Here's What I Wrote on Eno

Exactly right. Kirk is here to stay. Don't be dumb. People can whine and cry all they want. So a kid decommitted. So what, better for him and us. We don't know whether he would have panned out here or not. We have some good running back talent coming up. I understand Iowa stating if they offer it is 100% guaranteed. We don't pull any Michigan crap as far as I know and pull offers after kids are committed. So we don't pull offers, even when kids get hurt, so why should we let kids continue to play footsie with other schools after they commit. we can't find a bunch of kids on the last day if all the sudden they flip days before signing day.

How is Eno decommitting better for us?
And all that cache gained from last season's spectacular
How is Eno decommitting better for us?
Some Iowa fans (and the head coach) think Iowa sports should be a morality play. And so Iowa, once again, becomes a mediocre football program. But they play the right way....
I hope we as a program never host any recruits who are verballed to other schools. We better not try to flip kids commitments and either.

I get the staff is upset. They should get the game has changed and this isn't a job interview. If we want the best players, we have to accept some flirtation and gamemanship.

To me, if the recruit is breaking the law, cannot maintain grades, or serious character issues, those are reasons to pull the offer.

Not because they took other visits. Secret or not, you discuss and repair.

We are going to see more kids drop. And we'll get those 2* feel good stories that may strike lightning in a bottle once every 6 years
I think somewhere in between Kirk's rigid philosophy of no other visits or you're not worthy to come to Iowa and Harbaugh's sleep-overs and otherwise butt-kissing recruits is the right approach.
I hope we as a program never host any recruits who are verballed to other schools. We better not try to flip kids commitments and either.

I get the staff is upset. They should get the game has changed and this isn't a job interview. If we want the best players, we have to accept some flirtation and gamemanship.

To me, if the recruit is breaking the law, cannot maintain grades, or serious character issues, those are reasons to pull the offer.

Not because they took other visits. Secret or not, you discuss and repair.

We are going to see more kids drop. And we'll get those 2* feel good stories that may strike lightning in a bottle once every 6 years

For one no matter how "inside the program" someone claims to be they don't know the whole story. Don't forget that coaches can't comment on recruits until signing day. So every little piece of info that is gained is 100% one sided coming from the recruits and what they want to make public.

No matter how someone interprets a situation as a fan they don't have even close to 100% of the information or knowledge of the history.

I highly doubt the coaches just decided on a whim to pull his offer for no reason.

As for your point about recruiting kids that have already verballed elsewhere again it isn't as cut and dry as you make it out to be.

Don't forget when the NCAA came down hard on Penn State, KF (or the staff) contacted Bill O'Brien to let him know they were going to reach out to Akeel Lynch about transferring.

They didn't have to but they did.

Look I get people are pissed off that Eno decommitted but it sure as hell isn't the end of the world. Relax.
I'm sure you know that as soon as you posted that article that there was another guy who does what you do refuted it saying the relationship was not repaired, and that the coaches were not where Eno was on this. I was hoping you and Eno version was right, but it wasn't

I think it is a bit misleading to make it sound like Iowa generally allows verbal commits to take visits. Iowa's hand was forced with Higdon, but outside of him who else has done so over the last 2-3 years? I honestly don't know because I haven't always followed recruiting really closely. Also you can easily say that Iowa's no visit policy directly helped keeping kids like Fant (didn't end up officially visiting Minnesota), Lattimore (getting pushed hard to visit his home state MSU school) with Stanley (Same with Wisconsin making a hard push to visit them) and with Toks (I think it was Indiana who he was gonna visit, but then canceled).

The staff is very upfront with these kids. They make them take visits to Iowa before committing, they clearly tell them that they expect them to NOT take other visits if they verbal to Iowa. They are actually trying to make sure the kids are sure before they verbal so they don't have this.

No matter what way you approach it, you are going to lose Verbal commits, that is inevitable. I think though that by expecting and enforcing the no visit rule you will end up keeping more players than if you allowed those kids to make other official visits.
I'm not taking a stance on the no-visit policy. I can see plusses and minuses to it. At the end of the day, that's up to the coaches to decide. And I never said Iowa generally allows verbals to take visits. But like Kirk said, it's not a rigid policy.

Let's say AJ Epenesa decides a week before signing day that he wants to visit Michigan just to make sure Iowa is the place for him. Do you think the coaches just pull the offer on the spot or continue working on him?

Again, it's not black and white. Kirk said as much last Tuesday. He knows he can't be e completely inflexible. It's based on timing, analyzing the situation and other things. That's part of their job in recruiting.

My guess is that during Eno's call with Kirk last Sunday, coach did not cut bate. He told the kid, I need to meet with my coaches on the situation and we'll get back to you, but we're not happy you took visits. We're preparing for a game this week and we'll get back to you.

The coaches discussed it on Saturday night or Sunday, and based on the info they had, decided to move on. Maybe Eno demanded to know where he stood and the coaches said they needed more time to discuss it, to which Eno said I need to know now. Then the coaches said maybe it's better if we sent our separate ways.

It's a fluid situation. It's not about Eno lying last week when he talked to me. That's where he and the coaches stood in his mind. Again, he said he was working to repair the relationship. It didn't happen.

Both of you guys can argue all you want, but the simple fact of the matter is he wouldn't be taking other visits if we hadn't been embarrassed by NDSU, Rutgers, Northwestern, Purdue, and Wisconsin. Do I like it...No. Is it true regardless of which one of you two is correct...Yep.

But I don't go psychotic over nor make my living on 18 year old kids playing a game, so maybe you guys see things differently than I do.

I love Iowa football and I always will. I'll keep following the program and going to games until I'm not able to. But at the end of the day, Iowa is an average to periodically above average football team. Even in the Fry years there were just as many turds as there were good ones. The problem with the Iowa fan base is that we've come so close to greatness on a couple occasions that we expect it on a regular basis, or even worse become deluded and actually think this program really is one of the greats. It's not. We are not Michigan, Alabama, or Ohio State. Add social media and and the rock star status that these 17 year-olds get and it's easy to see that we most likely never will be. They go where the fame is, plain and simple.

You can come online and rage all you want, armchair QB all you want, and tell the holy gods that are HawkeyeNation posters how bad the coaching is all you want. But you're going to get is disappointed. Take a f'n breath, folks. You're grown ass men arguing on the internet over where some high school kid is going to college. Let that sink in for a minute.
Wrote this in another post:

Here's my take, and didn't read all posts up to this point so hope it's not too redundant...

A kid is 17. 17 year old's these days are flaky and that's just the way it is but if you are a D-1 prospect like this kid is, it's unbelievably exciting and in his shoes, verbally committed or not, I'm going to take advantage of my right to take official visits and see the country and other schools. That by no means, suggests that I'm not going to stick to my verbal commitment, it means I want to see some $hit.

Now, IMO the Iowa recruiters are scared $hitless of high profile recruits, want them to make verbal commitments, and put them in a box because 1) they don't get many and 2) they are not confident in Iowa and afraid that them seeing anything else is going to change their minds.

Both 1 and 2 speak to weak recruiters because it seems we rarely target these kids and focus on FCS, MAC, etc. level recruits and hope to "develop" them. We should be confident in both our facilities, fans, and brand of football that when a kid commits, if he sees other places, Iowa will still be the best. I don't know if we are that confident as a program. Granted you need to be firm and not let recruits walk over you, but if you want to raise your level of play consistently, seems to start with the most basic element of a team...the players. If we are losing out on 4/5* kids...then I think that's an issue that needs to be addressed and corrected, not avoided and go for low hanging fruit, which KF and staff do. Excellence is not demanded at this program. Sure hard work is, but lets be honest about where our players peak and those of actual successful programs.

The staff needs to take advantage of those players and we see year after year our staff have underperforming teams. Whether that's due to the ineffectiveness of the coaches or low entry level recruits, is debatable. One constant prevails. A WEAK AD doesn't help. (I think Barta is the least successful AD in collegiate sports for real)

I mentioned this in another post...WI has had 3 coaches in the last 7 years average 10 wins a season...IA 1 coach average 8 wins in the same span. How does that happen when you're supposed to suffer when a new coach comes in?

Time for a change? Probably. But it starts with a systemic change where winning is demanded.
Both of you guys can argue all you want, but the simple fact of the matter is he wouldn't be taking other visits if we hadn't been embarrassed by NDSU, Rutgers, Northwestern, Purdue, and Wisconsin. Do I like it...No. Is it true regardless of which one of you two is correct...Yep.

But I don't go psychotic over nor make my living on 18 year old kids playing a game, so maybe you guys see things differently than I do.

I love Iowa football and I always will. I'll keep following the program and going to games until I'm not able to. But at the end of the day, Iowa is an average to periodically above average football team. Even in the Fry years there were just as many turds as there were good ones. The problem with the Iowa fan base is that we've come so close to greatness on a couple occasions that we expect it on a regular basis, or even worse become deluded and actually think this program really is one of the greats. It's not. We are not Michigan, Alabama, or Ohio State. Add social media and and the rock star status that these 17 year-olds get and it's easy to see that we most likely never will be. They go where the fame is, plain and simple.

You can come online and rage all you want, armchair QB all you want, and tell the holy gods that are HawkeyeNation posters how bad the coaching is all you want. But you're going to get is disappointed. Take a f'n breath, folks. You're grown ass men arguing on the internet over where some high school kid is going to college. Let that sink in for a minute.

Um, you do realize he was at Missouri the weekend we lost to NDSU.

This might be about the losses now, but Eno was sneaking round taking visits before we ever lost.
Kirk, to his assistants: "I'm afraid if our committed recruits visit other schools they'll see things they like more and de-commit. So, you know what we're gonna do?"

Assistant: "Do everything we can to make our program better?"

Kirk laughs: "Good one! But be serious. We're gonna tell every commit they can't take other visits!"
Are we sure he loved Iowa so much or was "recruiting for iowa" that much? Basically all we see are tweets which is what kids do all day now. If he was recruiting for Iowa and only wanted to be here why visit anywhere else? Everyone on here is acting like running back is a major issue for the program, its not at all. Yeah he was rated highly ranked but so was Greg Garmon and guys like that. The hawks have Akrum next year and Toks will be major going forward. Much more concerned with getting the WR's in and involved more
Are we sure he loved Iowa so much or was "recruiting for iowa" that much? Basically all we see are tweets which is what kids do all day now. If he was recruiting for Iowa and only wanted to be here why visit anywhere else? Everyone on here is acting like running back is a major issue for the program, its not at all. Yeah he was rated highly ranked but so was Greg Garmon and guys like that. The hawks have Akrum next year and Toks will be major going forward. Much more concerned with getting the WR's in and involved more
You obviously weren't paying attention. Probably too busy mowing Kirk's lawn.
As I posted on another thread, on video the kid makes good cuts, but is lacking P5 top end speed. He is a bit smallish and runs over high school defenders. Won't happen as easily in Big 10. He doesn't appear to have the speed to get to the corner. It is real apparent in 6 of the last 7 years more or less that Iowa's top rated O line and NFL lineman factory doesn't open up many very big holes. If I were him I would rethink my fit at Iowa. If I were Iowa I would rethink my commitment unless I wanted him as a 3rd down full back in the style of several Iowa smallish but effective. He also blocks well.

My guess is when he watched Iowa more closely, he saw limited carries and he's the type that wants to play and carry. Watching Iowa overpower Wisky for 80 something total rushing yards might have influenced me.

Why would a smallish rb want to smash headlong. He sort of reminds me of A Rob. Iowa literally was a big headache for him (concussions).
As I posted on another thread, on video the kid makes good cuts, but is lacking P5 top end speed. He is a bit smallish and runs over high school defenders. Won't happen as easily in Big 10. He doesn't appear to have the speed to get to the corner. It is real apparent in 6 of the last 7 years more or less that Iowa's top rated O line and NFL lineman factory doesn't open up many very big holes. If I were him I would rethink my fit at Iowa. If I were Iowa I would rethink my commitment unless I wanted him as a 3rd down full back in the style of several Iowa smallish but effective. He also blocks well.

My guess is when he watched Iowa more closely, he saw limited carries and he's the type that wants to play and carry. Watching Iowa overpower Wisky for 80 something total rushing yards might have influenced me.

Why would a smallish rb want to smash headlong. He sort of reminds me of A Rob. Iowa literally was a big headache for him (concussions).

Why would we even recruit a player that isn't a fit for our offense?
Why would we even recruit a player that isn't a fit for our offense?

Well, he tried to make Brad Banks into a drop back passer. My guess is they are thinking 3rd down full back or some other switch. Our best receiver Sat was about his size.
You obviously weren't paying attention. Probably too busy mowing Kirk's lawn.
Please enlighten me..I've read this thread and other publications on the kid.

And I am mowing Kirk's lawn, great gig got it from a 5* lawn service when they decided to go elsewhere
Well, he tried to make Brad Banks into a drop back passer. My guess is they are thinking 3rd down full back or some other switch. Our best receiver Sat was about his size.

Haha Eno would have been a premier RB here. He's going to be a hell of a player wherever he goes. There's a reason he's so highly ranked and recruited and it's not to be a 3rd down full back

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