Do You Believe In Aliens?

There is alien life out there on other planets in other solar systems but the laws of physics and relativity prevent other civilizations from being able to travel to our planet.
With the science we know it is highly unlikely that aliens could travel here. Further, even if they could travel here it is a big waste of their time as they could easily have the ability to observe us remotely.
If we assume that a highly advanced civilization is still under the constraints of our current understanding of physics, yes. But, a civilization that could be literally 1 million years technologically ahead of us may have found a method of travel outside of space-time. It's almost impossible to comprehend, but look the technological advancements we have made just in the last 50 years. Imagine if you could travel millions of light-years in a second... The galaxy becomes your playground.
To be the only inhabited sphere in our Galaxy is defying the odds, one would think

To assume we are the only planet/orb with intelligent life is perhaps egotistical

Every once in a while my son and I sit outside at night, very dark, not living too close to large
shops/stores and very far from high traffic areas with malls and blocks of shoppes

There are some strange things happening in the sky late at night

We live where the flight pattern from the Des Moines airport and nonetheless the military and
cargo/passenger planes fly directly over my house

Immediately and positively overhead

In the dark, there are strange movements in the sky that are not helicopters/airplanes, large or small

One night there was a light in the sky that would appear in a different location without any noticible

While we were watching the light, we saw a column of somewhat rectangular objects coming flying SE
almost overhead

They were flying one after the other in line, and in a position, that curved off and on, there were 25/30 of them

My son has a very bright rechargeable flashlite that he was aiming directly at the object that was moving in strange patterns just before we saw the line of objects moving SE

Never had seen anything like it ever

They were directly inline, not close enough to touch each other, but not enough room for any other
object to move into

Couldn't think of anything/reason the air force/ national guard/ DM police would be doing late at night
over my backyard

Do I own the air over my property as far as the eye can see

Is my privacy being violated

It is very cool to observe these things, gives one something to discuss

I don't have an explanation, if anyone does, please inform me

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Okay, bear with me here with all the math and stuff. I'm no math or physics expert, but I've been an astronomy buff for years, and am 1000% confident that there is plenty of intelligent life out there. I just find the whole concept really interesting.

The human brain really can't fully appreciate the size of the universe and the incredibly vast amount of solar systems. There are an approximate 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe, with each having around 200 billion stars. The estimated number of solar systems would therefore be approximately 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (2 septillion), with each averaging numerous exoplanets.

If we assume that intelligent life is exceedingly rare, say 1 out of 100 million solar systems, that mathematically still leaves 2,000,000,000,000,000 (2 quadrillion) solar systems theoretically harboring intelligent life.

Then, factor in that a large portion of those life forms are thousands to millions of years more advanced than our civilization - meaning that technologies could exist that are well beyond our wildest dreams. The common (but physically accurate) thought that we could never have visitors due to the travel distances and speed limitations, becomes moot if advanced technologies have mastered travel outside of normal space-time, such as dimensional travel.

The idea that we are being visited used to be akin to being mentally ill or at best eccentric, but more and more credible information is coming out that we have been aware of supportive evidence for decades but have been purposefully keeping the facts from the public. Over the past year or so there have been multiple congressional meetings on the subject, including a classified meeting last week where members were shown classified military information. Some on the commitee have hinted that what they saw is beyond belief. More will come out, and I wouldn't be shocked if it is disclosed within our lifetimes that we have had direct evidence of alien life for years.

Sorry for the long post.

Nano, nano....

Nice info and thoughts.

I've always had the question, why is our government so against acknowledging alien or extraterrestrial life? Why such tight lipped about it? Is it to prevent mass chaos?
With the science we know it is highly unlikely that aliens could travel here. Further, even if they could travel here it is a big waste of their time as they could easily have the ability to observe us remotely.

Yea, but isn't it just innate to the human to do or go somewhere where they can? Because you can? I mean we as humans on earth could just view or observe the moon, but still went there. I don't see why aliens wouldn't want to appease that same curiosity.

Of course, if you observe and think "Damn, we might be able to travel there and it looks like we could sustain life there, we might as well go and check it out." In addition, if they did observe us and did notice life on earth, explains why they would make contact to investigate including examining the life.
This is what I find comical to. I had a small debate with a guy at work on this subject. He stated something similar. But, we can't just assume what we know is the limit of what other life may know. It doesn't work like that. As you point out, they may be way ahead in years to us and may be more technologically advanced beyond what we may think is possible. We also can't presume our intent in doing something would be the same as their intent. That is what is so mysterious and interesting about this whole thing.

If we assume that a highly advanced civilization is still under the constraints of our current understanding of physics, yes. But, a civilization that could be literally 1 million years technologically ahead of us may have found a method of travel outside of space-time. It's almost impossible to comprehend, but look the technological advancements we have made just in the last 50 years. Imagine if you could travel millions of light-years in a second... The galaxy becomes your playground.
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To be the only inhabited sphere in our Galaxy is defying the odds, one would think

To assume we are the only planet/ordbwith intelligent life is perhaps egotistical

Every once in a while my son and I sit outside at night, very dark, not living too close to large
shops/stores and very far from high traffic areas with malls and blocks of shoppes

There are some strange things happening in the sky late at night

We live where the flight pattern from the Des Moines airport and nonetheless the military and
cargo/passenger planes fly directly over my house

Immediately and positively overhead

In the dark, there are strange movements in the sky that are not helicopters/airplanes, large or small

One night there was a light in the sky that would appear in a different location without any noticible

While we were watching the light, we saw a column of somewhat rectangular objects coming flying SE
almost overhead

They were flying one after the other in line, and in a position, that curved off and on, there were 25/30 of them

My son has a very bright rechargeable flashlite that he was aiming directly at the object that was moving in strange patterns just before we saw the line of objects moving SE

Never had seen anything like it ever

They were directly inline, not close enough to touch each other, but not enough room for any other
object to move into

Couldn't think of anything/reason the air force/ national guard/ DM police would be doing late at night
over my backyard

Do I own the air over my property as far as the eye can see

Is my privacy being violated

It is very cool to observe these things, gives one something to discuss

I don't have an explanation, if anyone does, please inform me

Could have been starlink satellites. First time I saw them I thought for sure it was aliens.
Could have been starlink satellites. First time I saw them I thought for sure it was aliens.
Starlink Satellites GIF - Starlink Satellites Stars - Discover & Share GIFs

Yes, Indeed