Well to stay with the dog-related theme: I bought my house 2 years ago. The first thing my neighbor told me was how she had to have a mediation with the neighborhood police sargent because the guy I bought my house from was riding his ATV in his yard. His yard. I should have taken this as a warning of things to come.
She has a dog that barks constantly whenever he is out. I have never once complained about this dog. I have a dog who occasionally barks as well. Well around Christmas time I became a foster for a dog that was recovering from major hip surgery. She was a good dog, but I think she had been abused and suspect her hip was broken by her owner. Anyway,she sometimes would whine and cry - imagine that. Recovering from major surgery. She would also bark at other dogs when she was outside.
One day I was outside with my volunteer shirt on and she said "You're not a volunteer". I said yes I was and that the dog outside was a foster dog I was caring for. She said, well it isn't good care and told me not to ever talk to her dog; She also felt the need to tell me that the dog was violating the city noise ordinance by barking before 8:00 am.
Long story short: The dog is finally rehabilitated and ready for adoption after 5 months. I take her in to meet with her adoptive parents and the volunteer coordinator tells me my neighbor called in to say I was abusing the dog. This was apparently about the time of our conversation. He didn't tell me about it because he knew the dog and he knew me so he realized she was full of crap.
Same neighbor also complained to my yard guy to not blow grass in her yard and I could go on but you get the picture.