ESPN Rittenberg picks Iowa to lose

Maybe they just played two awful games or maybe they are just awful. Either they are unmotivated and not ready to play or there are not enough BoneG ready players on the field.
What's embarrassing is the fact he thinks we're merely bad. I've seen bad teams and we're not that good.

Not only is this a funny post, but it's true. I think this is Kirk's worst team since his first in '99. Not sure how that happens after 14 years. I think it was complacency that wasn't realized until just after this last year when all the changes were made. I just pray that this is the only year we have to suffer this embarassment.
At least Rittenberg is being generous in regard to the Hawks scoring 16 pts.....I still think they will win a close one against the purple panthers.
No shock in that prediction. If the same Iowa team showed up for NIU and ISU, then Iowa will lose. I traveled to a customer in Wisconsin today and he is big Badger fan, he said UNI by 7.

Not surprising Badger fans would think this since UNI gave them a game because they don't want to believe their team is as bad as it is and think UNI is better then they are.

Now I agree if the Iowa of the first two weeks shows up they will take a loss, but I think the offense will wake up this Saturday.
I think its more embarrassing that Rittenberg called Iowa a bad team. Not average, not not very good, BAD.
He is basing his comments (at least I think) on what he is reading from the fans. This forum has made Iowa out to be HORRIBLE when in reality they didn't look that bad. After watching the game a few times (yes I like to punish myself) we are not as bad as everyone says. Tittenburg is basing his comments on what he is hearing from here and other forums. Which is sad because if he was a true journalist he would watch at least part of the Iowa games before making such comments.

BESIDES ESPN HATES AND I MEAN HATES the big 10...primarily because of the BTN.
What are the odds Donatell Gets smoked in coverage, like number 3 of isu did multiple times last week? where is nico law to alleviate some speed issues.
Ohhh yeah well I see 500 Diesel Dollhairs just sitting there. Put your DDs where you keyboard is big guy.

I have several million Viesel Dollars in offshore accounts for tax purposes. Obama has been coming hard after mah hard earned Vollars, so I gotta protect myself.

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