Eickholt Rivals reports Fran says he is not movinh on

What is he supposed to say right now while the season is still going?

The guy is going to get whatever his contract says, so not sure what negotiations there will be. Whether he wants to stay or not, its up to Beth. If she sees what most of us see, what Beth will say is that you deserve to go out on your terms, so please retire/resign and we will throw you a party and wish you well. Don't force me to fire you.
Yep, if Fran isn't coaching at Iowa next year, the only real discussion next week will be Goetz saying we'd like to call it a retirement and have an amicable final press conference together. And Fran responding with either a screw you, here's the keys to my office and my university phone....or ok, sounds good, can I pick the food for the party? Because he's getting all his money either way.