DirecTV - Disney

Still successfully smoking ribs and pork butt on the same Weber kettle that my mom and dad bought in the early 80s. It went from NW Iowa to AZ, back to NW Iowa, a short stint in MN, and now faithfully sitting outside my back steps.

If my folks paid say, $75 for it 35 years ago that's about 18 cents a month and no signs of wearing out. It's got hail dents and another big dent where I dropped a roofing nailer on it. Wouldn't trade it even over for a brand new pellet grill.

Once a man gets his smoking vessel dialed in, there's no need to change. BTW, I think I questioned the color on some of your ribs a few months ago. I took a pic of some of my ribs the other day and the iPhone just doesn't capture them correctly. It seems to darken the bark and it only picks up gloss at a certain angle. Apologies, xir.
Once a man gets his smoking vessel dialed in, there's no need to change. BTW, I think I questioned the color on some of your ribs a few months ago. I took a pic of some of my ribs the other day and the iPhone just doesn't capture them correctly. It seems to darken the bark and it only picks up gloss at a certain angle. Apologies, xir.

Holy chit. Hell halluth frozen over!
They start at $59 a month, that is 1 TV location, and no sports channels to speak of what so ever. To get everything Youtube TV has, you have to go to the choice package which is $69 a month, add in 2 more TV location at he is at $85 a month, add in taxes and fees, and you are over $90 a month. Keep in mind this the first year discounted rate and figure that months 13-24 you will be paying now $130+ and that is what you are at to comparable YTTV channels. So all in for two years you are at $2,640 for DirecTV, to get what YTTV offers. My youtube tv bill every month is $52.99 that includes taxes and everything, so my 2 year total is $1,271.76.

I have looked at this a million ways before I ever went to streaming. I didn't WANT to leave DISH/Directv, they FORCED me to leave them. Honestly I couldn't be happier now. I feel like I am getting a fair deal for what I am getting, and don't feel like I am getting prison raped every time my satellite bill comes.

Bottom Line;

My youtube tv bill every month is $52.99 that includes taxes and everything, so my 2 year total is $1,271.76.

Youtube TV gave me 3 free months of Showtime, ended September 6 and it just stopped. No need to cancel before they charge you for a Showtime monthly subscription.....

They also reply immediately if you have a problem. They have called from California within 5 minutes whenever I need help with anything.....

One can always try the free 7-day trial for all streaming services and get over a month of free TV.....

Love the unlimited DVR service on Youtube TV.....

I think that should void your contract and I would work that angle. I'd be like hey, this is not the product I was sold when I signed the offer. Your breaking the contract.

F them

Don't pay another cent. They can't expect anyone to continue, contract or not if all ESPN channels are dropped, especially the third week of college football.....

Mediacom will give you their bundle for almost nothing for a year: No Contract

They are beyond desperate and can see the cliff fast approaching

Appreciate the advice. I'm not going to risk messing with credit score by canceling card. But I'll pay the early term fee when it gets down to 150. At that point it will only take three months to earn that back by being on a cheaper service like YouTube tv.
Aren’t ESPN and Direct TV all under the same umbrella of companies? Doesn’t Disney/ABC own both of them?
F them

Don't pay another cent. They can't expect anyone to continue, contract or not if all ESPN channels are dropped, especially the third week of college football.....

Mediacom will give you their bundle for almost nothing for a year: No Contract

They are beyond desperate and can see the cliff fast approaching


DirecTV called me two days in a row. What recourse do I have to get them to stop f'ing calling me. They keep saying calling old customers which I think they think gets them free from the NO CALL list. I told them yesterday "I don't pay for a cell phone so I can get robo calls". He responded, this is not a robo call, I'm calling old customers. I keep telling them there is absolutely nothing you can offer me and I am completely happy streaming and give them my five reasons. Their product is antiquated. There desperate.
DirecTV called me two days in a row. What recourse do I have to get them to stop f'ing calling me. They keep saying calling old customers which I think they think gets them free from the NO CALL list. I told them yesterday "I don't pay for a cell phone so I can get robo calls". He responded, this is not a robo call, I'm calling old customers. I keep telling them there is absolutely nothing you can offer me and I am completely happy streaming and give them my five reasons. Their product is antiquated. There desperate.

I still have DTV but I'm attempting to go all NFL season without Sunday Ticket this year. Thats really the only thing keeping me with DTV. If I can make it through the entire NFL season then the cord is getting cut.

Last week was free preview week so this weekend is my biggest test. This must be what it feels like to quit smoking.
I still have DTV but I'm attempting to go all NFL season without Sunday Ticket this year. Thats really the only thing keeping me with DTV. If I can make it through the entire NFL season then the cord is getting cut.

Last week was free preview week so this weekend is my biggest test. This must be what it feels like to quit smoking.

Seriously, there's not enough NFL games on now!?? There's enough on for me that I don't need the NFL ticket.
Seriously, there's not enough NFL games on now!?? There's enough on for me that I don't need the NFL ticket.

Well I'm a Steelers fan so they're not always on tv here. Plus I love the red zone channel because of fantasy football.

I believe I've found a few not-so-legal streams should be fine.
There's only 2 noon games and 1 afternoon game on TV any given Sunday. I don't consider that very many.

Sunday night game. Monday night game. Thursday night games.

Oh, on a side note, I just had DirecTV call me AGAIN. 3rd day in a row. I railed into that woman today. On the no call list. We'll see.
I still have DTV but I'm attempting to go all NFL season without Sunday Ticket this year. Thats really the only thing keeping me with DTV. If I can make it through the entire NFL season then the cord is getting cut.

Last week was free preview week so this weekend is my biggest test. This must be what it feels like to quit smoking.
I've gotten to the point where I can't stomach NFL anymore. I watch the Vikings every week but after that it's raking leaves or napping.

It might have something to do with the fact that I start watching college pre-game/commentary at 8AM Saturday and don't stop until the west coast games are done at 11:30 or midnight. Maybe there's some burnout but it's mostly because of the Antonio Browns, LeVeon Bells, and Robert Krafts of the world. It's like watching Real Housewives of Atlanta meets My Strange Addiction. The level of drama has hit a level that would make Maury Povich squirm.
There's only 2 noon games and 1 afternoon game on TV any given Sunday. I don't consider that very many.

And it depends on where you live. If the game of the week on Fox is supposed to be say Dallas versus Seattle in the late game, but the Bears play in the early game on CBS, if you live in Chicago you only get 2 games instead of 3. It's even worse in NY because you only got the Jets and Giants.

I don't watch NFL much anymore, but it seems like down here Carolina and Atlanta get the vast majority of the slots. At least in Iowa they usually pick some local-ish teams and then the guy at the station will pick what looks like it will be a good game.

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