For the Vandenberg Bashers

Some really poor passes and last night it was pretty predictable for the Oky defense to collapse. Yea we dropped passes. Vandy is just hugely inconsistent at quarterback and last night it just seemed the offense had their heads up their you know where.
Didn't Vandy come from a spread offense at Keokuk? Vandy is a spread QB. Ferentz/KOK are trying to make him into a dropback passer.
Also, c'mon, were you watching the 02 D? How was that 2002 pass D?

Seriously? What is there for your opponent to try and do other than pass when they cannot run?

UConn has the #4 run defense in the nation, 114 pass
Stanford #5, 78 pass
Cincy #6, 105 pass
Utah 7, 89 pass

Some SEC schools are good in both, but the QB play in that league stinks. This is hardly uncommon
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Jon - while JVB can't be solely blamed for the losses, he can be blamed for the lack of points.

I don't know how many teams expect to win a football game scoring 14 points. Or 7. Or 24 in Regulation.

I'm not trying to be a dick here, but he looks a whole lot more like Christensen than he does Drew Tate, and your support of him as our starting QB, based solely on statistics, and seemingly ignoring what is plain to see, is reminiscent of your support of Christensen.

I was thrashed on this board for saying that JVB is the 8th or 9th best QB in the conference, and I stand by it.

Great QB's create. Drew Tate created offense, as did Banks, as did Stani at times. JVB can't create anything beyond a throw to his first read. Sometimes that throw is a good one, sometimes it's not. But forget about creating something out of a broken play.
So the across body bullet TD pass to CJF that was thrown where only Fed could catch it while running for his life last nite isn't creating? I realize he doesn't do this often enough, but to overlook that great throw and great catch by CJF is ignorant, at best.
Seriously? What is there for your opponent to try and do other than pass when they cannot run?

UConn has the #4 run defense in the nation, 114 pass
Stanford #5, 78 pass
Cincy #6, 105 pass
Utah 7, 89 pass

Some SEC schools are good in both, but the QB play in that league stinks. This is hardly uncommon

But are they good against the rush simply beacuse the other team is passing all the time? They know they can move it through the air, and don't put much effort into running.

Let's be honest and set the whole picture. 2002 Iowa opponents were usually behind and trying to keep up with the scoring. That leads to a much higher pass to run ratio and can skew stats.
Or conversely, why would you run when you can gobble huge chunks of yardage through the air?

Go back and look at how Big Ten teams were built in 2002. Most all of them were built to establish a run game and go from there. Teams couldn't run on Iowa, so they were forced to throw. Norm Parker's defense tries to make you one dimensional in its best years. Mission accomplished that year, and most years.
Go ahead Jon, show your love for Norm Parker in every thread. Shows how biased you are.

You can debate a lot of things, but trying to debate that the majority of Iowa;s football success in the 2000's hasn't been due to Norm's defenses is pure peeing into the wind

Here's your bias:


Do you mind turning off your caps. Your screaming. Thanks
Would you trade last year's rushing O for this year's?

Also, c'mon, were you watching the 02 D? How was that 2002 pass D?

Actually, I would trade this year's rushing game for last year's.

A-Rob was more versatile than Coker; great option out of the backfield, good in pass pro, and a much better back than he got credit for. He wasn't a burner, but he hit the holes quickly and had that initial burst to get to the second level.

And on top of that, Coker was a key contributor last year as well.
The numerous dropped balls did not help matters a bit this season.....

He brought the team back last night and made it an interesting game with some very nice passes.....

Only thing I hope he works on for next season is having the time to look over the whole field if possible before throwing. Of course, it is easy to say that sitting comfortably in front of the TV watching the Hawks.....

I thought JV redeemed himself with his play down the stretch last night.....

He feasted on poor defenses. He struggled against good ones.


I'm trying to make this more precise. How did Vandy do against pass defenses with average pass rushes and good to great DBs like, for example, Iowa State? It seems he did OK.

How did Vandy do against pass defenses like, for example, PSU and Oklahoma that had good pass rushes and good to great DBs? Deer in the headlights.

EDIT: Of course, Vandy could be put in the shotgun every play...

How good are Iowa's receivers?
Could Vandy, or any Iowa QB be more effective if Iowa's receivers were more athletic - more able to get open - have great speed against good to great pass defenses?

Unfortunately, I don't see any of those receivers coming to Iowa soon.
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I realize he was not up to snuff on the road the his year, and he has to improve on his consistency.

But he threw for over 3000 yards this year, the 4th highest total in a single season in Iowa history...25 touchdowns to 6 interceptions.

The kid has shelf ability. He just wasn't consistent..and he also had a lot of dropped balls this year. He needs to calm down a bit more on the road.

He has the skill..there is no doubt about that. Now, he has a season of starting under his belt.

Some are acting like he is the second coming of Jake Christensen, which is just not the case.

You can manipulate numbers to fit any scenario you wish to create. You can even make Jake Christensen look "good" with some cherry-picking, just as one can make JVB "appear" to be a better QB than Ricky Stanzi or Drew Tate with number "crunching".

But here are the facts:

--JVB is not a good leader/motivator. The same way WRs used to OPENLY get on Christensen's case, we saw it with WRs being OPENLY frustrated with JVB.

--One can point to Stanzi's high numbers of INTs, pick-6's, etc., say JVB makes better throws and has better numbers (conveniently leaving out that Stanzi's best year, statistically, saw him let down by defensive lapses). Yet, Stanzi had wins over Penn State, Michigan, Michigan State, Georgia Tech, Arizona, South Carolina, Missouri. JVB has Stanzi beat in that he has beaten NW (Stanzi never did, although he left with a lead, followed by a JVB INT that lead to a NW lead-taking drive). Then again, Jake beat NW. Stanzi also had two wins over Wisconsin. I shudder at the the thought of JVB playing Wisconsin anywhere other than Kinnick Stadium. And even Kinnick wouldn't make me all that comfortable.

--It's hard to argue JVBs great effort in the comeback win against Pitt. But for special teams, missed kicks and a pick-6 off McNutt's hands, Stanzi had a pretty good comeback in the works ON THE ROAD against Arizona.

--One can point to JVB having receivers drop balls. Hello. Name a QB that never had to deal with that? DJK routinely quit on routes, both with Stanzi and Jake. Even Jake had to deal with player loss in the form of Douglas and Bowman. That stuff happens.

In short, Stanzi won. Sure, he had SG, but he also won with two freshman RBs, as well as the mercifully-short-lived Paki experiment. JVB walked into this season with Coker and McNutt. Did he need more? Maybe. Herman and Z Derby certainly didn't set the college football world on fire. Again, what Iowa QB hasn't had those issues?

JVB, W-L wise, "quality win"wise and, most importantly, poise-wise, is not in the league of Stanzi, Tate, Nate Chandler, Brad Banks, et. al.

He has the skills. Lots of guys arrive at school with that. He's had two years to "learn" behind Stanzi. He has some more learning to do.
jury is still out. good numbers, but so what? Results are what matter. We haven't seen that IT factor from vandenberg yet. Pocket awareness, picking up blitzes, looking like a deer in headlights at times; all need to improve. I hope it does, because barring an injury he will be the starter next year. Unfortuneately with the same OLD scheme we will likely get the same results. Sometimes i think tom brady or drew brees wouldn't be better than 8-4 with our offensive scheme. I, like most of hawkeye nation have very little faith in our current offensive scheme, and the numbers bear us out. Average of 60th ranked offense over the last 10 years! Sorry, but that is awful and shouldn't be tolerated!
Yes, but I'm inferring Ferentz thinks a more complicated playbook would risk mistakes.
Can't have those.

I mean, you've seen how many times our punt receiver has let the punt drop.
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