Hampton's updated Facebook status = not good!

This was one of the things I had heard this weekend in IC. More to come.

Posts like this are getting older than Jess Settles during his Senior Season. Just stop it! Either you know something and don't want to talk about it.. then quit hinting around that you do! If you don't know, quit freaking guessing... it makes you look like an ***.
They're not being booted for failed drug tests. Do you remember who our coach is? These guys get 2nd and 3rd chances, which is fine with me, they're young. If it comes out that they were kicked off by coach, then these guys have done some wrong things in the past that we never knew and they weren't Hawkeyes. Next men in.
How in the HELL do you not know that your star player is living in a drug house snorting coke? How do you not know your player is a cokehead?

WTF, Ferentz?
Someone told me after the DJK thing went down that "There are most likely going to be a couple others not making the trip to Tempe..." I didn't press for details...but WOW I didn't think it would be like this.
maybe I will post on facebook "I kidnapped Jewel Hampton and am holding him for ransom." .......and see how many people believe it.
Hawkeye through and through, but this tsunami is gaining momentum! Call in the national guard, please! NURSE- tourniquet!!!
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It is entirely possible that A-Robs concussion was (and is) severe enough to keep him out of the bowl game.

He took two in a month. It is likely in his best interest to keep him out of the bowl.

A question may be: What causes "academic indigestion?"

A few lines off your Physics book?

I don't care to take the time and spellcheck, format, and edit anything...

It shows.

Posts like this are getting older than Jess Settles during his Senior Season.

Well, let's face it: people have to beat around the bush.

If they come out and say what they know, Jon will just say that they're just starting rumors... until he gets some kind of independent confirmation and has to backtrack.

Yes, rumors can be false, thus the wont to keep them to a minimum is justified. But it's pretty obvious that posters here are a lot more 'in the know' than the coaches or media who follow the team.
He took two in a month. It is likely in his best interest to keep him out of the bowl.

A few lines off your Physics book?

It shows.

Well, let's face it: people have to beat around the bush.

If they come out and say what they know, Jon will just say that they're just starting rumors... until he gets some kind of independent confirmation and has to backtrack.

Yes, rumors can be false, thus the wont to keep them to a minimum is justified. But it's pretty obvious that posters here are a lot more 'in the know' than the coaches or media who follow the team.

Whatever you say. Good call on taking literally 1 line out of my post and quoting it....what shows? That I don't format posts on a message board? Or that I'm an avid reader/writer who majored in English? Clever, clever post. To elaborate further, really quickly....what is up with all of the people attacking threads, posts, or posters who are not posting anything unreasonable? And not only that...doing it in a manner that adds absolutely nothing to the conversation....makes you look like an ***...
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If this season is so frustrating for players at 7-5 and a bowl game, then what the h#ll do players at Texas do after a 5-7 season and NO bowl game?!!!

they take pictures with all their national championship trophies and conference title banners. thing of it is, at texas they can reload and be in contention next year, where as Iowa does not have that luxury.
It's one thing if we're winning Big10/National titles with this crap going on, but we're not. If these rumors are true, then heads need to roll and that could mean KF's.
"how bout another session outside hillcrest", that line on the comment post of his status says a lot. probably failed a drug test and quit the team after that
lets not get crazy here. We lost 2 guys, one for what sounds like personal reasons, another who has had 2 knee surgeries in 2 years.

How is either one of those a coaches fault?

We are fine.
Is there a possibility that Hampton is just bluffing regarding his facebook status? Maybe he got word that the rumor mill was churning and wanted to mess with our heads? Maybe he's ****** about all the fans throwing DJK under the bus after his incident? Maybe I'm just kidding myself?? If these guys were indeed off the team, what would stop ALL of them from posting on their facebook like wild. The rules wouldn't apply right?
I am just saying that I would be flabbergasted if Jewel is just messing around....and I would be very surprised if at least one more doesn't leave.
Ok so I don't have time to read all reply's to see how the original post was answered or expounded upon.....anyway, I'm hearing random drug test has Hamptom, AROB and Bernstein off the team. Do we have anymore information?