Fleck to Minnesota.....I'm gonna go puke now!!!

It's a good hire for them. Fleck is so young yet. He's yet to be humbled by the profession. Be it having a really challenging season or getting fired from a job. Let's see how all that positivity of his goes once he's had his hat handed to him for a couple years strait...From the outside it looks like that's a good job for him and he's a good hire for them. (with all the crap they've had going on the sooner they hired someone the better they needed to just get past the Kill/Claeys era) A guy like KF that's been around the block and back again I wonder how he feels about the younger guys getting their chances like this. With college football hiring younger guys all the time to me it'll only perpetuate the musical chairs that coaching is.
Going 13-0 at Directional Michigan U is not a guarantee that he'll succeed at Minnesota, or anywhere else.

I won't be heartbroken if/when Iowa replaces Ferentz, but jumping at an "up and coming" coach fails more often than not.
------- You act as if he is the second coming of Nick Saban.

You are probably right.....however, I am jealous of ANY school right now you gets ANYONE new that acts as if they have a pulse. That is how burned out I am on this program and "The turd" at HC.
Slow the roll man!! Wow. You act as if he is the second coming of Nick Saban.
I'm a big believer in good fits and PJ Fleck in my view wouldn't be that fit for Iowa. Iowa is not a PJ Fleck hire!! He can take his unconventional stuff to Gopher land, they like Gimmicks.

My take is this: on the surface a excellent hire for Minnesota, but probably doesn't change a whole heck of a lot in the end. Gophers will still be the Gophers. Not like recruits lncoking down the door to play in Minneapolis! In the end for PJ Fleck he will regret this move to coach the Minnesota Gophers. This issue they have going on right now I would have stayed a MILLION MILES from it..

He is a really good coach and a great motivator and recruiter. Total package. he recruited well to Western Michigan, no reason to think he won't recruit well to Minnesota.
I am sooooo jelaous....what an awesome hire at a school who certainly does NOT deserve him. Mark my words....Fleck will promise to do things Ferments hasn't uttered in going on 18 years....and he WILL get off his ass and try and recruit. What a shot in the arm this could have been for us. I do NOT see him acting as if the program is at a built in disadvantage. You can't name ONE football program in the entire country that is as stale as Iowa's. Jesus H. Christmas....why can't this be us??? Eat S Barta!!!

Man, go for the shiny objects. Guy has not done that much but yet he is the Savior. He is in the Bigs now so let's see what Junior actually DOES!
We'll see. There have been a TON of MAC coaches who DID NOT do well in the Big Ten at schools like Minnesota and Purdue.

I'll take Ferentz and 8 wins every year.
I'll be honest, I feel like Fleck would have been a good get for Iowa in 3-5 more years. It's a pretty good hire I think, only time will tell.
Good hire if you are trying to deflect short-term attention from all that is wrong with that program. Bad hire if you think his style will work long-term at a flagship institution with a super-inflated self-image.
Wanna bet that PJ will do things that KF hasn't "uttered". I will bet you anything that you want to that PJ Fleck won't do at Minnesota over the next 15 years, what KF has done over his last 15 years (and these are are sooooooo terrible according to you that KF is a smelly turdbowl).

Over the last 15 years, here are the total wins for B1G teams:

OSU 154
Wisconsin 143
Nebraska 125 (Most of these in a weak ass Big12 conference)
Iowa 124 (.646% winning%)(8.26 Wins per year)
Penn St. 123
Michigan 122
MSU 116
Northwestern 99
Rutgers 96
Minnesota 95
Maryland 94
Purdue 79
Illinois 64
Indiana 62

Not only that, but I will GUARANTEE that PJ will never have a 8 year run at Minnesota like KF did (2002-2010) with the following:

-2 B1G titles
-2 BCS bowl appearances
-.684 % winning %
-78 wins in 8 years
-4 top 10 finishes
-5 top 20 finishes

I get that everyone is tired of KF, heck I am ready for a change myself. Yet to pretend that KF didn't do those things just makes you look like an idiot.
You conveniently left out his pedestrian BIG win percentage, failed to mention his embarrassing bowl performances and forgot to add 'shared' BIG titles.
His first job will be damage control. I hope he realizes it. He'll have to talk players out of jumping ship. He'll have to satisfy the culture within the university. part of which is hostile to the athletics program in general and the football program in particular. The title IX investigations didn't start with the current incident so there is a good deal of history there. The high school coaches around the area aren't going to soon forget. Right now I would say, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, Northwestern (if you have the grades), and North Dakota State are preferred destinations. Minnesota might still have a recruiting advantage over Northern Iowa, Northern Illinois, Iowa State, South Dakota State, and North Dakota. Maybe Fleck can wow recruits away from all those teams, but he has his work cut out for him.
How many games did Minnesota win again this year? Such a dismal program.
Who thinks he'll be around to see his first recruiting class graduate? I don't. One way or the other good or bad he won't be there long. It's the product of younger and younger coaches being hired. I'm more worried about Illinois getting better. We recruit against them more head to head for kids.
This is what happens to that scrub.

Iowa Has Record-Setting Day in 59-3 Win Over West…:

You're joking, right? That was his 4th game as a coach for Western Michigan. He went 1-11 that year, but went 8-5, 8-5, and 13-1 in the following years. He's not only won more games in a season than Kirk has, that WMU team was actually competitive against Wisconsin in the Cotton Bowl, unlike Iowa in its few NY6/BCS games (with the exception of the 2009/2010 Orange Bowl). Definitely unlike Iowa in the past 5 bowl games.

Is he guaranteed to turn Minnesota into an NCG contender? No. But I bet he'll get that team fired up and compete for the B1G.
You're joking, right? That was his 4th game as a coach for Western Michigan. He went 1-11 that year, but went 8-5, 8-5, and 13-1 in the following years. He's not only won more games in a season than Kirk has, that WMU team was actually competitive against Wisconsin in the Cotton Bowl, unlike Iowa in its few NY6/BCS games (with the exception of the 2009/2010 Orange Bowl). Definitely unlike Iowa in the past 5 bowl games.

Is he guaranteed to turn Minnesota into an NCG contender? No. But I bet he'll get that team fired up and compete for the B1G.

I agree. Minnesota is in a weak division that is there for the taking. And when you really look at it, they aren't that far away anyway. In 2014 and 2016 with a win in their final game against Wisconsin, Minnesota would have won the division. 2014 outright and 2016 would have been a tie. They held double digit leads in both of those games but ultimately lost both.

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