

Well-Known Member
Anyone been over to that site and read the Iowa Vs ISU predictions, positional edges, etc? Gosh I want to throw up after reading that. I try to look at things unbiased. But does ISU really think their QBs are better than Iowas? To say our secondary is over rated? I don't quite understand that. To believe that their secondary is better than Iowa's is just absurd. Read plenty of posts Tyler Sash is over rated. :eek: I might be a black n gold koolaid drinker. But i'm also a realist. Saw posts calling DJK and McNutt AWFUL? so that gives the edge to ISU WR's. lol that made me laugh! If you want a real funny laugh, go over there! I know this is a "rivalry" and anything can happen, but come on you haven't scored a TD on Iowa in 3 games. For an over rated secondary, I say thats pretty dang good to keep you out the endzone for that long. - The leading online community for Iowa State fans.
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My best advice for you is to stay away. 98 percent of posters on that site are complete idiots, most of whom think Iowa State is always better than Iowa. Just ask them, if Austin Arnaud wouldn't have thrown those 4 interceptions last year they would have been right there with a chance to win the game!

I was talking to an ISU fan the other day who I generally respect most of the time, and he thinks after watching the Cyclones Thursday night that they look like a team that can beat Iowa.

According to him, their A-Rob is better than ours, Arnaud is just as good as Stanzi, and their O-Line will dominate the LOS. If he had any credibility to begin with he lost it when he asked me this: You guys lost all four defensive linemen didn't you? :eek:

Oh, and the other reason to stay away is that you can provide them with FACTS, and do so RESPECTFULLY and that DB chris williams will ban you in a second. You are NOT allowed to say anything less than "Iowa State is the best football team in the country."
Geeeeeesh got to love Cyclone fans. Always good laughs! I mean I thought PSU homers were bad, but Cyclone homers take the cake by a land slideeeee.
My best advice for you is to stay away. 98 percent of posters on that site are complete idiots, most of whom think Iowa State is always better than Iowa. Just ask them, if Austin Arnaud wouldn't have thrown those 4 interceptions last year they would have been right there with a chance to win the game!

I was talking to an ISU fan the other day who I generally respect most of the time, and he thinks after watching the Cyclones Thursday night that they look like a team that can beat Iowa.

According to him, their A-Rob is better than ours, Arnaud is just as good as Stanzi, and their O-Line will dominate the LOS. If he had any credibility to begin with he lost it when he asked me this: You guys lost all four defensive linemen didn't you? :eek:

Oh, and the other reason to stay away is that you can provide them with FACTS, and do so RESPECTFULLY and that DB chris williams will ban you in a second. You are NOT allowed to say anything less than "Iowa State is the best football team in the country."

Not surprisingly this is the way it tends to be in actual face-to-face conversations as well. I know many Clone fans and most of of them are very quick to get defensive and angry if you supply them with facts that strongly suggest their opinions may not be an accurate reflection of the way things actually are. They do like looking through cardinal & gold colored glasses and do not appreciate having their dream intruded upon with facts. This type of Clone fan should do the rest of the college football world a favor and wear cardinal & gold ties that say "Do Not Disturb" on them. That way anyone they come in contact with will know not to waste their time trying to engage them in a conversation involving facts.

I do know some Clone fans that see the bigger picture but they are few and far between.
Seriously, people need to stay away from CF...they are crazy

I have two friends who are big ISU fans and were here on Saturday for the game. They said that ISU's defense is small and their O will have trouble scoring TD's against us. Both of them thought Iowa would win by at least 3 scores.
I was over there last night and saw the clowns delusional ranting. Totally out of touch with reality. They totally forget that the Iowa players built up their stats playing one of the toughest schedules in the country last year.

Iowa's defense will be all over ISU's offense. So any percieved QB edge is for naught. Watch ISU as they try to avoid the "overrated Tyler Sash" while they are avoiding Clayborn, Binns, Klug, and Ballard. ISU's offense had trouble with NIU. They won't be able to double team Adrian and let the others run free in their backfield.

Iowa's Offense will be playing against a defense that while better than EIU, is steps behind Iowa's defense. Iowa's overrated QB won 19 of 23 games and will rip ISU's defense to shreds. Adam Robinson and Jewell Hampton will be a one two punch they won't be able to deal with.
Why would anyone want to slog through a 230+ post prediction thread?

Let them think what they want; they've never been right before and there isn't any reason to think that's going to change.
Geeeeeesh got to love Cyclone fans. Always good laughs! I mean I thought PSU homers were bad, but Cyclone homers take the cake by a land slideeeee.

And for a lot less reason. Its not like ISU has a winning tradition like PSU. All they can talk about is how ISU beat Iowa in 2002. They cling to that one little gem of a victory like its precious. No matter that Iowa went an ran off a win streak after that loss while they fell on their faces...Again!
And for a lot less reason. Its not like ISU has a winning tradition like PSU. All they can talk about is how ISU beat Iowa in 2002. They cling to that one little gem of a victory like its precious. No matter that Iowa went an ran off a win streak after that loss while they fell on their faces...Again!

Never mind that going into that game, most people expected an ISU win, and that nobody could have seen Iowa not losing another game that year.

That ISU tanked the rest of the year only served to add fuel to the fire, as some Iowa fans looked at that as just another example of ISU only caring about the Iowa game.
You guys can believe whatever you want about cyclone fans, and whine about comments all the time, but almost all of the posts in that thread (almost) have the relatively the same rankings as the iowa fans posting in the thread. Hell, the OP was told that he was being generous to the Hawks by a Hawk fan! If you think a majority of ISU fans think we dominate you in every position you are delusional yourself, and also how does your 2007 loss where you allowed no TDs have anything to do with if your secondary last year was overrated or not? (which I don't think they are, I think they are a very solid group)
yeah, i've read too where their O is better than our O, their QB better than ours, their RB better than ours.....when's the last time they've scored a TD in this series......??

And then it comes to their secondary being better than ours.

Their front 7 is going to be in for a long day, as is their OL......
Just wasted about 10 mins reading through that thread, I like how despite the fact that Sash is a preseason All-American and rated higher on NFL draft lists they still refuse to admit he is better than Sims. It's all just because the media is out to get ISU once again haha.
I made a decision a year ago to not really view the other teams message boards very much. I may check in once a week or so but that's about it.
CF is really no different than most message boards of any team (except this one of course) :)..50% Kool Aid Sippers, 30% clueless about football in just about every way and the rest are good, thoughtful, realistic fans of their team.
But as a general rule I stay on Hawkeye sites.
I'll continue to say the same thing I've been saying and that is the talent gap between the two teams is Grand Canyonish. Just check the All-Americans and players in the NFL from last year and the ones that will be this year. It is clearly evident who has the better players.
I honestly don't know why you'd want to spend any time over there other than for a chuckle. They're going to be as biased as possible, like we are over here. For the life of me, I also don't know why there as so many ISU fans over here. Why would they spend so much time over here talking about their team when they have a whole site dedicated to them? I understand a little internet smack-talk, but some ISU fans have in the hundreds and thousands of posts! Must have a lot of time on their hands, or a serious axe to grind.
I'll continue to say the same thing I've been saying and that is the talent gap between the two teams is Grand Canyonish. Just check the All-Americans and players in the NFL from last year and the ones that will be this year. It is clearly evident who has the better players.

Hey don't go dishing on sage and seneca, bro
they are all-time all-world
I mean, they bleed mustard and ketchup
Oh, and the other reason to stay away is that you can provide them with FACTS, and do so RESPECTFULLY and that DB chris williams will ban you in a second. You are NOT allowed to say anything less than "Iowa State is the best football team in the country."

And we have a bingo!
yeah, i've read too where their O is better than our O, their QB better than ours, their RB better than ours.....when's the last time they've scored a TD in this series......??

And then it comes to their secondary being better than ours.

Their front 7 is going to be in for a long day, as is their OL......

Alexander Robinson is better than any back for Iowa right now. just look at last years stats if you need proof of this. could Jewel be as good or better? I guess we'll see. ISU has a more experienced O-line, I don't know if I'd say way better than Iowa's but they're a good group.

Looking at the numbers, stanzi and AA are pretty even. Go ahead and bring up # of wins and "clutch" performaces, but those of you who keep referring to yourself as "realists" would have to admit that Iowa has won games during the stanzi era despite his play as well.

The question "ISU hasn't scored a TD in how long?" keeps coming up, but lets not forget that ISU won without scoring a TD a few years ago.

This will not be a blowout like many of you are hoping for. I'm not saying that ISU is going to win, but it will be a game going into the 4th. If ISU out schemes iowa and doesn't make mistakes, you're kidding yourself if you don't think they're capable of winning.

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