I don't know about national titles...a bridge too far?
But it seems Iowa needs more talent...like WRs to avoid being blown out and embarrassed in bowl games. That is a first step.
And a game plan that isn't produced by the Flintstones.
All I said was what I said. And how I meant it is that once you get past the top 10-15ish classes or so I feel it's all a crap shoot when you try comparing classes. They currently have Iowa's class ahead of Wiskys. And I agree their program is ahead of ours right now...Please, don't try to equate Wisky's program with Iowa's program. Wisky has the defense. Iowa doesn't .
Totally agree. If you want a national title, more than likely you are going to have to get a top 10 class. Now I think you can make the playoffs without one, which has already been proven (MSU, Washington). But if you want to take down a Bama or Clemson in the playoffs, it would be difficult without that top 10 type class.
For instance the Pac12 title game was between Washington (#37, #31, #37, #18, #22) vs Colorado (#66, #72, #64, #66, #37) Also Wisconsin was close to making the playoffs this year, and Iowa last year.
That is one of the reasons that winning your conference should automatically qualify you for the playoffs. The schools that recruit well are automatically inflated in the polls, there is a bias toward them. If you lose, you lose, and just because you have better "ranked classes" should mean you are the "best team". Lets make these guys earn it on the field instead of some smoke filled room with ESPN and a bunch of dudes.
We just won the B1G west and were within a half yard of making the college football playoffs. There is talent. Last year our inept passing game caught up to us, and hopefully that gets addressed.
The biggest problem KF has and always has had is dropping those game to 10+ pt underdogs. Inexcusable losses to NDSU and jNW hamstrung this team. Sure we still don't win the West this year, because Wisconsin was simply a superior team.....yet 10 wins looks a hell of a lot better than 8.
I know it is just hope at this point, because KF has a track record that shows it will never happen. Yet I still hope that the new hires can clean up the inexcusably frequent (you will always lose some game you shouldn't) losses to teams we are favored by 10+ points to beat.
I'll go fly a kite when you put down your Playgirl magazine![]()
Wisky holds teams like LSU to single digits. Iowa..well,, Iowa's defense is a system defense (so's their offense) that doesn't use athleticism (so's their offense). You're right, I'm a KF hater. I'm an Iowa lover, however. Look at my ID.. It says homerchampless. Don't see too many of those opportunities with KF. What that says is: I'm not too fond of KF's record of mediocrity at Iowa. And the last time Iowa was eligible for a championship of any kind was last season when KF allowed his coaches to coach since he was afraid of not getting the contract extension..I think you mean offense. If not, hater has not only got to hate but be idiotic too.
Wisconsin 3rd in conference scoring (15.6) and 4th in yds/play (4.9).
Iowa was 4th in conference scoring (18.8) and 5th in yds/play (5.1).
Staggering splits there.
Consistently top 25?...Ah, you saw a top 25 team this season? Other than the 2015 season, when was the last time Iowa was a top 25? And, are you satisfied with top 25? Heck, I'm not. That's what's different, me to you.Better question...why is a historically 40-50th recruiting program consistently a top 25 program.
Let the hate rolllllllll
It's the defense. Wisky is ahead of Iowa because their defense is much more suffocating than Iowa's defense.All I said was what I said. And how I meant it is that once you get past the top 10-15ish classes or so I feel it's all a crap shoot when you try comparing classes. They currently have Iowa's class ahead of Wiskys. And I agree their program is ahead of ours right now...
NDSU was Pop Warner game management. No other way to spin it.One could even say, with an even avg passing game this year, we could have still had the stinker against NDSU, and very likely beaten NW, and Wisc.
Yet I think most recruiting outfits have us ahead of Wisky... How those that try to differentiate between the 30th-50th ranked classes is beyond me. It's a crap shoot. If your at one of those camps do you think you can tell the difference between the 32nd best right guard and the 44th? Granted it's easy to look at AJ Epenesa and say that dude is a stud. But for a bunch of the other kids it's just a time will tell scenario. KF can't sit there and say that he knew for a fact Gallery was going to turn into a stud. Or that Yanda would have.. The same way he hoped that Jake Christiansen was bound for greatness till he couldn't throw a pass to a RB in the flat... I like the class overall. Martin could have really topped it off. I don't think losing Eno affects a thing the two RBs coming look pretty solid to me.
I see where your going with that and it's logical. It's what I think the staff shoots for as far as the types of kids they go after. Granted they aren't wasting much time/resources on the 5 star kids in GA and FL that Iowa has no chance at getting. But should Iowa be able to get/hold on to 4 star level kids from Texas? (with a bunch of the Texas schools down) I think that's not unrealistic. Until the rug was pulled out from the class due to only the coaches own fault Iowa was on pace to have a top 30 class. Maybe even 25ish. I blame the coaches in the sense that kids are going to be kids. They change their minds with however the wind blows sometimes. AJ Epenesa as good as he is was such an outlier in that he committed early and that was that. I felt the communication angle between the coaches and recruits clearly needs to be revisited. Between Eno saying he 'didn't know' about the no visit policy (I don't buy that at any point after he'd committed let alone even before that) and the assistants not relaying information back to KF that they knew about Eno taking other visits, That's on KF and him alone. He has to shore up how everything is communicated and make sure his coaches are doing things on the up and up. Buck stops with him. I expect that the 'no visit' policy will be revisited and greatly relaxed if not done away with. I mean the black eye that it's given us will only be used against us going forward. Plus he can't be seen as giving one kid the freedom to do it and not another regardless of star count. So why put yourself in that position? Iowa has recruiting enough recruiting disadvantages as it is to add any to it is just not a smart thing to be doing.I don't know that you are right about 30-50 rankings. Perhaps 36-50. But the problem, as I see it, as that Iowa fans have stopped wondering about the different between 20-30, using your baseline. 2/3* kids, coached right and coached well, will get you 8 wins. 3/4* kids, coached right and coached well, will get you 10. If you can get to that point, then you are competing for conf championship each season and your brand expands and recruiting improves.
Consistently top 25?...Ah, you saw a top 25 team this season? Other than the 2015 season, when was the last time Iowa was a top 25? And, are you satisfied with top 25? Heck, I'm not. That's what's different, me to you.
NDSU was Pop Warner game management. No other way to spin it.
NW was a beat down all around. The only reason it was as close as it was was because they sucked as bad as us. The way Iowa's defense was playing at the time, beating NW wasn't going to happen. Receivers weren't the biggest problem at that point (the defense was), Vandeberg was still drawing defenders and opposing teams hadn't made our anemic passing game the number one focus by then.
Wisky holds teams like LSU to single digits. Iowa..well,,
You KF-Hs are 4-stars on one-offs, aren't you?
Wisconsin 16 LSU 14
Ooops, probably more like 2-stars because last I checked, 14 > single digits.
Iowa's defense is a system defense (so's their offense) that doesn't use athleticism (so's their offense). You're right, I'm a KF hater.
So you're saying since I'm right about that it also follows I was right about the other. ?
I'm an Iowa lover, however.
I appreciate you testifying to that because the evidence is lacking.
Look at my ID.. It says homerchampless.
Don't see too many of those opportunities with KF. What that says is:
I figured the ID, like everybody else's, was self-descriptive. I didn't know you were talking about Iowa.
I'm not too fond of KF's record of mediocrity at Iowa.
You've been shown the facts before about KF's record vs. Iowa's history and vs. Big10 and vs. DI. Just the facts, ma'am.
And they don't matter to you.
Snowflakes still melt in non-man-made stable global temperatures, too.
So go melt down.
And the last time Iowa was eligible for a championship of any kind was last season when KF allowed his coaches to coach since he was afraid of not getting the contract extension..
HAA-HAAAA-HAA-HAAA. I see what you did there. You pretended to be God and know what KF did and why he did it. When are you changing the name to Quadrinity?
Iowa's defense is up a creek without a paddle if the opponent uses a spread offense.
In one of the worst offensive seasons you chose to KF-H about a top-4 scoring defensive season.
Oh, there's somebody up a creek without a paddle all right.
Totally agree. Their offense didn't scare anybody last year. In fact their senior qb that didn't play as much was their best player. I thought it was weird he came off the bench.. But whatever to that. Their defense was really good and has been for awhile. Now that they hired Leanord as their DC maybe we can take advantage of his inexperience....It's the defense. Wisky is ahead of Iowa because their defense is much more suffocating than Iowa's defense.
If you're whining why Wisky's teams are always so much better than ours it's because of Wisky's defense compared to Iowa's. Last season, Wisky graduated so much experience and their schedule was murderous yet went to the B1G Champ Game and had a high bowl game because of their defense . Their offense isn't any better than Iowa's. Their recruiting classes aren't any better than Iowa's.