Greg Garmon Transferring

If you think that the coaches don't give those athletes any input on whether to redshirt or not, you're crazy. As the season began we had a running back go down, and another dismissed from the team, and one healing from an injury in the spring. The well was not deep to begin with, and per usual, got more shallow as the season went on.

As for the weight room comment... A couple of years in a dedicated, supervised, strength and conditioning program would be huge compared to what a lot of kids have in high school. Don't be so quick to discount the Coach Doyle. I didn't say he would be turned into a power back... But the kid just wasn't strong enough (yet) to play D1 football.

If you think a coach "giving input" to a play is the same as "telling they can't redshirt" is the same thing then you're just as crazy as me my friend.

If the coaches felt he was ready and Garmon felt he was ready that was a decision they made together, sure maybe we don't know. Looks like now it was a bad choice regardless of who made it. Must like their recruitment of Garmon and his committment to come to Iowa and to play in this zone scheme, bad desicion.

Hindsight is 20/20 as they always say. I disagree he wasn't strong enough to play D1 football, he wasn't strong enough to play RB at Iowa the way Iowa traditional uses RBs and that isn't a good fit. Another season of weight training wasn't going to change the fact that he isn't the right style of RB for Iowa.

He was 2 inches taller than Coker and possibly as much as 30-40 pounds lighter. He wasn't going to change that much in a year and Marcus still struggled at times with Iowa's zone scheme.
Regardless of Garmon leaving. I dont think hes a loss at all. Does anyone have a better job than Lester Erb or Eric Johnson? Seriously, I know a quite a few players who played from 07 to 09 and they say the players just laugh at these guys, zero respect for them as coaches. Both make 6 figures and regardless of job performance they have it made.
Here is another Garmon quote from 24/7 sports, “this had nothing to do with my grades or getting in to any trouble at all. I just didn’t feel comfortable here anymore with the offense.”
one player leaves and it is the end of the world. Calm down. It's not the end of the world/or program as many of you make it out to be. Players leave, it happens. If the entire OL ends up leaving or 10 players leave then we have an issue, but one freshman who did not fit into the offense very well as a RB (I think he could have been a good slot/motion back) leaves is not surprising.
Remember the Lick years boys, when every body and thier brother ran out of IC like it was a burning building.

As this ship continues to quickly sink to the bottom of the ocean and Big Ten it is everyman for himself.

No way in the world as an 18-19 year old kid would I be wasting my body and football career playing for KF and this pathetic staff.

Grab onto one of the few remaing life rafts gents because this ship is going down.

There are a few (actually a lot) 23-30 year old men in the National Football League who would disagree with you about KF and his "pathetic staff."
one player leaves and it is the end of the world. Calm down. It's not the end of the world/or program as many of you make it out to be. Players leave, it happens. If the entire OL ends up leaving or 10 players leave then we have an issue, but one freshman who did not fit into the offense very well as a RB (I think he could have been a good slot/motion back) leaves is not surprising.

However, it's not one player, it's SEVEN RBs that have left early in the last 2 years.
However, it's not one player, it's SEVEN RBs that have left early in the last 2 years.

This can't be a serious comment.

The seven RBs you mention all didn't "just leave" the program. Nice try laying all that on the coaches, bro
Here is another Garmon quote from 24/7 sports, “this had nothing to do with my grades or getting in to any trouble at all. I just didn’t feel comfortable here anymore with the offense.â€￾

Translation - Garmon knows Iowa's offense sucks big time.

This can't be a serious comment.

The seven RBs you mention all didn't "just leave" the program. Nice try laying all that on the coaches, bro

I'm completely serious. My point is this isn't an isolated one-time case. There is a trend. It's not all on the coaches. There were injury and family issues that affected some of these departures, but at the end of the day 7 RB's have left the program early in the last 28 months. It's an issue.
I hate blaming coaches for things like this, but Erb's track record is crap. he was the WR coach when we had high attrition there and now RB coach. I don't know if he is promising things he can't deliver, or flat out lying, but something is fishy there. I have no idea what, but it just doesn't fell right. Same way coach K gave us that feeling for DL.
I hate blaming coaches for things like this, but Erb's track record is crap. he was the WR coach when we had high attrition there and now RB coach. I don't know if he is promising things he can't deliver, or flat out lying, but something is fishy there. I have no idea what, but it just doesn't fell right. Same way coach K gave us that feeling for DL.

definitely has a trend going.
I remember there being a lot of noise on the boards regarding attrition under the diff asst coaches BEFORE Kaz left for nebby and many noted Erb's horrible track record with WRs continuing with RBs.
I remember there being a lot of noise on the boards regarding attrition under the diff asst coaches BEFORE Kaz left for nebby and many noted Erb's horrible track record with WRs continuing with RBs.

Dead on, KF and his blind loyalty is running this ship into the ground.

I wonder if KOK decided to leave because he was sick of the heat he took for our inept CEO.
Player attrition, just like employee turnover, has to be looked into when it is high. Iowa has had significant attrition. Someone has to be looking at this.
Player attrition, just like employee turnover, has to be looked into when it is high. Iowa has had significant attrition. Someone has to be looking at this.

you'd think so. and not to bash KF too much, but if he likes Erb, Erb stays. that's just how KF operates. apparently took a while to kick Kaz out, so his trusty assistant might never get the boot.
and probably only one to get drafted this year.

True, but let's not be stupid. If you weren't an elite talent but wanted to play in the NFL, has there been a better coaching staff in the entire country in the past two decades for which to play? Name one.

Hammer Ferentz and staff all you want for game day strategy, recruiting, schemes, whatever...but you lose me pretty quick when the staff is called pathetic and the experience a waste of time for an 18 year old.

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