Fran's Raise

No, actually that doesn’t sound familiar. When can we schedule tomato cans again?
Both coaches do it annually and reap the benefits by lining their family pockets with bonuses, contract extensions and raises. The real question is why people like you fall for it annually like a jim jones kool aid party
To be fair that was 20 years ago but, yeah, that bonus is excessive even at today's standards. I could see giving Fran a bonus like that when he first took over the program but not in his 9th year of his contract. I'm all about not setting the expectations for Iowa sports too high but you gotta raise the bar a little. Big Ten title (regular season or tournament), Sweet 16, Elite 8, something more than just a NCAA appearance for $400K.
This does seem a bit crazy. But I don’t know the context of how it happened. Did Fran want more money and Barta said..,Sure, as soon as you make another NCAA Tournament. Who knows with all of this super secret contract negotiating.
How much $$ did Lisa Bluder get for the #2 seed?

How much $$ did the women's team bring in compared to the men's? Not saying Lisa doesn't deserve it as I think she's probably the better coach, and definitely not trying to start a men's vs. women's program debate, but I really don't think its fair to compare the two for a number of reasons.
Don't most coaches get a bonus for making the tournament? I thought that was fairly common in coaches contracts, if it isn't they need a new agent.
Bonuses are common 30k, 25k, etc. one time payment bonus.

$400,000 per year (every year going forward) raises are not common.

That's not true either. I've just been googling "NCAA Bonus" and "insert coaches name" and they all pretty much have some sort of deal that is similar. Some make much more then the 30k bonus, like in Archie Millers case where he would make 125k just for making it. Tim Miles makes $150k just for making it. Heck lil Richard P makes bigger bonuses then Fran just for compliance yearly with the NCAA’s Academic Progress Rate (APR).

Fran's contract or his bonuses aren't even in the top 40 in the field.
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The way I see it... The contracts and incentives is a Barta issue. The scheduling and results is a Fran issue that Barta oversees. They are both equally responsible, however I've always said, and will always continue to say, that it's unfair to go after a coach for what they're paid or incentives in the contract.

Do I like the contract? Absolutely not, but Barta did and ultimately any contract signed by a coach is agreed upon by both parties signing it. Barta knew what was being negotiated and at any time could have pulled the plug or stood his ground. Rather than exploring other options or simply not offering an extension Barta made an offer that Fran agreed upon. Regardless of whether or not we (as fans) agree with what's inside that contract, or if Fran is overpaid, Barta felt otherwise and that's why its not something I will ever hold against Fran. I think every one of us would have signed that contract so why would I hold it against the person that did. The fault lies with the party who offers the contract, not the individual that accepts it.
But I ask - and trust me, I think Barta is the idiot all ya'll make him out to be. I didn't always, but a lot of this sites informative posts has swayed my opinion in general over the last few years. I would like to see him fired at the first opportunity. I think his buyout was ridiculous. But again, let me ask.

If every coach has this type of language in their contract or something similar or better, why is this Barta sucking? Isn't it more of a nature of the beast kind of deal? I feel like people just need something to be pissed about.
But I ask - and trust me, I think Barta is the idiot all ya'll make him out to be. I didn't always, but a lot of this sites informative posts has swayed my opinion in general over the last few years. I would like to see him fired at the first opportunity. I think his buyout was ridiculous. But again, let me ask.

If every coach has this type of language in their contract or something similar or better, why is this Barta sucking? Isn't it more of a nature of the beast kind of deal? I feel like people just need something to be pissed about.
The more people he gives lush contracts to, the more people he has to defend him when the lesbians come for his ass. :D
I may well be in the minority, but I have never in my long lifetime spent any energy on how much $$ someone else makes. Just do not care.
Yes you do. Every time you need someone to provide a service like car repairs, home renovations, legal get either a quote for the project before you agree to hire them or you get an hourly rate. I also have to assume you've never, ever, ever complained about your taxes or how the government spends that money. I could go on...and on...
But I ask - and trust me, I think Barta is the idiot all ya'll make him out to be. I didn't always, but a lot of this sites informative posts has swayed my opinion in general over the last few years. I would like to see him fired at the first opportunity. I think his buyout was ridiculous. But again, let me ask.

If every coach has this type of language in their contract or something similar or better, why is this Barta sucking? Isn't it more of a nature of the beast kind of deal? I feel like people just need something to be pissed about.
How about we start with the lack of b10 titles and quality national wins in the two power sports over the last decade and change? That’s a pretty good place to start. The bottom line is, from the AD to the President to the bd of regents to the big money boosters, no one really cares anymore about high level results. It’s almost like they just don’t want problems or to be embarrassed.
How about we start with the lack of b10 titles and quality national wins in the two power sports over the last decade and change? That’s a pretty good place to start. The bottom line is, from the AD to the President to the bd of regents to the big money boosters, no one really cares anymore about high level results. It’s almost like they just don’t want problems or to be embarrassed.

You are going to be insufferable if ISU gets to Minneapolis.
You are going to be insufferable if ISU gets to Minneapolis.
Not really. You don’t follow. The clowns have been better at basketball than us for years. You not believing it is a big part of the problem. Football is knocking on the door. And if you don’t believe that then you are in for a very rude awakening because that one should have ripple effects
Not really. You don’t follow. The clowns have been better at basketball than us for years. You not believing it is a big part of the problem. Football is knocking on the door. And if you don’t believe that then you are in for a very rude awakening because that one should have ripple effects

nice try.
I can't understand why FRAN would do this. Use the "extra" scholly to strengthen your roster.
Look at all the crap he takes for an 11-man rotation. Do we need a 13-Man rotation?

Is the 13th man going to be better or will the bench be watered down?

I used to think a HC should do this but really, it’s not going to help the team.
A lot like kirks contract for beating six tomato cans and waving at the hospital and passing “go” while collecting another mill for his brood
Have you figured out yet hich 16 and 17 win teams are “far better” than Iowa? Or is omplaining about something else easier than backing up your fake complaining?