Fran's Raise

No. I want my hawks back. I want a President, AD and coaches with balls that aspire to win titles here and then move on to even better things. Not camp like a widowed mother in law

What do you mean "back"? You bitch about KF, so all those good seasons don't count with you because according to you he doesn't schedule anybody in the NC. I'm sure you bitched about Hayden Fry back in the day because he did the SAME thing when it came to scheduling NC. Unless by "back" you mean back in the 50s, and I doubt you're THAT old.

In basketball you'd have to go clear "back" to the early 80s to see any real success when Lute made the final 4. If you mean conference titles Iowa has not won the regular season Big Ten title since 1970. You seem to have a hard on for non conference games so you should have really enjoyed the Oregon game when they were ranked and at full strength with Bol Bol in the lineup.
Then why do love ISU?

I don’t and I’m not going to get into a childish argument about it and get away from the issue. If you want to root for coaches that are pretending to win, that’s your problem. I choose to think for myself and want change. Thus, the frustration
What do you mean "back"? You bitch about KF, so all those good seasons don't count with you because according to you he doesn't schedule anybody in the NC. I'm sure you bitched about Hayden Fry back in the day because he did the SAME thing when it came to scheduling NC. Unless by "back" you mean back in the 50s, and I doubt you're THAT old.

In basketball you'd have to go clear "back" to the early 80s to see any real success when Lute made the final 4. If you mean conference titles Iowa has not won the regular season Big Ten title since 1970. You seem to have a hard on for non conference games so you should have really enjoyed the Oregon game when they were ranked and at full strength with Bol Bol in the lineup.
Wrong. Hayden scheduled out of conference most years and wasn’t scared of going on the road. Ferentz is scared of his own shadow
Wrong. Hayden scheduled out of conference most years and wasn’t scared of going on the road. Ferentz is scared of his own shadow

That's a bunch of bullshit and you know it. Iowa frequently scheduled the likes of UNI, Central Michigan, Tulsa, Hawaii, and Northern Illinois...perhaps you missed those exciting matchups against Drake. The teams Hayden Fry coached played quality non conference opponents as often as Ferentz's teams.
Wrong. Hayden scheduled out of conference most years and wasn’t scared of going on the road. Ferentz is scared of his own shadow

What's the matter, why so quiet? Iowa wins and you STFU? Don't have anything to bitch about now?

Funny how Iowa wins and assholes like you disappear. You'll be back the moment they lose.
That's a bunch of bullshit and you know it. Iowa frequently scheduled the likes of UNI, Central Michigan, Tulsa, Hawaii, and Northern Illinois...perhaps you missed those exciting matchups against Drake. The teams Hayden Fry coached played quality non conference opponents as often as Ferentz's teams.
I’ve posted entire schedules on here before of both non conference of the two regimes. Not doing it again. The facts are what they are. Kirk doesn’t leave iowa. He’s a chicken shit
What's the matter, why so quiet? Iowa wins and you STFU? Don't have anything to bitch about now?

Funny how Iowa wins and assholes like you disappear. You'll be back the moment they lose.
I’m here. What do you need? Did we finish higher in the b10 today? Win a conference title? Recruit a real pg? Schedule a real non conference season for once? Make the sweet 16? Final 8? Have a top 10 recruit? Didn’t think so.
I’m here. What do you need? Did we finish higher in the b10 today? Win a conference title? Recruit a real pg? Schedule a real non conference season for once? Make the sweet 16? Final 8? Have a top 10 recruit? Didn’t think so.
Why are you hear? That’s the question? You obviously don’t want to celebrate a big win.
I’ve posted entire schedules on here before of both non conference of the two regimes. Not doing it again. The facts are what they are. Kirk doesn’t leave iowa. He’s a chicken shit

Whatever, I went through the schedules and Iowa played a crapload of cupcake opponents. I listed a bunch of them and there were plenty more.
I don’t and I’m not going to get into a childish argument about it and get away from the issue. If you want to root for coaches that are pretending to win, that’s your problem. I choose to think for myself and want change. Thus, the frustration

I'm rooting for a team that's still playing in March right now. I'm enjoying it. I've been disappointed this year, but Iowa did finish 6th in a VERY tough conference. Is it awesome? No, but they've won, what, 10 more games this year than last year. It's been a nail biter of a year for both football and basketball, but I have to say it's been engaging. I always have some form of "unfettered hawktimism" that isn't probably super healthy, but it beats the shit out of the "hawk fans" that want both Kirk and Fran fired every week.

It's entertainment. Are you not entertained?
I’m here. What do you need? Did we finish higher in the b10 today? Win a conference title? Recruit a real pg? Schedule a real non conference season for once? Make the sweet 16? Final 8? Have a top 10 recruit? Didn’t think so.

Celebrate the win if you are such a "fan". Don't just come here to bitch, come here to acknowledge success as that's what REAL fans do.

But you're not, probably a clown fan that comes here to troll.
7-5 in football and a 10 seed in basketball are now considered successful seasons at Iowa. Much like society in general, slightly above average is the new tremendous.

To be fair to Fran and Barta though, aren't most coaches' contracts similar these days?

You are a snowflake.
Has anyone else noticed that these forums can get pretty negative sometimes? I'm beginning to think most posters are off their antidepressants and just vent.
There's certainly a venting aspect of it's for fans (short for fanatics). Having said that many of us are season ticket holders. Good win for the if we do the usual here we will get housed by 20-30 by Tennessee I hope I am absolutely wrong. I want Fran to win....and do it alot! Always encouraged midway through a campaign only to be disappointed. I don't know maybe nobody else could get us past a first round game in the NCAA's ever. In any event way to go Fran! I was worried you would stay in that lame ass man to man too long and you almost did.
Has anyone else noticed that these forums can get pretty negative sometimes? I'm beginning to think most posters are off their antidepressants and just vent.
No way dude, I smoked a couple fatties during the game, dropped a Molly after we won, now I'm just sitting here ready to cut the nets down.
Wrong. Hayden scheduled out of conference most years and wasn’t scared of going on the road. Ferentz is scared of his own shadow
Most of those non con road games were set up in the Frank Lauterbur and Bob Commings eras. Hayden the first decade of his Iowa career was stuck with them. When he got control of the schedule he lightened it up considerably.

They used to have that kickoff classic in the old Meadowlands stadium in late August. We played Tennessee in 1987 and NC State in 1992. Hayden was vehemently opposed to scheduling them both times, especially 1987 when he hadn't settled on a quarterback out of three candidates and wouldn't settle until late in the big ten opener against Michigan State.
Why are you hear? That’s the question? You obviously don’t want to celebrate a big win.
If we win Sunday he will say a key person from Tennessee was sick, hurt, hung over, just broke up with their girlfriend, had a fourth cousin pass away, hasn't filed income taxes yet, anything to diminish the quality of the victory.
I’m here. What do you need? Did we finish higher in the b10 today? Win a conference title? Recruit a real pg? Schedule a real non conference season for once? Make the sweet 16? Final 8? Have a top 10 recruit? Didn’t think so.
Last time we had a top ten recruit, if Ricky Davis was one in the first place, he shat over us after one year. There probably aren't a dozen schools in the country, right now, who have a top ten recruit on their roster. But rant on.

We went 7-1 in the first round as a conference. The one team who lost was defeated by a "weak" non conference team who we not only beat, but beat at full strength. But keep on telling us about the old days and how we settle for too many three pointers and all the other crap you constantly rant about.
Wrong. Hayden scheduled out of conference most years and wasn’t scared of going on the road. Ferentz is scared of his own shadow

You obviously cite revisionist history. Hayden directly said he wanted weaker non-con opponents because the team went into conference schedule with too many injuries.

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