Directed to Jon Miller

EXACTLY, this has been made into a bigger deal than it needs to be. I don't care what Jon Miller, Fred Hoiberg, or Melvin Ejim think about the situation. A couple knuckleheads tweeted at him, he responded, and then realized he shouldn't have and deleted it. ( I am sure I would have responded much worse than he did when I was 22) Who cares. It is over and done with. Time to move on, beat Minnesota tonight, and make a move deep in the NCAA tourney. BTW this team is going to the NCAA tournament. We should all be celebrating that.

This is one of the most concerning things to me about the entire ordeal. I mean really? Does McCabe haz brain? It's hilarious when a person that has a lot of followers and a lot of reporter-ish followers thinks that by deleting the tweet it's deleted from the face of the earth never to be revealed in any form again.

If there is anyone from the UofI or any other institution or company that needs someone that knows wtf is going on with Twitter, Youtube, etc. please PM me and I would be happy to manage anyones twitter for a fee. There's these amazing new things called "computer programs" that allow tweets/posts to go to what we itk's call "flushers", that when a maroon like McCabe gets his blood hot and hits "send, enter, post" or whatever with his panties in a bunch it goes to the "toilet" (my phone/comp/ipad) instead of to Twitter. Then, I can either flush it (post it), or not.

If I don't like what I'm about to flush and think it might cause a "clog" then I might send a little message to Zach and Coach Fran or whatever asst., or the SID and say, "hey, I'm not flushing this because it might cause a clog. Fran, get your boy in check." or something like that.

With my patented system, this whole mess is avoided.
The way I see it is nothing can offend you if you're comfortable with who you are. If a player was playing really good and someone told him he sucked, would he really be offended? I'm sure Zach is hurting but it has a lot more to do with his play than it does some random guy on Twitter. Be comfortable with who you are Zach, a decent 5-10 minute guy on a top 20 team in D1. That's better than most.

I agree with what you're saying, but it is a pretty easy thing for someone to say whose performance isn't being followed and critiqued by thousands upon thousands of people in the very state you were born and raised. If you can't personally relate to what he's going through then it's pretty difficult to say you would handle it differently.

Fred Hoiberg said he would not have handled this Twitter crap well at all during his playing career at ISU. He said it would have given him a mental block, and it would have had a negative affect on his performance. For a guy like that to put it in those terms really makes me realize how big of an impact it can make.

At first, I had a similar reaction to you. Who cares what some morons are saying on Twatter. Just ignore it. Well that's easy for me to say when I can't even remotely relate to what he's going through.
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Jon has gotten quiet. I think he finally may have realized that more is less. The best he can do is let it fade away. A win tonight probably takes care of it. A loss and we go right back at it after the game, but it will be even worse.
Can anyone on here explain to me the relevance of Twitter? If I want someone to know something I will email, text or call them. I don't need everybody or all my friends to know what I'm doing or thinking all the time. The same goes for Facebook. I just don't get the appeal of either. I would especially be careful of this type of social media if I were a high profile person of any kind.

With that said, it's almost time for Hawkeye basketball and that's about the only thing that can hopefully make this twitter mess go away along with the general tone of this board.

Lots of 18-24 year old girls with low self esteem looking for attention on there, which is my target audience.
Can anyone on here explain to me the relevance of Twitter? If I want someone to know something I will email, text or call them. I don't need everybody or all my friends to know what I'm doing or thinking all the time. The same goes for Facebook. I just don't get the appeal of either. I would especially be careful of this type of social media if I were a high profile person of any kind.

With that said, it's almost time for Hawkeye basketball and that's about the only thing that can hopefully make this twitter mess go away along with the general tone of this board.

I really like twitter. It's great for following sports/political writers you enjoy reading. I like interacting with other fans as well, plus it's nice seeing a national perspective. So it's like a bite-sized customizable message board.
Your problem with that? I agreed with Zach. Feel that there is a sick minority out there who are cowards and would pee down their legs if they were to be forced to say the things face to face they hide behind anonymity and say. And I like to shine line of that ugly minority in the hops of stamping them out, one cockroach at a time.

I just don't think he should have responded and don't agree with what Zach did. Zach is putting himself out there and is fair game that is how chooses to roll and sadly these type of things happen when you make yourself available.
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Jon has gotten quiet. I think he finally may have realized that more is less. The best he can do is let it fade away. A win tonight probably takes care of it. A loss and we go right back at it after the game, but it will be even worse.

Nope. I just don't choose to engage back and forth on a topic that my mind won't be changed on

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