Fran's got a great gig...

Fran is a mediocre coach but if you fire him are you going to bring in a good coach or a bad coach? That's the million dollar question. If we got rid of Barta and brought in a competent AD I would feel a lot better about our chances of bringing in an upgrade over Fran if we went that route.

Mediocre coaches don't have the results Fran has had.
I knew Jok was majorly important last season, he led the league in scoring, how could he not be? I knew they wouldn't miss his defense but he was a go to in the crunch time or when they needed a basket to stop a run. They really don't have that yet. That doesn't mean that player isn't on the team, it just means that player hasn't stepped into that roll yet. IMO, Jordan can't be that guy unless he has the supporting cast around him. He can't be the leading scorer, assist guy and also the guy who runs the offense. Very few players in the country are that. Teams recognized that early in the year and challenged him the second he crossed half court and said - we know that guy can beat us, and until the rest of the team proves they can, we're gonna key him. That made it open season on Jordan with the "See I told you he wasn't a PG" .... which was laughable putting it all on him. He hasn't played well, but he hasn't had a lot of help either.

What I minimized was the transition they would need in order to play without Jok. I think that only comes with experience. Moss is good, he's just not at that level yet. I still think he'll get there, but sometimes it takes time to develop. It's hard to remember this but Marble Jr, White, Jok and Uthoff all took multiple seasons to become what they became. They didn't come out of the box like that. Very few do. IMO, Tyler Cook looks to be ahead of the game, and that's encouraging to me. He's having some eye opening moments as of late and is getting more and more confident with the ball.

I nearly gave up on the team. I'll admit it. I was discouraged. I was bummed we were gonna miss the NCAA. I still sorta am, but at least I feel more confident in the team working things out down the stretch then I did a month ago, which is all I can ask.

i miscalculated having Jok on the floor (no pun intended) as it relates to JBo not having pressure bring the ball up court. You simply could not afford to let the ball get past the guy defending JBo because that immediately prevents the defense from doubling Jok. Now, that is not a factor.
2 NCAA Tournament appearances and a play in game loss in 8 years is the definition of mediocre.

Still hanging Fran for those first few years when he inherited Andrew Brommer and Devin Archie I see, which is cool, and fair. I tend to look at backwards tho and say 3 NCAA's in the last 4 with missing it by a whisker last year. That's pretty much on par with the schools history.
It's ridiculous to say it won't happen. It would also be ridiculous to say it for sure will happen. I would say the odds are less than 50% that Fran will win a title here so I won't take an even money bet. But I would also bet that Iowa will not be able to find a coach that has much better odds. Maybe a little better. But not much.

I think they are slightly over 50% if given another 5-8 yrs, myself. I'd be happy if Iowa was contending for top 3 and winning every rare year.
Iowa hasn't won a B1G conference title in almost 40 years... No matter who coached the team. That's not a Fran issue. Some of you are like the dude in relationship who always gets dumped on but doesn't realize he smells and isn't very good looking. We could have Dana Altman, Phil Jackson or John Wooden and it wouldn't matter unless you caught lightning in a bottle and hired some guy who is just gonna leave us the minute he wins anyways.
Still hanging Fran for those first few years when he inherited Andrew Brommer and Devin Archie I see, which is cool, and fair. I tend to look at backwards tho and say 3 NCAA's in the last 4 with missing it by a whisker last year. That's pretty much on par with the schools history.

When people say it's been too long to still have the Lick excuse, some people must think that means we don't have to give him a pass for the first couple years anymore because it's been 8 now.
Again, these threads write themselves. But I think it's just the psyche of sports fans now. Which is ok imo, I'm not gonna tell you there's a right or wrong way to cheer on your team, it just seems perspective is often time lacked. Over on the football board, the narrative is how bad Iowa football has been under Ferentz who 3 seasons ago led the school to it's first ever 12-0 regular season and was national coach of the year. Not to mention Iowa is one of only 23 schools to win 7 or more games the last 3 seasons. He's about to tie Fry for all time wins after starting his first 2 seasons 4-19..... But Nebraska got Scott Frost who shoots lightning bolts out of his ass, ISU won 7 games for the first time this decade and Barry Alvarez pees sitting down sooo... I get it, we all want to win and if the guy who's in charge isn't doing it currently, we want someone who can.

I do get it. I just can't rule my own life with that sort of iron fist, so I can't expect others.
Iowa hasn't won a B1G conference title in almost 40 years... No matter who coached the team. That's not a Fran issue. Some of you are like the dude in relationship who always gets dumped on but doesn't realize he smells and isn't very good looking. We could have Dana Altman, Phil Jackson or John Wooden and it wouldn't matter unless you caught lightning in a bottle and hired some guy who is just gonna leave us the minute he wins anyways.

Last 18 years.

Alford was young and not a particularly good or bad coach.
FM. He has made some progress, but during that tenure or the previous 20 years taking us back tot he last championship I don't remember anyone being flat out shelled in games as much as Fran.

Prior to 1999
Davis - mediocre to decent
Raveling - terrible coach and great recruiter
Lute Olson - Elite Coach

Prior to Lute
Dick Shultz - Bad
Ralph Miller - Fantastic coach

That sums up the modern era.

It's really about hiring the right coach. Iowa has had 2 real winners. In 8 years it would be reasonable if FM were an elite coach that he'd have 1 championship. The next few years will be telling.
Last 18 years.

Alford was young and not a particularly good or bad coach.
FM. He has made some progress, but during that tenure or the previous 20 years taking us back tot he last championship I don't remember anyone being flat out shelled in games as much as Fran.

Prior to 1999
Davis - mediocre to decent
Raveling - terrible coach and great recruiter
Lute Olson - Elite Coach

Prior to Lute
Dick Shultz - Bad
Ralph Miller - Fantastic coach

That sums up the modern era.

It's really about hiring the right coach. Iowa has had 2 real winners. In 8 years it would be reasonable if FM were an elite coach that he'd have 1 championship. The next few years will be telling.

has anyone on here tried to call Fran elite? I missed that. I said, Fran has got Iowa back to where it's been traditionally as a basketball school and certainly does not warrant being fired at this point.
Still hanging Fran for those first few years when he inherited Andrew Brommer and Devin Archie I see, which is cool, and fair. I tend to look at backwards tho and say 3 NCAA's in the last 4 with missing it by a whisker last year. That's pretty much on par with the schools history.

It will be 2 NCAA tournament appearances and play in game loss in 5 years after this season. You consider that better than mediocre? Many would consider that bad!
It will be 2 NCAA tournament appearances and play in game loss in 5 years after this season. You consider that better than mediocre? Many would consider that bad!

3 dances in last 5 years. Can't really count this year yet, but I'll give Iowa the same benefit as every other school for year 5 in this exercise... as in, no ones made it, yet. Let's see who else has more since the 13-14 season...let's start with the B1G since that's their immediate peers?

Ohio State? Nope
Illinois? Nope
Indiana? Nope
Minnesota? Nope
Michigan? Nope
Maryland? Nope
Nebraska? Nope
Northwestern? Nope
Penn State? Nope
Purdue? Nope
Rutgers? Nope

so, Michigan State and Wisconsin. That's it. I am not going to look at every conference but more then 3 Dances in 5 I would imagine is top tier in the sport, 3 in 5 is hardly "bad", not great either.
It will be 2 NCAA tournament appearances and play in game loss in 5 years after this season. You consider that better than mediocre? Many would consider that bad!

who was the last Iowa coach to win the B1G?

Edit: I'll give you a hint. Lute Olsen. But that's all the hint you get.
If anyone on this site is trying to argue that Fran has been an elite coach at Iowa, send them my way cause that's horse shit. He's just not nearly as bad as you guys want to paint either. Above mediocre, not great. Which is what Iowa has been historically as a program and he's done absolutely NOTHING to warrant being fired or considered mediocre or "not getting it done" at this point.

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