Don't Dismiss the B.J. Armstrong Talk

Some of us seem to live and die with every posted name or rumor...and I LOVE IT! Look around people...the passion...IS BACK! Enjoy the ride and soak it all's going to make the end result that much sweeter when we can look back and remember all of the fun we had right here at, at this time in Iowa Basketball history...the days when the ball got rolling on returning this once proud program, back to prominance!

And give Jon a break...just because he says there could be something to the B.J. rumors doesn't mean he's the devil and he just claimed rights to your daughter...chill and let him keep us in the loop! It's kind of his job here...:D
I spoke with someone tonight whom I have a very, very good relationship that goes back a looong way. I trust this person explicitly.

This source has strong historical ties to the Iowa basketball program.

He has spoken with several people the last day or so that have told him that B.J. Armstrong is interested in the job...mostly, B.J. is interested in helping Iowa get turned back around. He would absolutely listen to Gary Barta if he called, and he wants Barta to call him...

B.J. is a resource that is there, if he gets contacted..based on his experience as a scout, he has great networks with top AAU and high school people across the country. Because of that he can recruit as a head coach similar to some of the bigger names I have shared previously.

According to my source, he would establish a great x's & o's staff, as well as a strong recruiting staff. I have heard one of the names that BJ would bring in as a staff member, and I have seen this guy's name thrown out on the boards not only for this search, but for the search three years ago. This person has been a head coach before and has NBA experience, but is now an assistant coach at a major conference program.

I will admit that all of this surprised me a bit, but I would not be posting it if I did not think it was legit. It sounds like all Barta has to do is to make a call and he and BJ can have a very interesting worst, BJ is willing to help breath life back into the program at one level or another. More on this, and all twists and turns, as I hear them.

Just shoot me now. This is ridiculous.
Some of us seem to live and die with every posted name or rumor...and I LOVE IT! Look around people...the passion...IS BACK! Enjoy the ride and soak it all's going to make the end result that much sweeter when we can look back and remember all of the fun we had right here at, at this time in Iowa Basketball history...the days when the ball got rolling on returning this once proud program, back to prominance!

And give Jon a break...just because he says there could be something to the B.J. rumors doesn't mean he's the devil and he just claimed rights to your daughter...chill and let him keep us in the loop! It's kind of his job here...:D

Nobody said he was the devil and there is nothing wrong with disagreeing with Jon's point of view just because he runs the site.

And just for you... you could pull your head out of Jon and Spank's ***
I like your posts but I have to say that you always agree with Jon and Spank. It is ok to have your own opinion.
I'm sorry, but Big 10 basketball is about recruiting. BJ has connections....connections to great assistants who could be the x's and o's coaches and connections to AAU people. Could you imagine the staff he would assemble?

No doubt, he would not have head coaching experience, but he would easily be able to hire great coaches who could make up for his shortcomings on that front.

The idea is not anywhere near as crazy as it sounds.
I'm sorry, but Big 10 basketball is about recruiting. BJ has connections....connections to great assistants who could be the x's and o's coaches and connections to AAU people. Could you imagine the staff he would assemble?

No doubt, he would not have head coaching experience, but he would easily be able to hire great coaches who could make up for his shortcomings on that front.

The idea is not anywhere near as crazy as it sounds.

I agree with this but what you arent considering is that he's Derrick Rose's agent. Rose is a couple years away from signing a max $100 mil plus deal. BJ would get a 10% commish on that. That, coupled with his lack of any head coaching experience = no chance of this happening imo
Thanks for the info Jon. Much appreciated.

I don't know what to think about all of this. The thought of B.J. back in the program in any capacity just excites the hell out of me. He is still my all time favorite Hawkeye. But I don't know how I feel about him being the head coach. He would have to assemble an absolutely knock out staff. That's for sure.

And it doesn't matter if todays players remember BJ. They will recognize his rings. They will know his NBA connections. Not to mention, BJ is an absolutely dynamite communicator. We will be lights out in recruiting.

It's an interesting idea. Heck of a Gamble for Barta though(see what I did there):)


According to my source, he would establish a great x's & o's staff, as well as a strong recruiting staff. I have heard one of the names that BJ would bring in as a staff member, and I have seen this guy's name thrown out on the boards not only for this search, but for the search three years ago. This person has been a head coach before and has NBA experience, but is now an assistant coach at a major conference program..

The secret assistant would have to be Mike Dunlap, correct?
Thats what my first thought was as well. if it is Mike Dunlap I wonder where he would fit into Jon's search ranking. Would Iowa look at him?
Nobody said he was the devil and there is nothing wrong with disagreeing with Jon's point of view just because he runs the site..

Nothing wrong with that at all.

This was not an opinion post on whether or not I think BJ would be a good hire for Iowa. I expressed no opinions in it whatsoever. I posted what I heard tonight. I never said that Barta was talking with BJ, I never said BJ is a legit candidate.

What I did say was that BJ has some interest in helping out the Iowa basketball program in its current state, and that would include heading the band, putting together a staff that has strengths across the board...

There will be more posts here, and elsewhere in the days to come, that once Barta has hired someone, we will look back on and think 'Wow, we were chasing our tails there.'

That's what happens with clandestine coaching searches. I understand Barta's desire to keep it low. I have no problems with that. Most AD's do it that way, out of necessity.

That being the case, if I or anyone covering the Hawks just sat back and said 'Well, we're not going to talk about what we are hearing, because in the end, 99% of it will not lead anywhere' we may as well just run stories on Iowa volleyball or track and field from the releases we get from Iowa.

I don't doubt what I heard tonight, given where I heard it from. The gist is this: BJ has an interest in helping out the Iowa basketball program and I am not just talking about a financial contribution. It has been conveyed to my source that that would include the head coaching position if he were sought in that capacity, but he is not going to campaign for it.

I think it would be a long shot, just as I think Pearl would be a longshot. But don't confuse opinions with relaying things that I am comfortable enough to relay, given where I heard it.
Nobody said he was the devil and there is nothing wrong with disagreeing with Jon's point of view just because he runs the site.

And just for you... you could pull your head out of Jon and Spank's ***
I like your posts but I have to say that you always agree with Jon and Spank. It is ok to have your own opinion.

Haha...gee, can't believe YOU took offense to what I said...:rolleyes: And just for you, just because I don't always agree with YOU, doesn't mean I always agree with them...which, if you think about it, it would be impossible to always agree with them as they don't always agree with each caaaalm down there, sparky! Like I said, enjoy the ride...don't be a's too short. ;)
X's and O's is the EASIEST part of being a head coach. It wouldn't be hard to learn that and somone who played high level basketball has been through a heck of lot more X's and O's wise than a lot of coaches. Especially running the point because that person needs to know what each player is doing. So it doesn't really matter that he has never coached.

The name of the game is recruiting and kids might not know who BJ is but I bet when he talks about being pals with MJ and winning titles and dropping names high school players will listen because thats where they want to be.

If BJ could bring in top recruiting classes they could win 23-25 games a year without ever running any X's and O's.

I don't think I want BJ as coach but I don't like it when people say he has never coached so he can't do it. If a team has 3 better players than anyone on the other team you're gonna win.
I vote for Greg Stokes for coach with Lohaus as assistant. Let's get Bullard and Recker to recruit...Ronnie Lester for university president. Maybe get Steve Carfino and Kevin Boyle involved and do not forget Wade Lookingbill....
I have heard people in the business tell me this for years: 70% of being a successful coach at this level is recruiting.
Please send Bj to us. With the right staff on board, he would not only fill up carver but he would recruit well and turn this program around. Im convinced.

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