Dochterman’s Tweet...I Didn’t Even Know It Was This Bad.

Between Doch and Doxsie tweets I've seen posted, looks like the eastern Iowa Media is nutting up and mounting the attack with the mountain of facts and statistical evidence. You also have Revsine and Bardo basically calling Iowa's performance an embarrassing disappointment on national TV. Don't discount the turmoil behind the curtain that Dolph's comments roiled up and exposed.

The outspokenness by so many feels a bit Lick-like in the way the vibe is trending ... how it went from,
"All is well ... Todd is still coach ... Business as usual and nothing to see here ..."

Something tells me to pay attention to Iowa City between now and early March, when the season ends.
It's tough to build a solid tournament resume if you don't win on the road. It's tough to win on the road when you consistently allow the opposing team to lead by 17 points.

Last night's performance was very disheartening...
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That's real bad when you're basically getting blown out every single road game. Way to alienate a fan base.....
Holy smokes... That's just nuts. 11 strait road games... Fran.. Dude... Is Barta on Dochtermans twitter feed?
Incredibly discouraging. 11 straight games? It's said about statistics -There are three types of lies -- lies, damn lies, and statistics. However, in this case, I don't think that axiom is correct.
This team is no better defensively against teams with better athletes. Schematically, Purdue absolutely took us apart and we weren't prepared to stop it. Our guys are lost on defense when the opposing team has some sophistication to their offensive sets. Lost.

Fran had an opportunity to do exactly what Michigan did...and bring in a defensive coach in the off season. He chose to fix it himself. Well...the streak continues on the road. You have to get stops on the road to stay in games. We can't do that.

I would tell you...I'd be starting the best defensive backcourt on my team. Moss is one of them...he actually showed some moxie and effort yesterday.
If Fran goes, they'd better make it a two-for-one special and can Barta too.

That said, I'm still holding out hope for one more game that we can get it going in the right direction by beating Nebraska.
The major donors are much more likely to make Fran walk the plank than Kirk. I do think he’s gonna have major problems staying here if this continues.

Good thing we spent so much time and effort recruiting his kids.
There is no way barta can be trusted to make another basketball hire. He will “retire”.

If Wichita state, Wisconsin, creighton, Iowa state and Purdue etc can consistently field sweet 16 caliber teams, Iowa should be able to. They hold no disadvantage over those teams.
The difference between Lick and Fran is that I get a feeling that Barta is intimidated by Fran. Witness his siding with Fran on the Gary Dolphin incident. In summary; Barta doesn't have the balls to fire Fran.

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