Fan's temper worries me

Bo Ryan and Tom Izzo ride the officials just as much as anyone, but they have a built a reputation over the years that seems to provide a buffer with the officiating crews. A lot of coaches are the same way.

Bob Knight had an uncontrollable anger at times; to the point of hurting his players and his University. Fran does not go that far. He obviously is very passionate about what he does and that is great...his players don't appear to be threatened by his outbursts. His anger is aimed at the officials because he feels "his" players are not getting a fair shake in the game...he is sticking up for his guys.

If players start transferring out because of Fran and his "temper" then we have a problem, but the players seem to support the coaching staff and they want to play for them.

how do you know this? he's been a coach at iowa for how many years?
Trying to accomplish? He is coaching. Coaches coach no matter what the score is. Was the chair a bit much, of course. He obviously expects more than what he got tonight and in the previous game.

I get that. The thing is, it happened halfway through the 2nd half after they were already down by 18. Maybe he should have used this coaching technique earlier? But then again, given the final score and the fact that they lost by 34, maybe this coaching technique had the opposite effect than was intended.
I get that. The thing is, it happened halfway through the 2nd half after they were already down by 18. Maybe he should have used this coaching technique earlier? But then again, given the final score and the fact that they lost by 34, maybe this coaching technique had the opposite effect than was intended.

They were down 28. It isn't a technique it is who he is. I don't know what happened or what was said during the timeout. All I know is he is still coaching with fire when we are down by 28. That I like. Some may not. To each his own I guess.
The clip of him throwing his chair is now making its way around the Twitterverse. It is rather embarrassing when I watch it again. Not a good thing to be known for that is for sure.

Like losing by 34 isn't embarrassing? I'm glad he doesn't take it sitting down. They played like garbage today. I've still got plenty of faith in them for the future, but today they were terrible in every sense of the word.
Because if you are a good coach you don't give a damn what the score is if you aren't getting what you think you should out of your players. I was listening to Dolph and Bobby when it happened. They said he was basically telling them to get tough and if you are getting hammered on offense(which we were) hammer them back when you are on defense. If the refs are going to let you play you have to adjust.

exactly my thoughts. you gotta get close to your man hand in his ugly face. and don`t let him see your fear.aaron craft is good example
uh yeah didn't you know that!! WE WANT PASSION AND FIRE!!! It doesn't matter how many hours the coach spends teaching or scouting...if he doesn't explode and act like a fool he has no passion. I'm not surprised so many people wanted Mike Stoops...
Be careful throwing out words like explode,passion and fool because your view in the mirror may surprise you.
The irony of some accepting this type of behavior out of a coach, then go and belittle a coach from Ames that shows emotion as well.
I loved it. He needs to double down to erase the 3 years of lethargy and apathy that consumed Iowa basketball. To all you moralizing, even-keel types, have another Sanka and watch some Masterpiece Theatre, it's more up your alley.
I grew up with Norm Stewart. Beside him only knight was more volatile. But growing up with that and watching other coaches be perennial winners without that attitude taught me that fire like that is not what it means to be a winner. Fans like to see the fire (ESP when we have to watch Ferentz), but it does not mean he is a great competitor, it just means he has a temper.
This is without question the most thoughtful post I have read in this thread. I to like to see the passion, but, not because it somehow makes you better than the opposition. It doesn't.
Mccaffery's temper is not what will make him a good coach. It's his teaching ability and the amount of success he finds on the recruiting trail that will be the measuring stick of his career. The tantrums, knipshins, and bursting arteries are all tributary.
This is the first time they have ever been yelled at. Ever.

So look for the entire team to quit today due to "hurt feelings" and "soiled diapers".

This is D1 Big Ten basketball, not Pee Wee's Youth Basketball League where every participant gets a medal for being there.

If you cant man up and take coachs outburst, you cant man up and take the pressures of the league.
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the guys are there but to play basketball. they are there to win and play to the best of their ability. they were not doing that tonight and they needed a good tongue lashing for their lack of effort.
there is a great recruiting class coming in next year and if they continue to show improvement next year will be fun to watch.
i am ok with the yelling. the kids need it because they probably didn't get much of it growing up anyways. if they leave then leave and if it is over getting yelled out and their coach getting too many technical fouls then don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Ferentz doesn't show any temper and all his players want to play for other teams. Just sayin'.
I love stuff like this. Fans rip on coaches for keeping their cool on the sideline chewing gum saying the coaches have no fire. Then we have the other side that say the coaches ranting on the sideline is embarressing.

The way this team played last night I would have blown up to. They played like crap and I'd bet the players felt they had it coming. Wartburg probably would have looked better against MSU last night.
I really like the fact that he brings emotion in this game. He CARES!!! Got our butts kicked either way, but some of the fouls the refs MSU get away with were terrible. I believe Fran lost it after Devyn got hacked going to the rim, and turned it over to MSU and there was no call.
Yeah I don't mind the technicals. I like the fact that he isn't going to stand idly by while the bluebloods of the conference get all the calls and the little guys get walked all over. I think he is just making the bed for the future that if the refs stink it up he will let them hear about it. Bo Ryan does this more than any coach in the conference, and it works for him! The Badgers are like a football team on the basketball court and the reason they get away with it is because Bo works the refs the way he does.
Nothing was more embarrassing last night than Iowa's play. The kids were terrible last night.

Fran knows they are better than that. That's what is so frustrating.
really? is that the measuring stick now? your level of passion is measured by how red your face gets, or how hard you slam a chair on the court?

No it's not, and I see your point. I was simply stating that Tom Davis sometimes seemed too far the other way. Believe me, I would take going back to the tournament every year any day of the week. I don't care if the coach's face is red and screaming or not. Whatever these kids need to be successful.
Jesus H Tebow.....criticize KF for not showing enough fire and then criticize Fran for showing too much fire....which is it with some of you people? Here's what it comes down to y'all: Winning. I don't care how you get there. Just do it.
The irony of some accepting this type of behavior out of a coach, then go and belittle a coach from Ames that shows emotion as well.

This thread is in the Iowa Basketball Forum. If you would like to make a comment involving a comparison of an Iowa coach and an Iowa State coach please start a thread in the Rivalry Forum.
Nothing was more embarrassing last night than Iowa's play. The kids were terrible last night.

Fran knows they are better than that. That's what is so frustrating.

not to pick on you but this is what I don't get....we get beat by 40 and some posters are like "We are just so far behind talent wise" and than someone complains about Fran and it's all of the sudden like "He's frustrated because they are so much better than that" well which way is it? are we a talent devoid team that can't even dribble a ball or are we under achievers?

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