For the Vandenberg Bashers

This is why I came up with the new affliction Vangina. Attacks of Vangina are often brought on by severe stress. People often overreact and perceive Vangina to actually be something more serious and terminal. However, if one learns the signs and takes the appropriate precautions, he or she will find the symptoms will eventually subside.

But here's the rub, Vangina is a chronic condition. You can't get rid of it, you can only hope to manage it.
Why do people have to say nasty things about our players. If they are not as good as you want to be, fine but they are just kids and they are not perfect.
One of those things he doesn't have that Stanzi had all three of his years as a starter is a Top 20 national defense. Chandler had that too. Tate had that in 2004. Banks had that in 2002.

Good point. And the OL had some lapses this year that certainly didn't help.

JVB will start all the Hawks games next year barring injury. I also think he'll make some improvements, as will Keenan Davis, CJF, and Martin-Manly.
WTF people, Vandy is a first year QB and has skillz!! How many drops last night? How bad was KOK?

Vandy does lock in and has tunnel at times, but he will learn and develop into a good QB.

I would take JV over Stanzi and its not even close. Compare JV to Stanzi in their first year. We should be ****** at KOK and Ferentz, they failed last night, not JV.

I'm still drunk and very ****** at KOK and the captain. Good job Norm, you will be missed.
One of those things he doesn't have that Stanzi had all three of his years as a starter is a Top 20 national defense. Chandler had that too. Tate had that in 2004. Banks had that in 2002.

And you realize barring some incredibly unforeseen bounty of JUCO D linemen next year's D will also not be close to Top 20, right? Also, the only returning starters he will have on the line are an ex-walkon Guard who struggled and an undersized center, who struggles in one on one blocking and stunt pick-up.

Seriously guys, the signs of resurgence will start in 2013. 2014 will be epic. Take the next couple if years to play with the kids, further the career, and raise that GPA. Save for a great couple of bowl trips in the middle if the decade instead of mortgaging the farm to be in a position to buy overpriced seats for an underperforming product. Just stubhub a couple of seats under face value or scalp for peanuts if you really are Jonesing for that Kinnick experience. But save the big clams for the good three year swing.
JV reminds me of a streak shooter in basketball. No one has brought up the Pittsburg game in this thread. When he's on a roll he's pretty darn good.

His stats are good. He has had Marvin and a running game, but he's more than good enough to keep the defense honest. I think Ricky had more pick 6's as a junior tha JV had interceptions. I suspect three years from now people will be saying how good JV was and how our current QB doesn't measure up.

We are all disappointed this year. We probably fell two games short of where we should have been in the win column. A lot of the team played a role in making that happen. If only...................had happened we could have been a lot better.

I expect a pretty big jump in JV in his senior year. This season has been a great learning experience for him. Have a little faith. The QB and the coach always gets more credit and more blame then they deserve. After a loss and falling a bit short of expectations for the year this is pretty much what I expected to see on the message boards. In todays world of immediate gratification some of you might want to remember how you grew with game experience and maturity from year to year (assuming of course you may have played something).

As this off season goes on I hope our fan base is a bit more realistic about what to expect. Much of the negative posting IMO stems from people overhyping players and the team. When they don't meet those expectations some posters tend to place blame on any and all rather than look in the mirror and say I was a bit unrealistic in my expectations of the player and the team. These kids are not pros. As a New Years resolution let's enjoy them and let them enjoy their experiences in 2012
Disagree. I don't think he is better than average and don't think his skill level is great. He's a class act though and makes the Hawks proud. Just not the great QB we all want him to be.
Jon - while JVB can't be solely blamed for the losses, he can be blamed for the lack of points.

I don't know how many teams expect to win a football game scoring 14 points. Or 7. Or 24 in Regulation.

I'm not trying to be a dick here, but he looks a whole lot more like Christensen than he does Drew Tate, and your support of him as our starting QB, based solely on statistics, and seemingly ignoring what is plain to see, is reminiscent of your support of Christensen.

I was thrashed on this board for saying that JVB is the 8th or 9th best QB in the conference, and I stand by it.

Great QB's create. Drew Tate created offense, as did Banks, as did Stani at times. JVB can't create anything beyond a throw to his first read. Sometimes that throw is a good one, sometimes it's not. But forget about creating something out of a broken play.
One of those things he doesn't have that Stanzi had all three of his years as a starter is a Top 20 national defense. Chandler had that too. Tate had that in 2004. Banks had that in 2002.

He also had a running game which Stanzi didn't have in 09 or 10.

We were top 20 in 2002 D? I guess stats don't tell the whole story. That D was serviceable at best.
WTF people, Vandy is a first year QB and has skillz!! How many drops last night? How bad was KOK?

Vandy does lock in and has tunnel at times, but he will learn and develop into a good QB.

I would take JV over Stanzi and its not even close. Compare JV to Stanzi in their first year. We should be ****** at KOK and Ferentz, they failed last night, not JV.

I'm still drunk and very ****** at KOK and the captain. Good job Norm, you will be missed.

This is just dumb at this point. These are the comments that **** people off and make them want to rip JVB b/c they feel like the whole world has some kind of ridiculous blinders on. You need to get real. I don't want to rip JVB. He's decent; better than a lot of people think. But he's not even close to Stanzi. It's laughable. There's not a coach in the world who would take JVB over Stanzi. Sorry. One's an NFL QB. The other is a better than average college QB.
You know the qb is a problem when a rb goes for 250yds and the team still loses to MN and they don't score more than 21 points
One thing I will say is that KOK has had success in making QB's better. Going back to Kyle McCann he has be consistent in helping QB's grow. Vandenberg is a better QB than McCann and Chandler were and they had success as seniors. Jake was exception and it will be hard top Banks and Tate. Stanzi was very solid as a senior as well.

Say what you want about some of KOK's playcalling, but he is a very good developer of QB's. His track record speaks for itself and for that I do think Vandenberg can get better.

This season was very frustrating but hopefully he can learn from it. No excuses next season.

I agree it's not our play calling or coaching, it comes down to the player himself. I'm not too ticked because we all know that the Oklahoma roster is stacked, I'm actually glad we gave Okla a game for the most part.
JVB doesn't pass the proverbial "eye test" He will throw awful passes....and then just run outside the pocket where he will get totally thrashed. (Announcer commented on how he has to get an idea where his pocket is twice.)

Hopefully Rudock can push him a bit, he is not an All-BIG caliber QB.

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