HN Festivus: New Site Direction/Moderation


I am looking into some changes on the message boards to try and satisfy as many users as I can, so the message boards can be a place where people can get out of them what they want to get out of them.

For the most part over any given 30 day span during the Iowa sports seasons, there are more than 100,000 people who visit this site. That's roughly the population of Davenport.

Now, there's no way the entire city of Davenport is going to agree on everything, just like there is no way all of the people of a town the size of Winterset will agree on everything.

I think there are things we can do so that you can get the most out of the boards, or what you want to get out of them.

Some people just want to stick to Iowa sports topics. That's why I moved the Off Topic board to opt in status, so those posts do not show up on the main forum landing page. Those who like the OT posts (which I do, for the most part) can still view them on your landing page by opting in. Here is how you do that.

One you opt in, your HN message board browsing experience will be as it always has been.

I will also more closely monitor the posts that are made in the ON TOPIC forums, such as the football, basketball, recruiting forums, etc. I would like for posts and conversations in these forums to remain on topic as much as possible. I realize 100% compliance is next to impossible, and I do not want to spend my day pruning posts. Just please keep this request in mind.

Also, please take care to start a topic in the appropriate forum. Don't start a basketball post in the football forum. Don't start an off topic post in the football forum.

I am also looking at creating sub forums whose posts will never show up in the forum landing page. A place where those who like to really hash it out with fellow posters can go. Our posting rules (which you can read here) will still apply, such as no profanity or lewd images or discussions), but if you want to go brass knuckles on a topic, have at it. The only way to gain access to a forum like this will be to opt in, so that no one can complain about the forum or what is said in it. NOTE: This does not mean it would be a place to post harmful rumors. It will not be a free for all in that regard. If you want something like that, this is not going to be the site for you.

The reality is that 95% of the people who visit this site each month never post on the boards. Some just don't enjoy that or don't spend the time to do it. Some see how new posters are treated by other longer time posters, as if their low post count means they are not worthy of being paid any attention or their opinions can be dismissed.

That's garbage, and that sort of treatment is going to stop on this site.

That sort of clique behavior turns people off and keeps other people from wanting to get involved and express their opinions. We're done with that on this website. If you want your clique stuff, the subforum will be for you. Otherwise, keep that sort of stuff out of the main forums, or please take it to another website.

Now, if you have any ideas, suggestions, criticisms, farewell blasts or what have you, let's take care of that in this thread. Let's consider this our Festivus post...the airing of grievances if you want, or ideas to help create a better and more vibrant community.
I have opted in to both the OT and political forum. Would like these available for the phone app.

I really miss the OT.

Happy Festivus!

P.S. I think this years feat of strength should go to BK and Vint!
If you don't want 'post count' cliques then just don't include the post count on every post. Keep it in the user profile.
If you don't want 'post count' cliques then just don't include the post count on every post. Keep it in the user profile.

People will still seek it out if its there..if its not there somewhere, people will complain.

So just don't make comments related to someone's post count.

There, problem solved.
Love the changes, Jon. It's a Festivus Miracle! The schtick on this board was getting really old over the last six weeks or so.

Now on to the feats of strength....
How about going back to the positive rep system, our a positive/negative rep system so that posters will be known by the quality (or lack thereof) of their posts? It might help cut down on the in thread sniping if people have another way to let their opinion of a post be known.
How about going back to the positive rep system, our a positive/negative rep system so that posters will be known by the quality (or lack thereof) of their posts? It might help cut down on the in thread sniping if people have another way to let their opinion of a post be known.

Rep systems, or star systems, are the ultimate form of message board cliques IMO. Don't see that coming back.

People that make quality posts become known by the community. those that don't are also known by the community
Jon--if there was a "Report Post" button on each post, your monitoring job may become easier. For example, if the same post is reported 10 times, there would be a pretty good chance that it was violative and you could easily find it, review it, and potentially remove it.

Just a thought.
Applaud your changes.

The less it looks and acts like a children's playground the better the site becomes in my opinion.
I say to the members of HN no more posts asking for Jon to delete or ban or basically tell him what to do on his site... He's a big boy.

Huge fan of losing the clique mentality around here. **** gets old...
The only thing I would change on this site would be having a moderator watch the game threads more closely. Sometimes they get out of hand. Other than that, I love this site.
I am one of the 95% How about you top 5% stop being so mean and greedy. Oh wait, I think this is not the correct forum for that. However, this is my 1st post and have always been very hesistent to ever comment on anything because Im not at the level of many on here. Thanks Jon for the changes.
I think this is a fantastic idea, Jon.

It's become very tedious lately going though all the ostrich and chad posts (I know you've addressed that, too) to get to the meat of the issues. Those that want to be comedians can continue to do so in the subforums.

It doesn't mean there won't be humor in the regular posts, just hopfully not all the "really hilarious posts" from those that think they're "really hilarious". There are really just a handful of them (you know who you are), but since they post so much they seem to be everywhere. Of course, Shane is the exception... he actually IS funny most of the time.;)
I have opted in to both the OT and political forum. Would like these available for the phone app. I really miss the OT.Happy Festivus!P.S. I think this years feat of strength should go to BK and Vint!


In addition I would like to see something revolutuionary in the recruiting website world.
Is this the bash EddyP thread? I just get tired of all the self righteous "Thanks Jon" threads looking down your nose at people who actually post. Yeah some of us like to goof around a little(i.e. me), big deal. I don't care if someone posts a little or a lot and I am certainly not a part of or care to be a part of any "clique". If you don't post a lot fine just don't come off as all high and mighty. That is all I was trying to say.

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