cool story brah

American Greed

trying to learn some new skillz so I can keep up with teh lawyerz on the board
Man, this thread was right in my wheel house, and I missed the entire good part. That'll show me for trying to have a life on Sundays.

On my death bed, if my children ask me for regrets, I'll tell them I didn't spend enough time on HN. Then, I'll tell them they're adopted, just before I die.
Man, this thread was right in my wheel house, and I missed the entire good part. That'll show me for trying to have a life on Sundays.

On my death bed, if my children ask me for regrets, I'll tell them I didn't spend enough time on HN. Then, I'll tell them they're adopted, just before I die.

No kidding, I was wondering where you were. Hay-day, you would have had.
Man, this thread was right in my wheel house, and I missed the entire good part. That'll show me for trying to have a life on Sundays.

On my death bed, if my children ask me for regrets, I'll tell them I didn't spend enough time on HN. Then, I'll tell them they're adopted, just before I die.

I'll give you credit, you've invested enough time to go back and catch up. I still haven't bothered. Maybe it'll turn out to be a slow Monday and I can absolve some of my regret later in the day. It would seem I am missing out.
Bagging on his girlfriend shows how big of ****** bags you guys can be. Why dont you post pictures of your wife once......

Thanks for proving my point so quickly. No, actually it was the other way around. I was attempting to tell you ****** bags to act like grownups and leave JVB girlfriend alone.....
naw dogg, its cool....Just trying to get on your level.. I mean, isnt that how middle age "never has-beens" talk? I can see you now, sitting at your PC with a 27 inch LCD, in your old ratty "army" wife beater. Ball cap backwards, socks off, feet up(because your kankles hurt from "working out") one browser window open to hawkeyenation, 4 other split between shady porn sites.....Just tossing out **** at the cool kids girlfriends....Hell, maybe even doing a little facebook stalking of the cool guys from high school that ditched sucks man, I get it. Keep your chin up!

Thanks for proving my point so quickly. No, actually it was the other way around. I was attempting to tell you ****** bags to act like grownups and leave JVB girlfriend alone.....

So this was you being....normal? I see. Now drive your Nova back to work, you gotta make 40k this year.

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