Early Start: Ferentz to the NFL talk Already Going On

First off, I doubt Kirk makes the jump. He's got it too good here to want to leave. He gets paid top level salary for 8-9 win expectations. If he did leave however, I think the coaching pool is very thin, and I wouldn't like the situation we would face.

Bob Stoops isn't leaving his comfy job down in Norman. That ship sailed a long time ago. He may pick up the phone, but only as a courtesy.

Bret Bielema would normally take the job, if he wasn't already coaching a B1G team. I don't know if there has ever been a situation where a coach has left one conference team to go to another without going somewhere else in between.

Mike Stoops could potentially take the job, but really, I'm not impressed with the job he has done in Arizona. I don't think that would be a good hire.

You could look at Mark Stoops, but he has never been a head coach before and I am not sure that is what we want coming into this situation.

Jim Leavitt could be available, and he did decently at South Florida, but he's another hire that I don't think would generate a lot of enthusiasm.

So really, it looks like if we did have to hire a new coach, we may have to look outside of the Iowa tree. That scares me a little.
I know this is a very old topic, but if Ferentz did leave, who thinks at this point that we would have a good shot at bringing back Bob Stoops? My understanding is that he interviewed back when Ferentz was hired, wanted the job, we waited too long, he gave us an ultimatum, and we declined so we could continue the interview process with other candidates, so he went to OU, then we hired Ferentz. Bobby was an All-American here. Wasn't his father buried in an Iowa uniform? Hasn't he said publicly that he would send his son to UI? Would he not love the challenge? I know he just signed a contract extension, but those can have "outs". OU is a more "storied" program, obviously, and has better recruiting bases, but he has already won a national championship there, and his heart is a hawkeye. I love KF, but if he had to go......imagine the headlines for our program if Stoops came back.

Bob Stoops is smart enough to know that this would be a backwards move in his career. He may always have a place for the Hawks but he's not loyal enough to take a demotion and I don't blame him.
If we would have lost that Pitt game or laid an egg against ULM... this thread would look A LOT different.
Would he not come back to Iowa because Oklahoma is the better program historically and better recruiting bases, or some other reason?

He wouldn't come back because he's happy at Oklahoma. He has terrific recruiting grounds to exploit and unbelievable facilities . Not to mention, he just signed like a 7 year $34 million contract extension a few weeks ago. If Iowa's job came open, I am fairly confident that Bob would push for Iowa to take a long look at Mark Stoops.
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He wouldn't come back because he's happy and content at Oklahoma. He has terrific recruiting grounds to exploit and unbelievable facilities . Not to mention, he just signed like a 7 year $34 million contract extension a few weeks ago. If Iowa's job came open, I am fairly confident that Bob would push for Iowa to take a long look at Mark Stoops.

This. Almost all hope that Bob would come to Iowa in the future was squashed last week (at least for me, though I still hold a sliver of hope). However, Mark has been my #2 choice for awhile now. Terrific defensive mind, and not completely nuts on the sidelines like Mike.
Would he not come back to Iowa because Oklahoma is the better program historically and better recruiting bases, or some other reason?

Stoops just signed an extension that will pay him close to 5 mil a year. Iowa can't match that. So he'd have to take less money for a worse football program.

First off, I doubt Kirk makes the jump. He's got it too good here to want to leave. He gets paid top level salary for 8-9 win expectations. If he did leave however, I think the coaching pool is very thin, and I wouldn't like the situation we would face.

Bob Stoops isn't leaving his comfy job down in Norman. That ship sailed a long time ago. He may pick up the phone, but only as a courtesy.

Bret Bielema would normally take the job, if he wasn't already coaching a B1G team. I don't know if there has ever been a situation where a coach has left one conference team to go to another without going somewhere else in between.

Mike Stoops could potentially take the job, but really, I'm not impressed with the job he has done in Arizona. I don't think that would be a good hire.

You could look at Mark Stoops, but he has never been a head coach before and I am not sure that is what we want coming into this situation.

Jim Leavitt could be available, and he did decently at South Florida, but he's another hire that I don't think would generate a lot of enthusiasm.

So really, it looks like if we did have to hire a new coach, we may have to look outside of the Iowa tree. That scares me a little.

I think my preference from the Iowa tree would be Biels, Mark, then Mike. I don't even know who else is out there outside of the Iowa tree, but I don't think this is a Michigan man situation to where they can't be considered.
For those of you who think it is heretical to even entertain the notion of a change in Iowa football coaches, let me just ask you to answer the following:

1) In view of the emergence of Wisconsin, the entrance of Nebraska to the B1G and the perpetual dominance of tOSU (not to mention Iowa's recent troubles beating Northwestern and even Iowa State), what do you think the chances are of a Ferentz-coached team ever winning the conference championship outright?

2) What are the chances of a Ferentz-coached team ever competing in a BCS championship game?

I'm not advocating for a change of coaches. But I also would not feel it is the end of the world should Ferentz move to the NFL.

Nebraska isn't a great program anymore and it sure as hell is one Iowa can compete with and Wisconsin and Ohio State aren't in our division. If anything, the addition of division play makes it easier to compete for a conference championship. You now compete against 5 teams in a division and then win a conference championship.

Seems a lot easier to me that competing against 10 teams and then still have a chance to get left out because of tiebreakers and what not.
Joe Paterno is Kirk's model coach, and we all know how long Paterno stayed at PSU. KF is content here, he's already making NFL money, why leave?
Stoops just signed an extension that will pay him close to 5 mil a year. Iowa can't match that. So he'd have to take less money for a worse football program.

I think my preference from the Iowa tree would be Biels, Mark, then Mike. I don't even know who else is out there outside of the Iowa tree, but I don't think this is a Michigan man situation to where they can't be considered.

Iowa could and would match that to get Bob Stoops.
I love KF and hope he finishes his long career here. That said, I got feisty after the ISU loss and said he needed to develop intestinal fortitude. I would like to apologize to the good captain for that now. I'm sure he'll sleep better tonight knowing this. :)
For those of you who think it is heretical to even entertain the notion of a change in Iowa football coaches, let me just ask you to answer the following:

1) In view of the emergence of Wisconsin, the entrance of Nebraska to the B1G and the perpetual dominance of tOSU (not to mention Iowa's recent troubles beating Northwestern and even Iowa State), what do you think the chances are of a Ferentz-coached team ever winning the conference championship outright?

2) What are the chances of a Ferentz-coached team ever competing in a BCS championship game?

I'm not advocating for a change of coaches. But I also would not feel it is the end of the world should Ferentz move to the NFL.

1) "What do you think the chances are of a Ferentz-coached team ever winning the conference championship outright?" I would give us a 30% chance that it happens before Kirk retires at Iowa. You can only win Big 10 titles outright now. There is no more sharing because of the Big 10 Title Game.

2) What are the chances of a Ferentz-coached team ever competing in a BCS championship game?

Answer= 1%. Even if Bob Stoops was coaching Iowa, I would give us a 5% chance of playing in the National Title Game. If you honestly think Iowa has a realistic chance at a National Championship, you are dreaming my friend. You have to have some perspective on life.

What are your chances of beating Tiger Woods in a round of golf when Tiger was in his prime? 0%.

Certain things aren't obtainable in life. What are the chances of you winning the lottery?

How many national championships has Iowa had in the last 125 years?

Kirk Ferentz has finished in the top 10, four times in the last 9 years. He has won multiple January Bowl games, 2 Big 10 titles, beaten PSU 8 out of 9 games (9 out of 10 after this year), beaten Michigan 4 times and is competitive in virtually every single game right now.

Do I want Kirk to change things up some? Absolutely. I wish he was more aggressive especially when the game is on the line in Ames or OSU in 2009. I wish he would take more chances. But it looks like he is willing to change a few things this year and be more aggressive on offense (Like more shot gun looks, 3, 4 and 5 WR looks).

Be very, very careful what you wish for. Iowa is 1 bad hire away from being a Bad program. Look at Michigan with Rich Rod. Michigan is one of the greatest programs in college football history and there team the last 3 years was an absolute train wreck. Do I want to win Big 10 titles? Heck yes. Be we aren't OSU or Alabama or Florida ect and never ever will be. We live in Iowa with a population of 3 million people. We have to get at least half of our recruits outside the state. It isn't easy recruiting Big Time talent to Iowa, never has been and never will be.

Let's go out and win a Big 10 Title this year. With our schedule, I believe we can do it.
For those of you who think it is heretical to even entertain the notion of a change in Iowa football coaches, let me just ask you to answer the following:

1) In view of the emergence of Wisconsin, the entrance of Nebraska to the B1G and the perpetual dominance of tOSU (not to mention Iowa's recent troubles beating Northwestern and even Iowa State), what do you think the chances are of a Ferentz-coached team ever winning the conference championship outright?

This is terribly short-sighted. What does "the emergence of Wisconsin" mean? This is a team that went 7-6 and got crushed in the Champs Sports Bowl in 2008. They aren't exactly a dynasty. Biels walked into a great situation in Madison, but if you wipe out Ferentz's first two rebuilding years and compare the next five to Bielema's first five, they look pretty darn similar. Let's not hand them an 11- or 12-win season before conference play even starts, and let's see how long Bielema can keep it up before crowning them the kings of the Big Ten.

The perpetual dominance of Ohio State is I think pretty open to question right now. Nebraska hasn't done anything to show that they're going to dominate the league; Pelini has put together a nice run over the last three years but they aren't exactly knocking on the door of a national championship. Michigan is in a huge upheaval and no one knows when they'll be back, if ever (don't laugh-- it happened to their basketball program).

So I think the chances of Ferentz winning a conference championship during his run are pretty good. It helps that they are competitive in every game and that they have a conference championship game mechanism in place.

2) What are the chances of a Ferentz-coached team ever competing in a BCS championship game?

Who knows? Had we gone undefeated in 2009 we still wouldn't have played for a national title, so I don't see how any of that would be reflection on Ferentz. If you're looking for a coach that will guarantee you a spot in the title game you'll be looking a long time.
Iowa could and would match that to get Bob Stoops.

Exactly. They would like to stay where they are or move up on this chart. A couple of million a year isn't that much if they think they can move up even a little.


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