HN 2013 On the Record: Football Prediction

No Im not going to think hes great for that. If Iowa would have won 6-7 games like they should have last yr than 8 or 9 wouldnt seem amazing. However if you think Iowa was only good enough to win 4 games last yr then a bowl game this year might seem okay and 8 or 9 seem amazing.

You say 3 is really bad and I agree. I think 10-11 would be really good. For me though its more about Iowa not beating themselves. Its about Kinnick not becoming one of the favorite places to play in the BoneG.

I get it, nothing short of perfection is going to make you think KF is even half way competent. Also where did I say last years 4 wins was good, or good enough? It was a complete like of crap. They lost games they had no business losing.
I get it, nothing short of perfection is going to make you think KF is even half way competent. Also where did I say last years 4 wins was good, or good enough? It was a complete like of crap. They lost games they had no business losing.

There isn't one season Kirk has gone without losing a game he shouldn't have lost.
I get it, nothing short of perfection is going to make you think KF is even half way competent. Also where did I say last years 4 wins was good, or good enough? It was a complete like of crap. They lost games they had no business losing.

There you go not reading again. Stop being a liar and respond to what I say. Why do you think superman cant eat a whole pizza by himself while riding a eagle that is red?
There you go not reading again. Stop being a liar and respond to what I say. Why do you think superman cant eat a whole pizza by himself while riding a eagle that is red?

You said you wouldn't be impressed with KF unless he had a NEAR PERFECT season (11 wins).
So is this where I say Ill be a huge kirk fan if he wins 11 games?

You used last years disappointing season to make a 8 or 9 win season this year seem not that impressive.
No Im not going to think hes great for that. If Iowa would have won 6-7 games like they should have last yr than 8 or 9 wouldnt seem amazing.

Excuse me if I colorfully paraphrase what you say, instead of taking it verbatim......You might want to watch that yourself if you are going to call others liars just because they don't use direct quotes. I got what you were putting down exactly correct though.
You said you wouldn't be impressed with KF unless he had a NEAR PERFECT season (11 wins).

You used last years disappointing season to make a 8 or 9 win season this year seem not that impressive.

Excuse me if I colorfully paraphrase what you say, instead of taking it verbatim......You might want to watch that yourself if you are going to call others liars just because they don't use direct quotes. I got what you were putting down exactly correct though.

In your own post you show how you lied. You dont need to lie just because you dont agree with me.
OK, I always start every season believing that the Hawks will win every game, every year...

But then, someone starts a serious topic and I've got to take off my blinders and let the analytical chips fall where they may, so here goes.

And man, how I wish I could get over to the optimistic side of the fence... But after watching last season's debacle offense and the changes made (or more glaringly - not made) to keep it in place, I've decided to make the prediction for 2013 based on what we saw in 2012. Purely objective, no emotional hawkeye glasses worn. If you are feint of heart, or have a tendency to feel sickly in exceedingly uncomfortable conversations - stop reading now! I warned you, if you still haven't looked away, what you are about to see is my 2-10 prediction...

No. Ill - LOSS. Huskies struggle a bit with Iowa D, but get 13-17 pts on the board. Iowa can't keep up.
NWMSU - WIN. Much like UNI last year, Iowa has too much O and D and wins by 10.
ISU - LOSS. Road trip to a team that will sell all out to win "their biggest game of the year" - Questions?
WMU - WIN. Very close game, we decide to recover onside kicks and not commit PF penalties at inopportune times, that might say lose us the game.
The rest of the season - ALL Losses. I think Minnesota and Purdue will be very close games (one score). The rest MSU, OSU, NW, UW, Mich, & Neb I believe have the potential to "get medieval" with the Hawks losing by three or four TDs or more.

It pains me to put my prediction into writing and I sincerely hope that I am as wrong as wrong can be. But after an objective analysis of last season's games and the off season moves, this is how I believe year two of the dreaded horizontal offense will play out.

Finally, if I'm wrong, and oh do I hope I am very wrong, should the Hawks win more than two games I will gladly acknowledge any spear thrown my way and admit my egregious error in public for all to see.

Again, I sincerely hope I am flat out wrong and that we've seen the last of the air mailed one step drop sideline passes to row 15 and higher. And that we attempt to throw the ball somewhere in the vicinity or beyond the first down markers. and finally I hope that our running plays into 9 and 10 man fronts are farther and fewer between.,, and of course who could forget the delay of game penalties in the 2 minute offense, ah the memories... wait, I"m feeling very sleepy now and almost dream like can see the ghosts of offenses past (2002, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009 etc...) that moved the ball down the field and tried to score TDs...
"....No. Ill - LOSS. Huskies struggle a bit with Iowa D, but get 13-17 pts on the board. Iowa can't keep up.
NWMSU - WIN. Much like UNI last year, Iowa has too much O and D and wins by 10.
ISU - LOSS. Road trip to a team that will sell all out to win "their biggest game of the year" - Questions?
WMU - WIN. Very close game, we decide to recover onside kicks and not commit PF penalties at inopportune times, that might say lose us the game."

Don't see Iowa losing to a Northern Illinois team that isn't as good as the team they fielded last year. Especially with Iowa being better this year. Iowa's defense is expected to be better. Not a lot but significantly enough to stop the Huskies. The offense slightly better.
Iowa State always a toss up with the home team winning most of the time (recently). Iowa State's defense has some big holes to fill with AJ and Jake gone. Look for the game to come down to the fourth quarter.
WMU. Don't see that one being close but Iowa (Kirk's teams) seems to play down to teams at times, particularly early in the year. Iowa wins by 10.
Any Iowa loss in these early games is very bad. It's doubtful that they can make it up later and still get to 6 wins or better.
In your own post you show how you lied. You dont need to lie just because you dont agree with me.

You don't think KF is a good coach now, why would one good season make you think he was a good coach? Not lying at all, just calling them as I see them, and I doubt very much there is anything that KF can do to convince you that he is a good coach.....including winning 10 or 11 games.
Ok what the hell. I just spent $1500 on Iowa City plane fare for a 48 hour weekend MSU game so I'll predict:
Iowa starts 6-0. (Only possible if the team has actual offense. Lets hope).

Then splits its last six to go 9-3.
Lets hope for a WR or two to emerge and that GDGD is not a complete failure.
You don't think KF is a good coach now, why would one good season make you think he was a good coach? Not lying at all, just calling them as I see them, and I doubt very much there is anything that KF can do to convince you that he is a good coach.....including winning 10 or 11 games.

Yes you lie to push my view to the extreme to try to prove your points. Very pointless for you to even post Dean if you are going to make things up.
This is a rather pointless exercise, but I'll throw in my .02.

Wins - NIU, Mizzou St., WMU, Purdue
Losses - Ohio State, jNW, Michigan, Nebraska
Toss-ups - ISU, Wisconsin, MSU, Minnesota

I think most folks realize that in order for Iowa to be successful this year the line and the running backs are going to have to stay healthy, at least until whomever gets the starting QB job gets comfortable. I also think that in the early going the tight ends will play a huge role in taking the pressure off of said QB.

I think they can get two or three of the toss up games, but I also think the game in Ames will tell us a lot about the mental makeup of team going forward. Most folks think that game will be close, and with ISU holding the homefield and the historical advantage when the game is close, a 7-10 point Iowa win would lean those other 3 toss up games (especially the Wisconsin and MSU games) closer to the win column.

All that said, I'll say 7-5.
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Assuming you are correct on both ends of his career as HC at Iowa, maybe this is the problem. Pressure is a good thing - he certainly responded in the early years. If he really does not feel pressure now, I don't think that bodes well for Iowa. However, maybe the pressure now is to end his career strong to secure his legacy - if he has more 4-8-type seasons, I think his legacy will be scarred, or mixed at best. Certainly he wouldn't want to walk away on those terms - or if seasons like last year continue, he may not get the chance to walk away. He comes off as humble, but I believe his ego is big enough that he feels the pressure to want to be known as one of the great Iowa coaches.

Hayden's last two teams criminally underachieved and then finished 3-8, and nobody in the Iowa fan base views him in anything other than a favorable light.

That said, Hayden was able to leave on his own terms, which is rare in the coaching world. Barring a complete train wreck this year and next, Kirk will leave on his own terms as well.
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Hayden's last two teams criminally underachieved and then finished 3-8, and nobody in the Iowa fan base views him in anything other than a favorable light.

That said, Hayden was able to leave on his own terms, which is rare in the coaching world. Barring a complete train wreck this year and next, Kirk will leave on his own terms as well.

It's widely known that Fry was battling cancer and approaching 70 yrs old at the end of his career. I think Hayden gets a bit of a free pass on those last two years. And oh yeah... what he did in the first 18 years was nothing short of a miracle, considering the program that he took over.

Find me a similar explanation for Ferentz's fade since 2009 and he'll get the same benefit of the doubt.
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I will preface my picks by stating that I'm not a Ferentz hater. I think he is an above average evaluator of talent and an excellent developer of players. Unfortunately, I also believe that he is a below average game day coach and conservative to a fault. That said, I am going with a repeat of 2012's record of 4-8 with a chance to swing the record one game in either direction.

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