Here is how Kinnick will look Saturday from above

Also, I can see several thousand of those cards being tossed about and ending up on the field.
I think it is a great idea and very possible, but when we found out about this today it means that lots of hawkeye fans will have no idea about it. Why didn't they tell us earlier or just wait for a different game and give fans enough notification. How will everyone (that will not know about it until game time) know when to hold up the card? Oh and guarantee the student section will have an average BAC of a lot and it will look really bad...
I think it is a great idea and very possible, but when we found out about this today it means that lots of hawkeye fans will have no idea about it. Why didn't they tell us earlier or just wait for a different game and give fans enough notification. How will everyone (that will not know about it until game time) know when to hold up the card? Oh and guarantee the student section will have an average BAC of a lot and it will look really bad...

You think they'd be better-able to hold up the card if they had two- or three-weeks' e-mail notice?

I think this whole thing is stupid, but that's ridiculous.
No way this works. Why the streaks? I don't see the stadium being filled enough 15 min before the game to do this. 11am game sure....6pm game...not so much.
If this works I want an aerial photo of the stadium showing the ANF! That would be super kick A$$
I know the whole striping thing was able to be pulled off...and I don't think the issue will be with people holding up cards...this design is just too intricate and like someone said draw in aisles and stuff and...yuck. But kudos if they pull it off....I just wouldn't hold your breath....that design is crazy.

I have a hard time believing that's the final design. Some of the stars look like they'd be a bunch of about 8-12 seats. And the gray lines in the ANF one would probably be one or two rows wide. They know they can't get that kind of detail , so I'd imagine some of the stars will be taken out, and all those gray lines will be taken out..
I'm still surprised we were able to pull the stripes thing off. But this design has a whole lot more going on than just black and gold stripes. While flipping a card over isn't particularly complicated, it needs a lot more to not look stupid. People need to be in their seats. Cards should not get kicked off of seats and switched around. People need to follow the directions...

I think the success of the black and gold stripes has gotten the school a bit overconfident in the coordination of Iowa fans.
What else is going on in the stands for the black and gold spirit game?? Door prizes? black jack tables??

Why does everyone think there is so much going on in the stands?

You wear a black or gold shirt to the game depending what section you are in.

Then before the game starts you are to hold up a card and flip it over once when asked to do so.

After that it is just like every other football game inside Kinnick.

People **** and moan that the athletic department or marketing department never does anything cool or fun. Then when they do have something planned that could turn out cool and takes very minimal effort from us fans, everybody complains about that. Bunch of babies.
No way this works. Why the streaks? I don't see the stadium being filled enough 15 min before the game to do this. 11am game sure....6pm game...not so much.[/QUOTE]

i think you got that backwards...

IMO, the stripes was harder to do than this card thing. people have to come prepared for the stripes by wearing the proper color for their section. in this event, the work is done for you. the people setting this up SHOULD have the cards in the proper seat for when you get there. so literally all you have to do is hold up a card to the right side, then flip it when everyone else does. its not that hard
Can they make cards to hold up for each of the recruits that will be attending the game?

I wish I could break into Kinnick and replace the cards with this!!!!
Hope it doesn't end up like the Harvard - Yale prank

[ame=]Harvard Says "WE SUCK" - YouTube[/ame]

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