There will always be racism as long as every issue involving a black person being slighted (fired, not hired, harmed, killed, raped, etc.) by a white person is labeled as being done because the white person was racist. And that we keep talking about racism. It feeds itself. Like this very unfortunate and tragic killing of George Floyd, our society went from 0-120 in 0.9 seconds in declaring that Chauvin did this because he was racist and that this was a racist act. Now was it? Nobody knows for sure. Chauvin may have done this to a white person too. Maybe he did it because he was black. Maybe he did it because they knew each other and there was some bad blood. Who knows. We wont know until either Chauvin makes a statement, an investigation is conducted or we may never know.
At this time though, no matter how we got here, we are here. Nothing will bring George Floyd back nor will we be able to erase the images of him dying in front of us. As tragic as it sounds, this is not only a golden opportunity, but the holy grail of opportunities to actually make some positive impact moving forward. The entire world was aware of the injustice and it was universal across races that something really bad happened here and that all of us were readied to support the cause so that things like this dont happen again.
Awareness of this tragedy was and is not an issue, everyone knows about it.
However, as tragic as the death of a human being is, what is more tragic is that his loss may have been in vain, as sad as that sounds. Because what has happened since has done nothing but to divert attention and focus away from what matters. Whether that be with destroying property, looting, bullying people on social media for saying things like All Lives Matter or someone supporting the flag, or spending your money bailing out looters, it is all a waste of time and not accomplishing anything, and in the end, only further strengthening beliefs of both sides and dividing us further. So for those that are leaders and influencers, it is sadly just lazy to say they support a cause with a token protest.
What needs to happen is action. Instead of just protesting an issue and complaining about the injustices and expecting the white people to fix the issues, take action in reforming the system that needs to be changed. Be specific. You have our attention and while the spotlight is on this issue take advantage of it because real legislation can take place to make some permanent changes. Want an analogy? We are on a football forum right? Targeting on the field is a big issue because of danger of it. Much the same as targeting to the african american community from the police officers is damaging to them as well. Do you think that football in targeting would just disappear if we asked the safeties and corners to not do it anymore? Of course not. But what is making a difference is that the stiff penalties they and their teams incur when they do that. Repeat offenders get fined, and I am sure it was really bad then they get kicked out of football. So suggest legislation that defines rules of engagement between the police and the offender, demand transparency of offenders through an oversight committee, punish the offenders accordingly, propose new training regimens, etc. I dont have all the answers, but collectively everyone getting together to propose solutions would be a start.
My last point, and I am sorry for such a long post, is how sad it is that the african american community cannot see how they are pawns in this power struggle in politics. It was predictable that a racial issue would happen in 2020, and 2016 for that matter, because getting a voter base emotional is the most effective way to first motivate them to vote, and second, to vote for them. Politicians know how easy it is to tug on the strings of racism and evoke a strong emotional reaction from a lot of people. So if anyone on the left or right or black or white thinks that politicians are motivated to wipe out racism, you are extremely naive because all they do is start the fire and fan the flames when they can use that voting base to their advantage. That is as far as I will go with politics, just know this issue is just as much a political issue as a humanitarian one.
So moving forward, I would suggest that when we encounter a protester, we ask them what changes do they say they want to happen. Ask them to be specific. Then encourage the protesters to bring awareness to what they want instead of what happened. All of us then would support and get behind legislation, but until then, none of us really know what to do.