Do you care if pro athletes use ped's?

Do u care if pro athletes use peds?

  • Nope

    Votes: 33 54.1%
  • Drugs are bad mkay.

    Votes: 28 45.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The thing that bothers me about it is it forces everybody to juice just to compete if most of these guys do it. They are risking their health for short term gain.
The thing that bothers me about it is it forces everybody to juice just to compete if most of these guys do it. They are risking their health for short term gain.

your first line is the strongest and best argument yet for not allowing. interesting point
Do you care if they use them?

Personally I dont. I watch sports to see outstanding athletic feets/performances. I could care less what the guys are putting into their bodies to achieve them. They are grown adults. If they want to run the risk of what comes with PED use to perform better so be it. Besides they all use "artificial" or chemical enhamcement anyway. The only difference between creatine or a protien shake and HGH is a fuzzy line someone somewhere drew. All three are designed to boost muscle growth. The difference between someone using amphetimines and 5 hour energy drink is what exactly? Both are stimulants designed to keep you up.

Amature athletes and competitions are a bit different as many are minors and none are paid. But for the pros i say juice up.

Completely wrong. Just wow. Your whole premise is completely flawed and there is no point in trying to explain it to you.

I recommend doing a lit search for scholarly articles on the subject.

btw--All of these pro athletes had to get to be pros first. Gee, do you think they'd try to get ahead while in college? Think about it.
Do you care if they use them?Personally I dont. I watch sports to see outstanding athletic feets/performances. I could care less what the guys are putting into their bodies to achieve them. They are grown adults. If they want to run the risk of what comes with PED use to perform better so be it. Besides they all use "artificial" or chemical enhamcement anyway. The only difference between creatine or a protien shake and HGH is a fuzzy line someone somewhere drew. All three are designed to boost muscle growth. The difference between someone using amphetimines and 5 hour energy drink is what exactly? Both are stimulants designed to keep you up.Amature athletes and competitions are a bit different as many are minors and none are paid. But for the pros i say juice up.
Completely wrong. Just wow. Your whole premise is completely flawed and there is no point in trying to explain it to you.I recommend doing a lit search for scholarly articles on the subject. btw--All of these pro athletes had to get to be pros first. Gee, do you think they'd try to get ahead while in college? Think about it.

Way to add nothing to an otherwise interesting conversation.
Way to add nothing to an otherwise interesting conversation.

Okay, my apologies. I just think that if you're going to post stuff that's wildly inaccurate, you should expect someone to call you on it.

I'll post unicorns next time.
I guess my problem is that many athletes play by the rules, but a fair percentage do not.

Ben Johnson is a prime example. Without juice, he was a "good" sprinter, nothing more.

My beef with Track & Field was stuff like "wind-aided", which is an arbitrarily decided number, and more so with "altitude" records. They used to put an "A" next to world records set at high altitude. Are those places still in the world? Of course!

WHERE a record is set shouldn't be an issue, any more than the MLB HR record be an issue for a player who plays in Wrigley versus one who plays at Candlestick or Yankee Stadium.

For "wind-aided", they should at least list those times in their own category. There CAN be an advantage, although there can also be disadvantages (such as hurdlers, who actually do beter with slight headwind versus massive tailwind).
call me on what??? that the line between legal peds and illegal ones was fuzzy?

The example you used was, well, silly. There is no fuzzy line between whey protein and human growth hormone or testosterone.

Where is this fuzzy line to which you refer? Testosterone is a controlled substance, and is dangerous and illegal. Whey protein is currently in my kitchen, and it makes a fine morning smoothie.

I can certainly be done with the conversation, but I don't think I "added nothing." I think I tried (and failed) to interject some reasonable thoughts into the conversation.

I guess my problem is that many athletes play by the rules, but a fair percentage do not.

Ben Johnson is a prime example. Without juice, he was a "good" sprinter, nothing more.

My beef with Track & Field was stuff like "wind-aided", which is an arbitrarily decided number, and more so with "altitude" records. They used to put an "A" next to world records set at high altitude. Are those places still in the world? Of course!

WHERE a record is set shouldn't be an issue, any more than the MLB HR record be an issue for a player who plays in Wrigley versus one who plays at Candlestick or Yankee Stadium.

For "wind-aided", they should at least list those times in their own category. There CAN be an advantage, although there can also be disadvantages (such as hurdlers, who actually do beter with slight headwind versus massive tailwind).

Interesting thoughts. Altitude, in particular, seems to be a weird metric. Mountains are in the world, as you noted.
controlled substance... not always fine line between controlled substances and non controlled. alcohol and weed... fuzzy line...

andro is legal to take but a tested for ped. others are similar. the line between protein shakes and hgh is a lot fuzzier than you'd have use believe. if it isn't to you then you aren't thinking for yourself.
I had to go with the "drugs are bad" option, but for me it's not quite that black and white. As far as watching the sport goes, then no, I don't care. Or at least, it isn't enough to make me stop watching.

But when we're talking about who makes the Hall of Fame, who is breaking what records, etc. then I DO care if those players used PED's to get there.
controlled substance... not always fine line between controlled substances and non controlled. alcohol and weed... fuzzy line...

andro is legal to take but a tested for ped. others are similar. the line between protein shakes and hgh is a lot fuzzier than you'd have use believe. if it isn't to you then you aren't thinking for yourself.

Meaning he doesn't agree with you.