Dump the Des Moines Register!!!

I know what you're saying but I don't think its a fair blanket statement to make. If my kids participate in these kind of leagues (AAU, etc) it wouldnt be for a scholarship or for me to re-live my glory days thru them. It would be because it keeps them active, keeps them social, keeps them out of trouble, keeps them competitive, and surrounds them with kids their age who are also staying active and (hopefully) out of trouble.
I know what you're saying but I don't think its a fair blanket statement to make. If my kids participate in these kind of leagues (AAU, etc) it wouldnt be for a scholarship or for me to re-live my glory days thru them. It would be because it keeps them active, keeps them social, keeps them out of trouble, keeps them competitive, and surrounds them with kids their age who are also staying active and (hopefully) out of trouble.
I’ve done the club thing with my daughter and it was bad, eleteist parents, spoiled kids, self-important coaches and players. AAU is even to a higher level. The parents are mercenaries looking to constantly promote their kids. I sat through a “team” meeting where a high school coach had to negotiate with a parent when their child would be available for games, if they didn’t conflict with their AAU schedule. Sitting with parents of the entire team one mother said her girls would only play if the “good players” were there. The coach had no backbone. It’s a cesspool.
I’ve done the club thing with my daughter and it was bad, eleteist parents, spoiled kids, self-important coaches and players. AAU is even to a higher level. The parents are mercenaries looking to constantly promote their kids. I sat through a “team” meeting where a high school coach had to negotiate with a parent when their child would be available for games, if they didn’t conflict with their AAU schedule. Sitting with parents of the entire team one mother said her girls would only play if the “good players” were there. The coach had no backbone. It’s a cesspool.

That sucks...I feel for you, as I've seen exactly what you are describing. It really depends on the AAU organization though. I have to tell you, the coaches we worked with were exceptional. These weren't part time coaches...they work year round with these kids, except during the high school season. I got the impression they cared about your kid. My son was playing on a pretty established AAU basketball team with some really good players...a couple of lower D1 and D2 recruits. There is only one ball.

The coaches, without us complaining, asked him to move to one of their other teams in a nearby city at the same level, but a much different style of basketball that suited my son's game. This team ran the floor and were unselfish, where the other team was more guard focused and the best three players had the ball in their hands all the time. It wasn't wrong, but think Golden State vs the Houston Rockets. My son moved to Golden State, if you were open running the floor, and made good cuts or whatever, you got the ball. I really can't say enough about the experience. The coaches taught the game the right way and the skill development was off the charts.

These AAU coaches were also connected to all the D2 and D3 college coaches. They got people interested in your kid...and pushed a narrative about them. Pretty impressive stuff.
Damn, this story just made Tucker Carlson's show tonight on FOX News

I wonder how many advertisers will stop advertising in the DSM Register over this?
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Damn, this story just made Tucker Carlson's show tonight on FOX News

I wonder how many advertisers will stop advertising in the DSM Register over this?
Other than car and real estate ads and the weekly grocery flyers for Hy-Vee, Dahl's, Food Saver and Fareway, is there much left in it? If their subscription base is down to 60k, their rates have to be rock bottom.
Wow. I'm not in the newspaper business but 5% seems like a terrible number for a paper put out in the state capitol. I wonder what the numbers are for other states?

Was there another point you were trying to make that I missed?

Take out all the libraries, restaurants, and waiting rooms and I’ll bet you have a handful of people left getting the DSM that probably has no clue what Twitter is.
Some humans don't deserve this rock
This is the world I am sending my children and current and future grandkids out into.

I remember in Catholic middle school (I would attend a public high school) our four middle school homerooms would play softball against each other at recess. Teachers would keep score during the week, have the daily update on the corner of the blackboard, and there would be consequences after school on Friday afternoon for the losing homeroom, usually washing blackboards and clapping erasers. In the winter we would play soccer on the (asphalt with potholes) playground and it was the same thing.

Nowadays you couldn't have these types of games anymore, if for no other reason than the fact that some kid would have to bat last or get stuck in right field and that might be considered bullying. And I don't recall one kid turning an ankle or skinning a knee on that playground. You were aware of your surroundings and took the necessary precautions.
Aren't we supposed to be raised in (hopefully) a loving and caring household, and to start finding your way in life, becoming interested in what makes you happy, go to school, learn, and continue to learn right from wrong, fall in love, and grow yourself into a loving and caring family? Nowadays, the cancel culture, the helicoptering of some parents, and the total disregard of authority and feeling has now turned into "what can you do for me", or "you can't touch me or I'll call the cops and have you arrested". This mentality is poisonous and will ruin your life or lives. "If you don't do something to stop having kids look at my kid wrongly, I will sue you and the school". What happened to the days of the Principal stepping in and grabbing a kid and making him understand that you do not treat people this way? Heavens to Betsy, we cannot have that anymore. Parents and kids who act as if we owe them everything have another thing coming. My wife works at the High School and sees this shit every day. You just know who the kids are that'll be bagging your groceries, or serving you your subway sandwich when they're still 35 years old and never leave town to see what else is out there. The best thing i did after i got married was to move out of Iowa, experience what life was elsewhere before moving back. Best thing my wife and I did. I seriously want to get a hold of some of these kids and young adults and say "enough is enough". Time to grow the F and grow a pair.
My wife doesn't understand why I wish a giant meteorite would end this world...

“It was disclosed that it will go in his record for the rest of his life that he is a sex offender,” she said.
No way. Just no way.

I don't believe this kinda shit anymore.
The purpose of this is simply to piss people off, and I'm not falling for it anymore.
“It was disclosed that it will go in his record for the rest of his life that he is a sex offender,” she said.
No way. Just no way.

I don't believe this kinda shit anymore.
The purpose of this is simply to piss people off, and I'm not falling for it anymore.


This mentality really puts me in a bad mood when I read shit like this. It's all about making people's life a living hell it seems. How fair is it when you have every little detail benefiting people b/c they may get their feelings hurt a little. You can't hardly discipline anyone anymore. Everyone has their phone set on stun once an injustice may or may not arise. I had my neighbor one time, drunker than 10 indians (probably can't say that), come over to visit with me and my wife, asking for a smoke and started in on some of the dumbest crap. Her husband, yes, it was his wife that was obnoxiously drunk on my porch, come over and grab her trying to get her away from my porch, then neighbors started to come out, phones locked and loaded, especially when the cops came over. I mean seriously, leave everyone alone and go about your business. Nope, not in today's world. Aren't you afraid of the kind of world we may encounter down t he road? The kids? Are they equipped to handle life as we know it?

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