Hampton's updated Facebook status = not good!

Good point. Didn't think of that.

Now that I think about it, I can understand a WR looking elsewhere because Iowa isn't a pass first offense.

RBs on the other hand, if you're good, you're going to get the ball a lot.

Oh well, different day, same news.

correction: RBs, if your good AND/OR HEALTHY, your going to get the ball a lot.
There are a lot more players that are frustrated. And more will leave. Right now there is just some serious things going on with a lot of personal issues. I know some things that are not good, but some things that are. (Davis is staying, as is Mcnutt) So everything is not all bad. If you would like to have a civil conversation regarding more of this you can shoot me an e-mail at iowalegend23@yahoo.com
There are a lot more players that are frustrated. And more will leave. Right now there is just some serious things going on with a lot of personal issues. I know some things that are not good, but some things that are. (Davis is staying, as is Mcnutt) So everything is not all bad. If you would like to have a civil conversation regarding more of this you can shoot me an e-mail at iowalegend23@yahoo.com

This, however I will not open my veins so easily.
Frustrated with what? Losing? Having to work hard? Being asked to not do drugs? Having a free ride while others are stuck with 50k in student loans? If there are legitimate reasons we'd love to know... but some of these players need to grow up.
There are a lot more players that are frustrated. And more will leave. Right now there is just some serious things going on with a lot of personal issues. I know some things that are not good, but some things that are. (Davis is staying, as is Mcnutt) So everything is not all bad. If you would like to have a civil conversation regarding more of this you can shoot me an e-mail at iowalegend23@yahoo.com

If this season is so frustrating for players at 7-5 and a bowl game, then what the h#ll do players at Texas do after a 5-7 season and NO bowl game?!!!
Frustrated with what? Losing? Having to work hard? Being asked to not do drugs? Having a free ride while others are stuck with 50k in student loans? If there are legitimate reasons we'd love to know... but some of these players need to grow up.

It's possible that (if the rumors are true) that the "frustrated" players are guys that are clean, and are frustrated with the overall atmosphere/chemistry of the team, and just want to get away from it. This isn't a rumor that I've heard or anything, I'm just saying that hypothetically. There's no reason to assume that the only players "frustrated" would be the ones in trouble.
I just found out a guy I went to high school with, is cousin's with the roommate in the whole drug house situation....this is a family I've known for my entire life....now....again...I ask why is it completely unfathomable HawkfaninTX or whatever, might know somebody who is close to some players? Suppose the guy I know (who is a Clown fan), told me, yeah I went up to Iowa City and partied with my cousin....and he saw or partook in drug use....and then came here and brought it up.....the posters lighting up HawkfaninTX would have lit him up too....and then the truth would have come out anyways. I guess I just don't understand why everything is viewed as stirring the pot or whatever....throwing out players names is one thing, but if somebody really knows something or has a solid source of info, and it is worth discussing, why should they feel like it can't be discussed here of all places? I agree there isn't so much a need for names, especially if it isn't entirely accurate, but if I knew someone was leaving the team and why....that's something I'd want to talk about with other Hawkeye fans..
I just found out a guy I went to high school with, is cousin's with the roommate in the whole drug house situation....this is a family I've known for my entire life....now....again...I ask why is it completely unfathomable HawkfaninTX or whatever, might know somebody who is close to some players? Suppose the guy I know (who is a Clown fan), told me, yeah I went up to Iowa City and partied with my cousin....and he saw or partook in drug use....and then came here and brought it up.....the posters lighting up HawkfaninTX would have lit him up too....and then the truth would have come out anyways. I guess I just don't understand why everything is viewed as stirring the pot or whatever....throwing out players names is one thing, but if somebody really knows something or has a solid source of info, and it is worth discussing, why should they feel like it can't be discussed here of all places? I agree there isn't so much a need for names, especially if it isn't entirely accurate, but if I knew someone was leaving the team and why....that's something I'd want to talk about with other Hawkeye fans..

everybody got that?
I was standing on the field when he was helped off the field after the game...15 minutes after he got hit..he was still shaking cobwebs out of his head. I wondered then if they might shut him down the rest of the year

I would. He was wobbling back and forth trying to walk off the field. That was after he lay on the field for several minutes.
I just found out a guy I went to high school with, is cousin's with the roommate in the whole drug house situation....this is a family I've known for my entire life....now....again...I ask why is it completely unfathomable HawkfaninTX or whatever, might know somebody who is close to some players? Suppose the guy I know (who is a Clown fan), told me, yeah I went up to Iowa City and partied with my cousin....and he saw or partook in drug use....and then came here and brought it up.....the posters lighting up HawkfaninTX would have lit him up too....and then the truth would have come out anyways. I guess I just don't understand why everything is viewed as stirring the pot or whatever....throwing out players names is one thing, but if somebody really knows something or has a solid source of info, and it is worth discussing, why should they feel like it can't be discussed here of all places? I agree there isn't so much a need for names, especially if it isn't entirely accurate, but if I knew someone was leaving the team and why....that's something I'd want to talk about with other Hawkeye fans..

Line spacing and paragraphs dude!
Line spacing and paragraphs dude!

Haha, sorry....if my posts were receiving a grade...yeah. But, since they're not, and I'm doing this at my own leisure because at the moment I have nothing else going on, I don't care to take the time and spellcheck, format, and edit anything...
Ferentz's job might be in jeopardy if the train is roaring off the tracks as bad as it appears it might be.

This is Thug U level crap, people.
"indigestion" Eh? I see what he did there.... Don't you get a post nasal drip, often times causing indigestion when using the nose candy???
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