Directed to Jon Miller

Did you or did you not say in your post that I tweeted it out because I thought it was a story? Yeah, you did. Which is you assuming you understand my motives.

My motive was to make the trolls look bad. About ten minutes after I re tweeted it out I went back to undo the retweet as I had given it thought that I didn't want zach to deal with collateral damage. But he had deleted it by then

So, do you still think you know why I did what I did?

I apologize, I was trying to give you credit. Instead, I will let you be a martyr.
Everyone can "ban" anyone they want, at any time, via the "ignore" feature. I've considered using it to the point where I only see my posts in threads -- at least then I could carry on an intelligent conversation or respectful debate.:cool:
I'd be willing to bet that McCabe does know better. But he's pretty young, just coming off an emotional loss where he didn't play very well. So he lashed out to defend himself. Understandable.

A better way to handle it when people attack you via Twitter, is to just retweet what they said. Now the whole world sees what they said and who they are.

You're right that that would have been the best way to handle it. They teach you when you're young that the best way to handle bullies it to show them that it doesn't bother you.
Everyone can "ban" anyone they want, at any time, via the "ignore" feature. I've considered using it to the point where I only see my posts in threads -- at least then I could carry on an intelligent conversation or respectful debate.:cool:

I wouldn't ignore PCHawk if I were you. I agree with everything that dude says.
Your problem with that? I agreed with Zach. Feel that there is a sick minority out there who are cowards and would pee down their legs if they were to be forced to say the things face to face they hide behind anonymity and say. And I like to shine line of that ugly minority in the hops of stamping them out, one cockroach at a time.

You didn't stomp on a cockroach, you gave him a bullhorn and potentially hurt the program going forward. Every college basketball or football player has had at least one idiot insult them on twitter- be it their own fans after a mistake (Jeff Woody blogged about it recently, and Hoiberg mentioned that Matt Thomas had people go after him on twitter after a poor shooting performance), or opposing fans. The difference is that the doting mothers and White Knight wannabes that cover the Hawkeyes decided to make a big deal out of it. Now we have former athletes talking about how terrible the fans are, and people like Rick Brown retweeting every disparaging remark. Recruits follow these reporters; if you were a 2015 basketball player without any connections to the state, would you consider coming to Iowa after this week- assuming you had similar offers to go elsewhere?
Because most people allow their emotions to lead them with anonymity like this. If I banned those folks the board would be vacant after a while. Outside of in the moment emotional settings, most people revert to the mean of being somewhat reasonable.

Look, I've been doing this for 15 years...I've built four or five communities of over 40,000 users minimum. While you may disagree with me and what I do, and while I have faults, I am comfortable with my body of work.

The only thing I am criticizing is the incredible amounts of stupidity that go on in the game threads. I really enjoy this website as a whole and most of the posters are good dudes/women.

It is the same people over and over again in every game thread that throw tantrums like little 6 year olds and rip on the players. You were trying to call out the trolls with your retweet of McCabe. How are these grown adults that cant control their emotions on here time and time again any different than the grown adults that cant control their emotions on Twitter that you were trying to call out?

Both can hide behind usernames.

Both say nasty stuff about student athletes that most of us here are a fan of.

I dont see the difference.
You didn't stomp on a cockroach, you gave him a bullhorn and potentially hurt the program going forward. Every college basketball or football player has had at least one idiot insult them on twitter- be it their own fans after a mistake (Jeff Woody blogged about it recently, and Hoiberg mentioned that Matt Thomas had people go after him on twitter after a poor shooting performance), or opposing fans. The difference is that the doting mothers and White Knight wannabes that cover the Hawkeyes decided to make a big deal out of it. Now we have former athletes talking about how terrible the fans are, and people like Rick Brown retweeting every disparaging remark. Recruits follow these reporters; if you were a 2015 basketball player without any connections to the state, would you consider coming to Iowa after this week- assuming you had similar offers to go elsewhere?

I gotta say, this makes a lot of sense to me.
McCabe's tweet was a story, because it led to Fran banning Twitters by the players, until the season is over.

When we post our thoughts during the game, too many us are like Richard Sherman.
(I have to think twice, before posting, thinking of Jon's rule of calling out players).

We exert much of our energy and passion into these games, that it's easy to call out players.
These are college students, but very high-profile college students.

We did criticize a former coach, in Steve Alford, for individually calling out players, as a reason why they lost.
Yes, it's frustrating why certain player get more minutes and why certain players get x amounts of minutes.
But, it's never one play or one player that causes a loss, it's a combination of many things.
It was stupid for McCabe to respond. Bottom line. If he didnt respond to these select few idiots, this would be a non issue. Idiots are idiots. McCabe should know better.

these people are human, just like you and i. moreover, they are relatively young. decision making not their strong point.

and i'm sure this is not his first run in with the critic - hell, some buttwipe called in complaining about him to his coach.

there comes a breaking point for all and he found his.

now we know why Ferentz - you know, the out-of-touch dinosaur of a coach - doesn't allow 'social media'.......
You didn't stomp on a cockroach, you gave him a bullhorn and potentially hurt the program going forward. Every college basketball or football player has had at least one idiot insult them on twitter- be it their own fans after a mistake (Jeff Woody blogged about it recently, and Hoiberg mentioned that Matt Thomas had people go after him on twitter after a poor shooting performance), or opposing fans. The difference is that the doting mothers and White Knight wannabes that cover the Hawkeyes decided to make a big deal out of it. Now we have former athletes talking about how terrible the fans are, and people like Rick Brown retweeting every disparaging remark. Recruits follow these reporters; if you were a 2015 basketball player without any connections to the state, would you consider coming to Iowa after this week- assuming you had similar offers to go elsewhere?
This is a silly concept. Maybe Jon should ban all negative discussion on the boards. Only post flowers and flying teddy bears covered in syrup. You are trying to bury a guy for doing the same thing you are.

You want to complain about effects on recruiting but you are willing to come on here and call the team weak and the coach has no clue on how to finish a game. guess what recruits are here. Doesn't this messageboard give cockroaches a bullhorn too. Seems I can hear you and I know I am lucky to be nowhere near you.

Which is worse? Retweeting dbag posts or being a dbag on here? Cant have it both ways...
This is a silly concept. Maybe Jon should ban all negative discussion on the boards. Only post flowers and flying teddy bears covered in syrup. You are trying to bury a guy for doing the same thing you are.

You want to complain about effects on recruiting but you are willing to come on here and call the team weak and the coach has no clue on how to finish a game. guess what recruits are here. Doesn't this messageboard give cockroaches a bullhorn too. Seems I can hear you and I know I am lucky to be nowhere near you.

Which is worse? Retweeting dbag posts or being a dbag on here? Cant have it both ways...

Meh, I'm not so sure about that.
I'm not against negative discussion, and I am all for reporting less than friendly stories about the Hawks (as long as they are true), but I am against overreaction. The blow-back from the McCabe twitter thing is completely disproportional and gives a false impression of Iowa.
Jon can do what he wants. It's his site. I went through this thread and counted. There are 7 posters in this thread on my ignore list. I think some on my ignore list are consistently negative. I will never see eye to eye with others...for whatever reason. I don't expect them to be banned. I just choose not to interact with them for the most part. There are other times where I do interact with them.
Look, I've been doing this for 15 years...I've built four or five communities of over 40,000 users minimum. While you may disagree with me and what I do, and while I have faults, I am comfortable with my body of work.

I often go looking at other schools fan forums (without posting) to see the mood or read about specific games, players or incidents. I never see forums that have the use of this one. (Is there a list of the most used college sports forums?) Jon is doing something right to have this forum continue this long with this much use. His monitoring (and sometimes banning) obviously is an important part of the success. Don't like Jon's decisions? Start your own forum. Maybe you will get wildly rich and popular.
Meh, I'm not so sure about that.
Youre right. Only adults post here. Why would a kid interested in sports peruse a message board about the team he is interested in?

I am guessing all off the interest in what is said here only happens the day you put on a uniform.
When we post our thoughts during the game, too many us are like Richard Sherman.
(I have to think twice, before posting, thinking of Jon's rule of calling out players).

We exert much of our energy and passion into these games, that it's easy to call out players.

This is BS. If grown adults are so out of touch with reality that they think cutting down 18-22 year old student athletes is showing "passion" then maybe they should just watch the game away from thier computer/tablet/phone.

Its not passion, its stupidity.
I often go looking at other schools fan forums (without posting) to see the mood or read about specific games, players or incidents. I never see forums that have the use of this one. (Is there a list of the most used college sports forums?) Jon is doing something right to have this forum continue this long with this much use. His monitoring (and sometimes banning) obviously is an important part of the success. Don't like Jon's decisions? Start your own forum. Maybe you will get wildly rich and popular.

Since when did feedback from users become a bad thing?
Your problem with that? I agreed with Zach. Feel that there is a sick minority out there who are cowards and would pee down their legs if they were to be forced to say the things face to face they hide behind anonymity and say. And I like to shine line of that ugly minority in the hops of stamping them out, one cockroach at a time.
Try to be a principal at the 7-12 media is an ugly way for people to hide and shy away from meaningful eye contact. It is not just kids either, parents are just as bad!
Youre right. Only adults post here. Why would a kid interested in sports peruse a message board about the team he is interested in?

I am guessing all off the interest in what is said here only happens the day you put on a uniform.

Internet message boards are pretty far down the list on teenagers internet media favorites.
I'm not against negative discussion, and I am all for reporting less than friendly stories about the Hawks (as long as they are true), but I am against overreaction. The blow-back from the McCabe twitter thing is completely disproportional and gives a false impression of Iowa.
Guess I disagree. The fact that people want to dismiss it tells me they think its ok. Its not. Time to grow up and quit pretending saying things on Twitter or online is above repercussions. If it hurtd the team then it isn't jons fault or anyone who retweeted it. It is the sad bastards who get off on these things that are the issue.

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