent defense. If football, I don't expect to win more, but I expect to at least enjoy watching the games.

Sounds like a spirit of indifference to me. The “whatever” crowd. Yes they may be fans but not die in the wool fans. If you have no expectations from the team you support then why care? If you really don’t care then that comes back to what I was saying in the first place. If there were no expectations then why did people want to get rid of Lickliter? The reason was because he wasn’t living up to the expectations of the powers that be and the expectations of the fans. Yes, to an extent some fans might enjoy going to the game and just enjoy the atmosphere of being at a sporting event. They might even tilt toward one team over another or have a mild tilt toward one team in general. However they also take on a mindset of “Oh well my team lost but maybe they will do better next time.” That is such a luke warm attitude to have. It’s very unlikely they even have a cap or tea shirt of their teams logo with in there personal property items. They have zero expectations and yet they are fans barely.

What your trying to say that this type of person is as big of fan who has Hawkeye Logos on his vehicles, in his yard, on twenty percent of his personal clothing, whom knows who we play next week, and the week after that, and the week after that. Who goes to the games or never misses a game on TV. Who is throwing things at their TV when the mess up or lose the game. If you think these types of fans don’t have expectations then you are not living in reality. If you think these types of fans are on the same level as the “whatever” crowd then you are not living in reality.

Now if your talking about ISU football fans then you got me on that one. However we are not Iowa State fans as IOWA HAWKEYE fans have expectations................ well some of us do. :rolleyes:
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