Greg Garmon Transferring

Why even bring up Canzeri??? He isn't even good anyway. As far as Garmon, I am in agreement with those who think he was overrated. We need guys who can make one cut (if any) and smash it right down your throat and out your a@#. Garmon just can't do that. fact. We have way more things to worry about than our running game.

I agree that if this program is going to play Ferentz's traditional game, yes they need those types of backs. Yes, they have many things to worry about but if no one respects the running game, then they will focus on the passing game and they will shut that down as well. Much like they did this year with the running game. Before teams figured out that the passing game was a joke the running game was able to run at will at times. Then they figured out that Iowa wasn't going to pass downfield and teams started to stack the box and go man to man coverage and blitz the crap out of Iowa, bad, bad results.

Plus you can't run 4 wide for passing and then I-formation for running, everything has to be balanced to work. You have run out of 4 wide shotgun plays, guys like Weisman don't have the speed to do that or catch screens very well out of those formations. You can't complete WR screens on I-formations because there isn't enough guys to block for them. To me they need to fix the schemes by using what players they have and fit the schemes around them. Not try to fit the player around the scheme which is why I think Ferentz and the staff went wrong.
The kid saw the writing on the wall with Weisman and Bullock and was probably not willing to switch positions.
I'd still rather have the staff try and get these 4 & 5 * athletes and risk a transfer rather than settle for 2* Johnny Soybean from Osceola.
This is a misconception, the staff has always left it up the individual player to redshirt or not. He WANTED to play and CHOSE to play. Yes, they didn't have alot of options but he could have redshirted. I agree it was a bad situation but for a different reason. 1 year in the weight room was not going to turn Greg Garmon into a down hill running, power back. He needed to be used differently and he wasn't.

If you think that the coaches don't give those athletes any input on whether to redshirt or not, you're crazy. As the season began we had a running back go down, and another dismissed from the team, and one healing from an injury in the spring. The well was not deep to begin with, and per usual, got more shallow as the season went on.

As for the weight room comment... A couple of years in a dedicated, supervised, strength and conditioning program would be huge compared to what a lot of kids have in high school. Don't be so quick to discount the Coach Doyle. I didn't say he would be turned into a power back... But the kid just wasn't strong enough (yet) to play D1 football.
Don't know anything more than anyone else but it makes me wonder why after less than one year aboard that it is now a "bad fit". I do know this .......that any way you slice it that it does not make good press for a program that is struggling for any good news.
Tell me if a team like Oregon could have utilized Garmon more than Iowa did this year, and then tell me if Ferentz is a washed up old coach that has no clue what is going on anymore. Face it boys, we are stuck with 3 yard out patterns on 3rd and 10 and obvious, predictable running plays from here on out.
Re: Garmon Transferring

People are just being silly now. In Rob howe's interview with Garmon's dad he said all parties felt it wasn't a good fit. I don't think Greg had a promising future re: playing time at Iowa in the zone scheme.

Perhaps so. That zone scheme must be a new thing, huh? Otherwise it would have been a key consideration during the recruiting process. I mean, recruiting players that fit your offense is a pretty fundamental concept... no?

When Ferentz starts looking like a competent D1 coach again, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
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My one question is if he was not a good fit for the program (and zone schemes) why the heck was he recruited to come to Iowa anyway?

Why even bring up Canzeri??? He isn't even good anyway. As far as Garmon, I am in agreement with those who think he was overrated. We need guys who can make one cut (if any) and smash it right down your throat and out your a@#. Garmon just can't do that. fact. We have way more things to worry about than our running game.

It's unfair to suggest that Garmon was overrated as a true FR. From what I saw he was the only guy who genuinely (meaning speed) turned the corner for yards. With some seasoning, he could've been a good one. I am disappointed at his leaving. But I do agree, the RB is the least of our worries. In fact, we could utilize Tanner Miller at that spot to no detriment if the new QB is average good. Phil Parker is likely making this very suggestion to GD.
Tell me if a team like Oregon could have utilized Garmon more than Iowa did this year, and then tell me if Ferentz is a washed up old coach that has no clue what is going on anymore. Face it boys, we are stuck with 3 yard out patterns on 3rd and 10 and obvious, predictable running plays from here on out.

Garmon wouldn't make Oregon's roster as a RB, so I doubt they would have utilized him as a frosh, or as a RS senior for that matter.
Tell me if a team like Oregon could have utilized Garmon more than Iowa did this year, and then tell me if Ferentz is a washed up old coach that has no clue what is going on anymore. Face it boys, we are stuck with 3 yard out patterns on 3rd and 10 and obvious, predictable running plays from here on out.[/

Greg Garmon wouldn't even be on the traveling squad at Oregon.
Not to worry... ever with another hiccup in the loss of another running back at Iowa. Seriously... quality running backs or the lack there of, for Iowa FB and 8, 9 or 10 wins does not matter.

It really goes back to the trenches... O-line and D-line. When Iowa can get back to recruiting, developing, keeping and keeping them injury free... Iowa will return to "dominaiting ways.

Of course it still will depend upon some play makers on both sides of the ball... sigh

So close... yet so far give Captain K, the assistants and the roster... who knows?
For those that know me as credible, I was told this was a good thing. He "wasn't gonna make it anyways." Fwiw...
Re: Garmon Transferring

Garmon leaving simply leaves an opening for Ferentz and staff to recruit another 2 start NR guy.
For those that know me as credible, I was told this was a good thing. He "wasn't gonna make it anyways." Fwiw...

So Weisman, Bullock, and Canzeri, who each spent considerable time injured this season are your only options at back, and that's a good thing. Interesting.

You realize none of those guys would be getting reps at RB in a real major FBS program, right?
So if the blocking schemes are not a good fit then why the heck did the coaches recruit him in the first place?

Hopefully this is not the start of a bunch of other players leaving. Remember that was the excuse on why we were so bad this year. That excuse only works once.
The kid saw the writing on the wall with Weisman and Bullock and was probably not willing to switch positions.
I'd still rather have the staff try and get these 4 & 5 * athletes and risk a transfer rather than settle for 2* Johnny Soybean from Osceola.

That is have outdone all of these other self proclaimed quipsters on this site...Very good.

Johnny Soybean from Osceola. We needed some levity on this board
Remember the Lick years boys, when every body and thier brother ran out of IC like it was a burning building.

As this ship continues to quickly sink to the bottom of the ocean and Big Ten it is everyman for himself.

No way in the world as an 18-19 year old kid would I be wasting my body and football career playing for KF and this pathetic staff.

Grab onto one of the few remaing life rafts gents because this ship is going down.

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