Do Your Part - Do Not Purchase Bowl Game Tickets

Sure you can. That's your right.

However, I still think you're an enabler, but that's your right. I can cheer the players just fine from my TV. I decided after 2011 not to attend any more bowl games. This is considered entertainment and it's not entertaining for me. If you want to keep spending your money on this please do. You owe nobody an apology. Barta and KF say thanks though.;):D

I must also say that watching games for the past 3 years on TV has allowed me to see replays and that only confirms my decision not to attend in person. The crap I see watching a play over and over again has become laughable to me and the family.

Which bowl games did you got to prior to 2011?

Goodness! Why do you even bother watching on TV? I mean, why torture yourself like that?
I probably won't ever get behind a boycott, and would never tell anyone what to do with their time and money.

I will say there is a Chicago Cubs/Wrigley Field element to the fanbase...and by and large that is a good thing...but the one downside of that is I think Iowa admin brass takes you for granted....that you're a bankable commodity, that you'll be there so the pressure to be cutting edge just isn't there.

I think a bunch of key players leaving will send a bigger message. I will not let kirk take football away from me because Im trying to vote with my $. Id go watch the Hawks if they didnt win a game.
Money talks, my friend. Iowa's reputation of fans traveling well, would smack GB and Mason in the face, if the didn't travel to a bowl game.

I simply don't believe Iowa will travel well this bowl season not because of a boycott. But more so because the bowl will not be a good one and more importantly, the product Iowa puts on the field is not what people want to spend their money on at this time.
I simply don't believe Iowa will travel well this bowl season not because of a boycott. But more so because the bowl will not be a good one and more importantly, the product Iowa puts on the field is not what people want to spend their money on at this time.

Accurate statement. Both reasons you provide are directly related to our coach and it is where you find yourself at the end of a decade of average.
I think a bunch of key players leaving will send a bigger message. I will not let kirk take football away from me because Im trying to vote with my $. Id go watch the Hawks if they didnt win a game.

Oddly enough, that's about the time I was initiated into Hawkeye fandom.
When its all said and done. I don't care WHO is coaching. Just win. Just gime something to cheer about !!!! Very few moments of excitement lately.
Op has point, if you want to poo poo it, because "it won't make a difference" and you also want a coaching change or are supporting the players(cause I'm sure they know you're there and all) go ahead. You know it is all about perception, once the media would pic up on the fact that people aren't going to the bowl game because they want a change , that is whe things change. Look at what students did at Michigan, they wanted change, they made it known, and eventually change happened. Any time bad pub happens the big money follows suit, name an instance when it hasn't, so yeah a ground swell would make a difference if it were big enough, and threads like this are what sometimes get it going. Will this one, maybe not. But to just keep doing the same thing, buying tickets dumping money, and bi333333, about it is insanity defined. Grow a pair and stand for something! Jon, we can all infer what you are saying/feeling so there is no need to write you don't tell people how to spend their money. Basically all I want is for you to tell us how you feel, and just unfilter it sometime, no need to preface negative comments, if it looks like s$$$ and smells like s$$$ it probably is, and yes you are somewhat beholden to the UofI, but man you are a fan first and foremost with insightful opinions and you are entitled to them. So thank you for giving us a platform to spew our thoughts, basicially this is free therapy for all of us distressed hawk fans. I will support the players at home hoping for a win, and teaching my sons how to deal with the utter disappointment at time of being an Iowa fan, however tonight was great as we all got to cheer a great bball victory. Man it has been a looooooong time since I felt that way about a Hawkeye male sport.
Sometimes you HAVE to think of the greater good....the program. And further damage that is happening by letting the program get yet one more year destroyed by lousy reputation and lousy recruits being brought on board (no offense players/families).....I'll trade a few hurt feelings for only 1000 fans showing up in San Fransisco....and I'd also trade a few bruised egos to see Iowa get pasted by USC 55-0 if I knew for certain it was speeding up the process of a house cleaning.

I realize that this is not a popular stance to take, but desperate times call for desperate measures....and I GUARANTEE there are Hawk fans everywhere that feel the exact same way as I do....they just won't admit it.
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Which bowl games did you got to prior to 2011?

Goodness! Why do you even bother watching on TV? I mean, why torture yourself like that?

Simple. I am a Hawk fan first. Can't get the Hawks out of my blood. Been following them since the Bob Commings days. It's just very hard to watch KF coach in person though. Hard to leave the stands when I'm there in person. On TV, I can turn the channel and get away as long as needed. Have only attended one game in person since I watched Iowa beat Missouri in Arizona. That was against Arkansas State and was one of the most uninspiring and boring games I can remember seeing in person. The football team just isn't worth my money.

By the way, been to bowl games off and on since the early days of Hayden Fry. His and KF's styles of coaching are night and day difference.

With that said I'll be in the stands to watch the basketball team this Saturday. That's money that's better spent for me these days. I like the fire and passion of Fran. Win or lose, you know he has fire in his soul.
Easy for me to support this initiative, I'm broke.

I also have conflicting feelings over these kinds of posts but money talks and is one of the indicators that will support change. To each his own. I'm also a diehard as all who post here likely are and will watch the Hawkeyes come bowl day. Always want them to do good but am conditioned for the probable and predictable performance that will likely dampen the bowl experience. After a season like this I wish that we wouldn't get a bowl bid as it seems we really don't deserve it. Some of the Possible scenarios could end up being a Gohperish experience for us on the scoreboard.
I can't get down with people telling other people how to spend their time and money.... I get the sentiment and the cause and effect of doing it would be. But for someone to get on a soap box and preach to others what to do is just terribly bad taste.... People have their reasons for spending their time and money on going to games. And regardless of what they are they are not wrong. You can never be wrong with how you spend your entertainment dollar. (unless you go see dumb and dumber 2) The ironic thing is even if you get your way and force a change there are no guarantees that the program would improve... Your betting on the unknown being better when more then likely it'll get way worse before it can even get back to where the program is now... I don't see Ferentz leaving and I sure don't see Barta firing him sooo your free to do with that what you want. But telling others what to do....
Yup. People have to make their own decisions about paying money to watch the Hawk football program. I have been reluctant to attend bowl games for a few years because they have become so expensive. A trip to San Francisco for a game would likely run me $2000 or more. For that amount, I can spend 2 weeks in northern Ontario fishing walleyes. So, its about prioritizing my "fun money" activities. In the past, however, I have been to Miami, Orlando, Tampa Bay a couple of times, San Antonio and really enjoyed the experiences. I will probably fork over the dough in the future to hit another bowl game, but I am influenced by how good the Hawk team is.

Now for an unpopular point of view: There is a process in place at the major universities for termination of a football coach. As a process, there is likely little difference among those major universities. The AD is the boss and examines a variety of data to make a decision about retention. Some of data is probably easy to predict...contract buy out, poor game attendance, "big donor" pressures, and the eye test of the team's performance on the field, including their win/loss record.

But, a question: What other data do you think the AD does, or should, examine? Sorry, but he won't read the Hawkeye Nation message board. Student protests are not going to carry the day. The lack of a following for a bowl game after a 7-5 season is NOT going to have an impact. Season ticket reductions may or may not result in action...around the country, students and potential season ticket holders are attending fewer games. So, we can talk forever about firing KF. But, like many other things in life, you don't get to vote on this one. Get over it.
Doclee - nailed it

50 threads a day complaining about the same thing. We get it. Everyone gets it.

Nothing here is new or even interesting in the least. Everyone whining all day has made this board more miserable than the state the program is in. Of course jon doesn't care to moderate 50 similar topics because traffic is the only concern, but my god people here are a sorry whiny bunch. No wonder this place is dying like all other forums that the dregs take over.

Get over it
So honest question and not trying to be a smart ***, but wouldn't boycotting the football program and not buying season tickets, merchandise, etc... diminish the same fund that many want to use to buy out KFs current contract and hire the next big thing? I get that the buyout decreases over time as we get closer to the expiration of his contract, but with that, if this trend continues for a number of years where does that put the football team (as well as the other athletic programs) when its time to rebuild.
Doclee - nailed it

50 threads a day complaining about the same thing. We get it. Everyone gets it.

Nothing here is new or even interesting in the least. Everyone whining all day has made this board more miserable than the state the program is in. Of course jon doesn't care to moderate 50 similar topics because traffic is the only concern, but my god people here are a sorry whiny bunch. No wonder this place is dying like all other forums that the dregs take over.

Get over it

It would seem more appropriate to relate that you are missing the point entirely of a football msg board. With the squawks season in the proverbial shi%^%^ter, what are people on an Iowa Hawkeye msg board supposed to talk about? We could delude ourselves as several have done and shout our praises to the mountain tops or we could come here to discuss the state of the program. For anybody not on some drug induced psychotic bender, it's pretty clear that football at IA is garbage these days.
What say you? Should we all get off the computer and back to work leaving this board vacated outside of the 2 or 3 of you that love KF and 7-5 seasons or should we come here and just delude ourselves making claims that IA is #1!!?
If you want my little pony ia hawkeye football discussions, try coming back when KF is gone. Otherwise be ready to hear what football fans think on a football msg board.
I probably won't ever get behind a boycott, and would never tell anyone what to do with their time and money.

I will say there is a Chicago Cubs/Wrigley Field element to the fanbase...and by and large that is a good thing...but the one downside of that is I think Iowa admin brass takes you for granted....that you're a bankable commodity, that you'll be there so the pressure to be cutting edge just isn't there.

Nah, the Cubs are lovable losers, the hox are just losers.

Ferentz will wind up giving a presser like this in 2019 and bring some respectability back to the organization: (NOT SAFE FOR WORK)
Easton - This site is NOT me. And there are a lot of us that have had enough of this S, and will not get "over" it until everything KF is gone from this program...sorry pal.