Hayden Fry

Whenever some one mentions Hawkeye football a picture of Hayden Fry always pops into my mind. Always will. I was there for the miserable years prior to Hayden and I cant express enough the appreciation I have for the man that drastically changed Hawkeye football forever. Hope your doing the Hawkeye victory polka! RIP Hayden.
Under Hayden you never felt there was a game they couldn’t win. Even in games where they fell behind you always thought they’d have a chance to come back.
Remember when he called women "lil dumplins" and the feminists in Iowa City freaked. Then all the farmer women showed up wearing "i'll be his Lil dumplin". Great stuff.

I paraphrased.
That you spend time on this board and have a chance to celebrate Hawkeye football....and that it is something you cherish, look forward to every fall Saturday and fight and cheer and cry and sweat over....that's because of Coach Fry. As a Hawkeye fan, he gave us this....a part of life to be passionate about and to cherish. How could you ever thank him enough? God speed! Love you coach!
I knew this day was coming soon, just didn't expect it today. Last I heard, he was in good health living in Vegas.
I believe it was his last birthday party where a good number of his former players and coaches few into Dallas to celebrate it with him. The thinking was he didn't have long.
Hayden has been in the Dallas area for several years. He was unable to attend the last reunion of one of the Rose bowl teams (Brashier looked pretty frail as well). His 90th birthday party, held in Dallas in April, was relatively low key.

In honor of Hayden our first offensive play in the Holiday Bowl should be a statue of liberty!
Remember when he called women "lil dumplins" and the feminists in Iowa City freaked. Then all the farmer women showed up wearing "i'll be his Lil dumplin". Great stuff.

I paraphrased.

My stepmom worked in the ticket office at Carver Hawkeye Arena at that time and absolutely LOVED it when Hayden came by and called all the ladies there his "lil dumplins".
KF honored him by staying at Iowa when he had shots at the big time. Hayden Fry, and Kirk Ferentz, are the absolute epitome of loyalty.
Nice posts on other Big forums about HF. Not a lot of coaches in the Big would be so honored for integrity and tough football in the same sentence. RIP HF.

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