Danger! Danger! ISU Hoiberg!

BB teams lose, even the best teams lose. Nothing I saw today makes me think that ISU isn't a top 10 team, they are very good.
Walters is the worst. Watched the 1st half at the bar with a ISU buddy, and we commented about how well the game was being called (maybe a missed call each way). On the way home listened to Walters and you would have thought the refs were paid to take ISU down....

listen to his side kick. if walters is bad, this guys is the worst. same in football. all the color guy has is ref complaints.
Well this is disappointing...ISU seemed legit the other day but they turn around and lose on the road to a very pedestrian OU team. I guess Hilton magic is real, it can make a team magically appear a lot better than they are!

I guess a 12-3 record now makes a team pedestrian
Some posters mentioned that ISU was short on bench and an injury to their main PG could see ISU lose more games than expected if no other guards stepping up. Esp when they play Kansas on Monday.
Some posters mentioned that ISU was short on bench and an injury to their main PG could see ISU lose more games than expected if no other guards stepping up. Esp when they play Kansas on Monday.

Not a problem bro, they have two of the best freshman guard in the country. Thomas is better than Hoiberg!
Some posters mentioned that ISU was short on bench and an injury to their main PG could see ISU lose more games than expected if no other guards stepping up. Esp when they play Kansas on Monday.

I agree. If Kane is out on Monday the clones probably go to 14–2.
Wrong forum. Is it really that hard for people to keep threads where they belong? Why even start this anyway?

What is your deal Sparky? Who died and made you king? ISU is directly related to a common opponent for us. This is a relevant discussion here.

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