Forum trolling is getting old

If you want straight up info, I would suggest setting up a twitter account that follows nothing except hawkeye insiders and bloggers. All that stuff comes out on twitter before it gets here anyways. Where do yo think most of the info comes from? That way you can avoid anything that might be slightly amusing. This will give you more time to yell at the neighbor kids for stepping on you lawn.
Yes ! Me, myself and I. I've got annoying neighboards that think my backyard is a park. And after I have the meeting with myself on my strategy I then go and talk to my neighbors, trying to keep my composure and not go ballistic on them
Yes ! Me, myself and I. I've got annoying neighboards that think my backyard is a park. And after I have the meeting with myself on my strategy I then go and talk to my neighbors, trying to keep my composure and not go ballistic on them

You should invite them to and then troll the **** out of them. It your neighbor is the OP, his head would explode.
When your having a losing season or program trolling increases significantly because you have allot of negativity with angry upset forum jocks that really spent too much time on sports forums. If you click on over to a successful sports program forum you will see trolling is not as prevalent. What I've seen here just today are some marginal thread topics that are discussion worthy (slightly) and then some of the old school guys around here slamming the hell out of the guy. It's up to the veteran posters around here to show some class and dignity with all the posters and try to have some integrity with responses and stop being invisible cowards.
Joke posts are no big deal. My only complaint is the fluff posts filled with purposely mis-spelled words and the ever evolving spelling of KF's name. Kurt Ferrets snort fart was funny and clever a few months ago, now it's just, meh.
I still like the ferrets, the snort chomp is still ok to me too. Opinions vary, I am for keeping. The moped on the other hand.... Clearly has played its course and should not be brought up again.
The trolling here is pretty light-hearted. You should see some of the crap spewed on HaLo and the HR pay board. The pay board has turned into a giant pizzing match between posters these days.
Prolly cuz they're ****** that they're paying for an internet forum.

Heck yeah they are. That's why when they come on here and "claim" to have insider info, they say they can't share because its from a pay site. They always want to make sure you know that they know something you don't know. Then 5 minutes later its all over twitter.

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