Well-Known Member
He done pretty good where he is now and for God sakes we have always been a much better program than them well since.......................... the cavemen picked up a round boulder and threw it against a crater wall. Yeah you guessed it ........... no Iowa players were there to get the rebound.All the joking I've done tonight lets get real here. No matter what happens will it really matter? We aren't likely to be significantly relevant in either sport from here on out. Unless you think finishing in sixth or seventh place is relevant. When Kirk retires or get fired (which could happen in ten years when he is out there using a walker) who is going to take his place that will even move the dial?
My advice just put a warm body in the football program (this will be kirk in twenty years in a wheel chair with an oxygen tank) and focus all money in the basketball program. Less players to finance.
Sometimes when things look the bleakest you just have to learn how to laugh at it all. I am trying tonight.
Now I heard Chris Collins name being tossed around about three weeks ago............... oops.