Dump the Des Moines Register!!!


"DES MOINES, Iowa (KWWL)– According to a post on the Des Moines Register website, the reporter who brought up Carson King’s Controversial posts is quote, “no longer with the Register”.

Carson King is the Iowa State fan who has raised $1.7 million dollars for the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital.

The article by the Register says, “You’re angry, you’re disappointed and you want us to understand that.”

The full story can be found on the on the Des Moines Register website."
So Busch did their own search to find the tweets? That's surprising. This cancel culture is not sustainable because very few people could live up to the standard.
I thought Busch Light committed to match the donations yet I read they are donating more than 350K? Isn't the Venmo acct.in excess of 1.7 million?
Aren't we supposed to be raised in (hopefully) a loving and caring household, and to start finding your way in life, becoming interested in what makes you happy, go to school, learn, and continue to learn right from wrong, fall in love, and grow yourself into a loving and caring family? Nowadays, the cancel culture, the helicoptering of some parents, and the total disregard of authority and feeling has now turned into "what can you do for me", or "you can't touch me or I'll call the cops and have you arrested". This mentality is poisonous and will ruin your life or lives. "If you don't do something to stop having kids look at my kid wrongly, I will sue you and the school". What happened to the days of the Principal stepping in and grabbing a kid and making him understand that you do not treat people this way? Heavens to Betsy, we cannot have that anymore. Parents and kids who act as if we owe them everything have another thing coming. My wife works at the High School and sees this shit every day. You just know who the kids are that'll be bagging your groceries, or serving you your subway sandwich when they're still 35 years old and never leave town to see what else is out there. The best thing i did after i got married was to move out of Iowa, experience what life was elsewhere before moving back. Best thing my wife and I did. I seriously want to get a hold of some of these kids and young adults and say "enough is enough". Time to grow the F and grow a pair.



I've read a lot of tweets on this topic Carson King, DMR, The reporter and UICH.

I'm a big fan of the work of UICH. And at the same time some of the tweets at DMR and others expressing outrage at what they did to the UICH remind of of the affinity that people in Blazing Saddles had for Randolph Scott. And for the Bubble Boy in that classic seinfeld episode.
"DES MOINES, Iowa (KWWL)– According to a post on the Des Moines Register website, the reporter who brought up Carson King’s Controversial posts is quote, “no longer with the Register”.

Carson King is the Iowa State fan who has raised $1.7 million dollars for the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital.

The article by the Register says, “You’re angry, you’re disappointed and you want us to understand that.”

The full story can be found on the on the Des Moines Register website."

I read that article and just SMH, they are still casting blame over everyone BUT themselves.

The fact is they found the Tweets and brought them to Carson's attention. Instead of advising him to delete the content they allowed the guy to act on this publicly (I'm sure Carson knew they were going to publish this), Busch then responded, and then they published it.

But hell, perhaps in the end it turned out to be a good thing. It did bring a lot more attention to Carson and may have even helped raise more money. I just don't like how the Register decided to crap all over this.
I read that article and just SMH, they are still casting blame over everyone BUT themselves.

The fact is they found the Tweets and brought them to Carson's attention. Instead of advising him to delete the content they allowed the guy to act on this publicly (I'm sure Carson knew they were going to publish this), Busch then responded, and then they published it.

But hell, perhaps in the end it turned out to be a good thing. It did bring a lot more attention to Carson and may have even helped raise more money. I just don't like how the Register decided to crap all over this.

You're right that it ended up a good thing, mostly because iowa is full of good people. If this happened in other parts of the country, it would have ruined that kid. It is nice to finally see this crap backfire on people tho.

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