Feuding Neighbors Thread


Well-Known Member
Well, it's off season and the thread needs some new blood every once-in-awhile. I know it's off-topic but wondering if anybody has any interesting stories about feuding with your neighbors, serious or funny. What have each done to each other to get back at each other or how bad does it get? Revenge tactics? Could be you feuding with a neighbor or other neighbors feuding.

I have one across the street that I may post later about. Just wondering about any or your experiences.
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I have a rental on one side of me that was constantly leaving their dog's dumps in my front yard, which I kindly returned to them by flinging back into theirs. They would also throw their sticks over into my yard when they mowed. Naturally I would just throw them back into theirs. After a few times of this we then found the sticks piled underneath our back car tires in the driveway. Had a nice confrontation about it that ended my wife and the lady next door yelling at each other.
Oh yea, neighbor down the road walks his dogs & doesn't clean up after it. Always in our yard. I've been meaning to collect our dog's deposits and find a way to the middle of their drive way some night, a whole pile. After that, it's going to be human waste. Kinda gross. I know.
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Got a new neighbor 3 houses down across the street in a rental house. Starting noticing dog crap in my lawn- a lot of it. I get up early to exercise and noticed her walking 3 dogs at 5:45 AM. She stops, looks around and then takes her 3 dogs off the sidewalk to my tree were they all process to crap. I watched her do it the next day also. Talked to a cop friend of mine. 3rd day as the dogs are doing their business I walk out and scoop up their crap. She starts walking fast away toward her house saying things to me. As she opens her door I fling the fresh crap into her house. She calls the cops. My friend shows up. I explained the city rules for dog crap and cleaning it up- then explain I was simply returning her property to her. Cop writes her a ticket for $375- a $125 per crap. She moved out 2 weeks later.
Got a new neighbor 3 houses down across the street in a rental house. Starting noticing dog crap in my lawn- a lot of it. I get up early to exercise and noticed her walking 3 dogs at 5:45 AM. She stops, looks around and then takes her 3 dogs off the sidewalk to my tree were they all process to crap. I watched her do it the next day also. Talked to a cop friend of mine. 3rd day as the dogs are doing their business I walk out and scoop up their crap. She starts walking fast away toward her house saying things to me. As she opens her door I fling the fresh crap into her house. She calls the cops. My friend shows up. I explained the city rules for dog crap and cleaning it up- then explain I was simply returning her property to her. Cop writes her a ticket for $375- a $125 per crap. She moved out 2 weeks later.
Shouldn't one be able to charge trespassing for that too? I'm glad I live in the country. Neighbors suck. I grew up a half a mile as the crow flies from any of my neighbors and a mile away if you were to take the road and not cut across the section. I have neighbors just around the bend from us now but it's like a quarter mile or so I'd guess. That's close enough
I had some annoying guy who was always recording podcasts really loud in his attic so I tossed a bunch of snake families into his basement.
Shouldn't one be able to charge trespassing for that too? I'm glad I live in the country. Neighbors suck. I grew up a half a mile as the crow flies from any of my neighbors and a mile away if you were to take the road and not cut across the section. I have neighbors just around the bend from us now but it's like a quarter mile or so I'd guess. That's close enough
Yep. I don't think I could handle living in town surrounded by jerks and idiots.
Well to stay with the dog-related theme: I bought my house 2 years ago. The first thing my neighbor told me was how she had to have a mediation with the neighborhood police sargent because the guy I bought my house from was riding his ATV in his yard. His yard. I should have taken this as a warning of things to come.

She has a dog that barks constantly whenever he is out. I have never once complained about this dog. I have a dog who occasionally barks as well. Well around Christmas time I became a foster for a dog that was recovering from major hip surgery. She was a good dog, but I think she had been abused and suspect her hip was broken by her owner. Anyway,she sometimes would whine and cry - imagine that. Recovering from major surgery. She would also bark at other dogs when she was outside.

One day I was outside with my volunteer shirt on and she said "You're not a volunteer". I said yes I was and that the dog outside was a foster dog I was caring for. She said, well it isn't good care and told me not to ever talk to her dog; She also felt the need to tell me that the dog was violating the city noise ordinance by barking before 8:00 am.

Long story short: The dog is finally rehabilitated and ready for adoption after 5 months. I take her in to meet with her adoptive parents and the volunteer coordinator tells me my neighbor called in to say I was abusing the dog. This was apparently about the time of our conversation. He didn't tell me about it because he knew the dog and he knew me so he realized she was full of crap.

Same neighbor also complained to my yard guy to not blow grass in her yard and I could go on but you get the picture.
Well to stay with the dog-related theme: I bought my house 2 years ago. The first thing my neighbor told me was how she had to have a mediation with the neighborhood police sargent because the guy I bought my house from was riding his ATV in his yard. His yard. I should have taken this as a warning of things to come.

She has a dog that barks constantly whenever he is out. I have never once complained about this dog. I have a dog who occasionally barks as well. Well around Christmas time I became a foster for a dog that was recovering from major hip surgery. She was a good dog, but I think she had been abused and suspect her hip was broken by her owner. Anyway,she sometimes would whine and cry - imagine that. Recovering from major surgery. She would also bark at other dogs when she was outside.

One day I was outside with my volunteer shirt on and she said "You're not a volunteer". I said yes I was and that the dog outside was a foster dog I was caring for. She said, well it isn't good care and told me not to ever talk to her dog; She also felt the need to tell me that the dog was violating the city noise ordinance by barking before 8:00 am.

Long story short: The dog is finally rehabilitated and ready for adoption after 5 months. I take her in to meet with her adoptive parents and the volunteer coordinator tells me my neighbor called in to say I was abusing the dog. This was apparently about the time of our conversation. He didn't tell me about it because he knew the dog and he knew me so he realized she was full of crap.

Same neighbor also complained to my yard guy to not blow grass in her yard and I could go on but you get the picture.
Reminds me of an old hag neighbor that chewed out my wife for having our dog off leash. Next day I see her walking her dog with an extendable leash (extended out about 15 to 20 feet). I was going to let her 'kindly' know that the law restricts leashes to 10 feet in Iowa City, but wife stopped me.
I know, not that interesting, but people like that really annoy the shit out of me.
Yeah, I got a beef alright. My neighbor is one of the top amateur women tennis players in the country and her and roommate are always walking around naked in their apartment. It's really distracting.
neighbor two homes down from me goes to work in his pick up between 4:45-5:30am every day Monday - Saturday. Problem is that his truck sounds like a nascar engine when he starts it. It rattles my bedroom wall. I have called the cops twice. They must have worked on the truck because it's not nearly as loud today, but this went on for along time. You could hear this truck as it went up and around the street corner.

The person right next two me had two of her loser friends move in with her for about 6 months last year. Went to bed on a Sunday night (I have to get up early for work Mondays) It was about 11:30p when I went to bed and noticed a flashing in the window and could hear loud voices/sounds coming form outside. I looked out my bedroom window and noticed that those idiots had rented a big screen and projector and were watching movies with large speakers hooked up to it. I called the cops and they shut it down. Wouldn't have cared if it were a non work night, man I was pissed.
Yeah, I got a beef alright. My neighbor is one of the top amateur women tennis players in the country and her and roommate are always walking around naked in their apartment. It's really distracting.

What's your address? I can go talk to them for you.
Not a current neighbor thankfully, but I used to have a neighbor in a 4 unit apartment complex who would consistently block my car in then not answer her door when I would go knock to get her to move it. Called the landlord and told me to go ahead and have it towed if it kept happening. I left a note on her door letting her know this . Next day I get woken up at 5 am by her pounding on my door. Open the door and she starts screaming at me about stealing her bottled water delivery. Told her I didn't and reminded her about the car situation. She leaves in a huff. 3 days later wakes me up at 5 am to tell me I need to give her a ride to nursing school because her car won't start. I have never wanted to end someones life more than her that day. Instead just told her to go f herself and slammed the door in her face. We never spoke after that and I moved as soon as lease was up.
Not a current neighbor thankfully, but I used to have a neighbor in a 4 unit apartment complex who would consistently block my car in then not answer her door when I would go knock to get her to move it. Called the landlord and told me to go ahead and have it towed if it kept happening. I left a note on her door letting her know this . Next day I get woken up at 5 am by her pounding on my door. Open the door and she starts screaming at me about stealing her bottled water delivery. Told her I didn't and reminded her about the car situation. She leaves in a huff. 3 days later wakes me up at 5 am to tell me I need to give her a ride to nursing school because her car won't start. I have never wanted to end someones life more than her that day. Instead just told her to go f herself and slammed the door in her face. We never spoke after that and I moved as soon as lease was up.
I had a similar situation when I lived in a condo unit. This crazy old woman and her boyfriend lived above me, the boyfriend parked his car in the driveway. Well, one night someone threw a rock through his back window. As I pulled my car out of my garage the next morning I noticed the window smashed and glass all over. I went inside to inform them of this. The boyfriend comes out all pissed off (he knew of it already) and starts yelling at me saying he's called the cops and they will get the finger prints off the rock. I was like okay, sorry and went back to my car. As I began driving it hit me that he thinks I did it! A week or so later the woman across the hall from me told me that the girlfriend was going around telling everyone that I threw the rock through her window! I couldn't believe it, total BS to accuse me of that. I was so glad when those two nut jobs moved out.

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